The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 123 Then What Is He?You don't even deserve to have a weak word!

Chapter 123 Then What Is He?You don't even deserve to have a weak word!


After the two forces collided, a humming and trembling sound spread throughout the forest, and everything stopped for an instant.

Everything seemed so intact, so peaceful, as if two forces were canceling each other out.

Can't blow any wind and grass at all.

But in fact, in the seemingly peaceful environment, there is a fierce current surging inside.

Sure enough, after about 10 seconds


An inconspicuous creaking sound broke the silence in the woods.

Taking the location where the forces collided as the radius, all the trees within 10 meters were cut off in half, and the remaining force set off a hurricane, rolling up fallen leaves, dead branches, sand and stones, and swept them towards them.

Pei Jiuyin didn't care whether he had that ability or not. Subconsciously, he couldn't just watch Tong Li get hurt, so he stepped forward to protect Tong Li in his arms. The sand and stones fell on his back, but it didn't hurt too much.

And most of the power rushed straight into the depths of the woods, and it was bound to annihilate the things hiding in the darkness in one fell swoop.

Tong Li was observing well at first, but suddenly her sight was blocked, and her forehead hit a chest as hard as iron. When she couldn't see anything, her ear power instantly expanded, and she leaned over to listen to the surrounding noises, as expected There was no explosion.

The evil spirit lurking around them rushed towards them with an unstoppable momentum.

Tong Li struggled to get up, but at the moment when she raised her head, the evil spirit that surged up just now suddenly dissipated in place, as if it had never been there.

During this period, the black curtain in the sky suddenly cracked a crack.

The crack is like a messenger of light in the darkness, eating away at the dark curtain, and the cracked area gradually expands until the bright moon that has been covered for a long time is exposed.

This scene caught people off guard, and the two looked at each other with a little confusion in their eyes.

I don't know what happened at that moment.

Is their crisis resolved in this way?

Was it because of her knife just now?Tong Li couldn't confirm.

According to her prediction in advance, if the thing in the dark was hit by her knife, it would be broken for at least half a day, but the knife just now seemed to be hit on cotton, and there was no response.

Was it swallowed by something inside?What can digest the energy of the fog blade?
If not, why did the canopy dissipate?

There are too many puzzles accumulated in my heart.


Pei Jiuyin lowered his head and saw that her face seemed to be in a bad mood, and instantly became nervous: "What's wrong?"

"Is something uncomfortable?"

Tong Li chanted a spell in her heart, put the knife back, and looked at the scene in front of her, she felt very uncomfortable.

She cast her eyes on Pei Jiuyin, and said without beginning and end: "Am I really that weak?"


"How come, you are very powerful, don't you see all those things were beaten away by you just now?"

He pointed to the sky again.

"It's all back to normal."

Tong Li frowned: "But it didn't destroy it, it ate my knife just now."


Pei Jiuyin didn't know what to say. To him, her ability could be described as miraculous, but she actually said that she was weak?

What is he?
You don't even deserve to have a weak word!

"Let's go." Tong Li quickly adjusted her thoughts. She didn't come to fight today, but to find something.

Pei Jiuyin was confused by her, but now is not the time to talk about this, there is danger everywhere, and he must find something to leave quickly.

He strode up to keep up, took a few steps and looked back at the position he was standing just now. He didn't know if it was his illusion. Just now he obviously felt something was coming towards him, but the moment he touched him, the The sense of oppression disappeared inexplicably.

The feeling was fleeting, but he wasn't sure if he had made a mistake.

Pei Jiuyin shook his head.

The next trip went smoothly, and no ghosts or ghosts came out to obstruct it.

Soon they found the doll under a tree.

But its location is not what those people said it was.

There are no traces of people digging around here, and this location seems to have been deliberately thrown here.

Tong Li looked up at the sky, and seemed to have noticed something strange, before he had time to think about it, he picked up his things and walked back quickly.

In the car, Secretary Qiao saw that the two had come back safely, so she got out of the car quickly, opened the rear door like a dog, and invited them in.

After everyone got into the car and sat down, the driver immediately turned the front of the car around, stepped up the accelerator, and drove towards the city at high speed.

After they left the mangrove forest completely, the dark power that had been hiding before spewed out again.

"Quack quack..." A large group of black crows flew over the top of the tree in an orderly manner.

Layers of thick black mist hung over the woods again, once again covering all the dazzling stars.


They had rushed back as fast as they could, but when they returned to the villa, they were still one step too late.

The evil spirit had already begun to wreak havoc, and the whole villa was surrounded by evil spirits.

The corners of Tong Li's eyes twitched: "This is a bit troublesome."

She said how the doll ran so far, probably to delay their time.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the empty villa outside the door, he couldn't see any evil, but felt that the villa was different from before he came here

It seems more gloomy.

Tong Li held the doll's neck tightly in her hands, and the doll's kaleidoscopic eyes lit up at an angle that no one else could see.

Secretary Qiao rang the doorbell for several minutes, but no one came out to answer the door.

Tong Li guessed that something happened inside.

She looked up at the high door, without saying hello, took two steps back, jumped, stepped on the handle of the door and jumped over.

You are on the other side, I am on the other side, there is an iron fence between them, Pei Jiuyin was deeply speechless for a moment, is he going to leave him or what?
He jumped up quickly.

When Pei Jiuyin landed safely, Tong Li raised his eyebrows while standing there, looking at him strangely from top to bottom, not knowing what he was looking at.

Pei Jiuyin thought there was something wrong with him, looked suspiciously at himself up, down, left, and right, but found nothing unusual, and asked a little blankly: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing." Tong Li didn't answer directly, but put the puppet in his hand instead.

Sure enough, as soon as the thing was in his hands, the evil spirits around him were farther away from him?
Why is this happening?

This made her even more unable to see through Pei Jiuyin.

Pei Jiuyin was even more confused. He refused to give it to him in the car before, so why did he give it to him now when he got here?

He picked up the puppet and took a closer look. The doll was very strange. It seemed to struggle a bit when it first came into his hands.

But I also felt that maybe I was overthinking, it was just a puppet dug out of the mud, how could it move.

After the puppet landed on Pei Jiuyin's body, it did struggle a bit, because the man gave it a shock of infinite fear, a fear from the bottomless abyss, as if as long as the man gently squeezed, its puppet body and its The soul will be instantly wiped out.

"Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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