The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 125 She swears to the sky that in the future, where there is Pei Jiuyin, she will never prov

Chapter 125 She swears to the sky that she will never provoke Pei Jiuyin in the future.


The person on the bed opened his mouth wide and let out a painful scream, his limbs suddenly became stiff and stiff. After a few seconds, the person twitched non-stop like an epileptic seizure.

A pair of eyes stared wider than Dou, and the ferocious red and black bloodshots on his face kept stretching back and forth, as if he was looking for a breakthrough, trying to break out
But there is a force behind it that sucks it tightly, no matter which direction it goes, in the end that force will ruthlessly pull it back.


In the airtight room, a cold and biting wind blew for no reason.

The sky outside suddenly changed drastically. The original starry night sky was suddenly covered by thick layers of dark clouds, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into endless darkness.

With this villa as the center, the lights in a radius of ten miles were strongly disturbed and flickered uncontrollably.

The wind blew wildly, the shallow-rooted trees were uprooted, the vacant objects were rolled up, and countless things rolled and collided in mid-air.

Such a strange phenomenon, no one dared to go out to check.

Tong Li seemed to have sensed something, looked up, his eyes became more and more fierce: this evil spirit is so stubborn.

At this time, there was a 'bang bang bang' sound from the door, and something outside seemed to want to break in.

Pei Jiuyin stood there, a little at a loss. He didn't know where the weird wind was blowing from, and he didn't know if Tong Li could solve it. Things seemed to get out of hand.

How to do?
His worried eyes moved back and forth between Tong Li and the door.

He wanted to help Tong Li but couldn't do it.

Tong Li squinted her eyes and looked at her belly that was swollen like a ball. Without turning her head, she shouted to the people behind her, "Pei Jiuyin, stand behind the door."

Pei Jiuyin didn't know Tong Li's intentions, but what she said would definitely be useful.

He ran to the door in a hurry, and the things behind the door slammed into each other more violently, as if they were about to break into the door in the next second.

Although he knew that there was something behind that might pose a threat to his safety, but now he couldn't care less, as long as he could help Tong Li, he would have no hesitation.

Pei Jiuyin turned his back to the door, stood upright, and blocked the door like a door god.

Also at this moment, a faint golden light radiated from behind him.

The banging sound behind the door stopped abruptly, and Pei Jiuyin looked back suspiciously, wondering if the thing had left?

The weather outside became more and more out of control, Tong Li twitched the corners of his mouth, does this thing have a helper?
Ah!Just right, get rid of them together.

"The five elements of heavenly thunder, the power of heaven and earth, help to eliminate demons."

As Tong Li issued the order, thunder sounded in the sky outside, from far to near, from small to large, the person on the bed probably sensed that the threat was getting closer, and the struggle became more and more severe.

Tong Li sneered: Is this why you are afraid?
The black and red blood on the boy's face had disappeared, his belly was getting bigger and smaller, and the doll's eyes were constantly turning, making a clicking sound.

Tong Li knew that this thing was to attract the attention of others, as long as she met those eyes, she was likely to be controlled by it.

Now the evil energy of the whole villa is gathered on the roof, presumably they want to fight them to death.

Tong Li despises this thing: "No matter how much you do, it's just a dying struggle."

As the thunder was approaching, Tong Li was stunned for a moment when he heard the thunder, the sound seemed not right.

What she attracted was just an ordinary lightning strike, just enough to crush the evil spirits outside, but the sound of thunder was mellow, it was not like ordinary thunder.

Only then did she remember that there was a strange figure beside her, and she slowly turned her head to look at Pei Jiuyin.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it, where did the aura come from this man.

After thinking for a long time, he finally figured out the mystery. I'm afraid it wasn't his father who thought his son was threatened, so he could rush over and smash the threat to ashes!

So what to do now?
Tong Li shouted to the person standing at the door: "Pei Jiuyin, come quickly."

It's too late!

As a tool person, Pei Jiuyin has no right to refuse, so he can only obediently walk to Tong Li's side.

"What's wrong."

Tong Li glanced at him first, gnashing her teeth a bit: "What's wrong?"

Sternly reprimanded: "Stand still."

Tong Li looked at the spell that was about to be completed, and moved her mouth up and down, trying to speed up the process.

A thunderstorm as thick as an arm has formed outside.

Tong Li raised his hand and drew a star map of golden light upwards, and the energy emitted by the star map radiated to their positions.

She knew that this star map could not withstand many lightning strikes, so she could only pull Pei Jiuyin to her side, no matter how his father did not rely on Pu, he would not be able to hit his son.

Tong Li looked at the evil spirit on the boy's belly, it was almost there, she closed her eyes tightly, and murmured a spell quickly, the person lying on the bed trembled even more.

The wind is raging outside, the thunderclouds are rolling, and the lightning in the clouds is constantly flashing. There is an unknown danger to nature, so human beings have an attitude of awe. Seeing such a strange phenomenon, everyone shuts the doors and windows tightly and trembles. Watched in shock.

"Boom." A thunderbolt as thick as an arm struck towards their villa with great precision.

Just at the critical moment, Tong Li suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Take it."

In an instant, lightning struck.

The helper that the evil spirit had found disappeared in the heaven and earth before it could resist.

But things didn't end there.

After the thunder struck, a few strands of lightning sprang out from the powerful residual electricity, and as a rag doll full of evil spirits, it was the first to be struck straight.

After chopping the doll, Lei Dian didn't stop.

Tong Li looked at the scattered electric wires and had a bad premonition in her heart.

In the next second, the string of electric wires shot at her, the speed was too fast, and she was not given any time to react.

In the midst of the lightning, Tong Li was also mistakenly struck.

The electric body moved back and forth on his body, but within a few seconds, his body couldn't exert any strength, his whole body was weak, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

Pei Jiuyin's complexion changed drastically, and he reached out to support the fallen body. When he touched Tong Li, he could still feel a shock.

It has to be said that his father's recognition was really accurate, except for his own son, none of the creatures present could escape the fate of being hacked.

Tong Li's vision was blurred, looking at Pei Jiuyin's anxious face, the last remaining consciousness made her raise three fingers: She swears to the sky that wherever there is Pei Jiuyin in the future, she will never provoke thunder.

This is not the sky thunder that I recruited at all, how can I recruit myself to strike me?


After Tong Li fainted, the evil spirit surrounding this villa dissipated in the sky and the earth, and the sky immediately began to rain heavily.

A brave man came out in the rain to check, and only then did he know that all the circuits in a radius of more than ten miles were destroyed, but it was strange that they didn't find any signs of scorching even though there was such a big thunderstorm.

Such a strange phenomenon made everyone puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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