Chapter 127
"Look at this, can it make you forget what you looked like just now?"

He slowly approached her, took her hand, and pressed it, his voice was low and sexy and a little seductive: "You can do it, as long as you can forget it."

Tong Li felt the heart-pounding temperature in a daze, and made a difficult swallowing movement.

Pei Jiuyin leaned down, held her face in his hands, kissed her lightly on the lips, and said softly, "Is that good?"

"Tongtong, you've been sleeping for so many days, and I'm worried about you for so many days. I'm full of you."

It was too late to clean up myself.

"I don't want you to have such a bad side of me in your memory."

Pei Jiuyin wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned his head on her neck, and absorbed the refreshing breath.

Tong Li felt a little itchy, and turned her head to hide for a while, as if she was a little embarrassed, how could it be possible to forget such things as memorization.

Before she could figure out how to answer, she heard steady breathing from below.

Is this... asleep?
Tong Li sighed inaudibly, and raised her hand to touch the short hair on the back of his head: "Why bother!"

Tong Li rested for a day, revived with full blood, and came to work in the company early in the morning.

From afar, I saw the company's doors open.

As soon as they entered, they saw three or four people sitting on the sofa. When they saw Tong Li, everyone stood up subconsciously?
Several people stared at each other, as if they forgot to speak.

Yi Jianzhou coughed lightly, breaking the stagnant atmosphere, and said with a smile: "Master Tong, here we come."

"Hey, let me introduce you."

Yi Jianzhou pointed to a girl in yellow clothes: "This is my new receptionist, see if it works."

In order for Tong Li to find a suitable receptionist, he has devoted himself to death, no matter how despised, he really doesn't know what kind of person to find for her.

As for the other, he didn't know how to introduce her for a while.

Without waiting for his introduction, Xiyou jumped out first, with his nostrils turned upside down, and his attitude was very arrogant: "I am also here to apply. I have a double degree and graduated from a famous foreign college."

"Although I don't have work experience, it's more than enough for me to be in a small company like yours with my education."

Seeing her arrogant appearance, I almost pointed out: I can come with your broken company, because your ancestors burned incense.

Tong Li glanced at her, then looked at Yi Jianzhou: "Why did you bring her here?"


Yi Jianzhou didn't expect the two to know each other, but this time Tong Li really flattered her, how could he get this high-ranking little princess.

It was this little princess who suddenly came to him one day and asked him to introduce her to work here.

How dare he say no to the little princess of the Xi family.

Regardless of her academic qualifications, how could a person who puts herself on the top all day long be able to do a good job at the front desk.

But facing the wealth and power of the Xi family, he couldn't afford to offend him. Even if he didn't want to, he could only bring her here first. Anyway, Tong Li had the final say.

"Hehe..." He furtively winked at Tongli.

But Tong Li didn't seem to see it.

Looking up and down at Grapefruit: "Do you know what my company does?"

"What to do?" She didn't have a deep understanding of this, so she wanted to come over and stare at people, so that she was not allowed to approach Qu Rui alone.

But she remembered that day, sister Lan Xin said, she rolled her eyes in her heart, and said disapprovingly: "Isn't it just a fortune teller!"

Cut, it's a deceiving thing. Anyway, she doesn't know how to tell fortunes, so she just came over and stared at people.

"I'm recruiting a girl who serves tea and water, can you?"

"There are also cleaning the environment, making return visits to customers, negotiating some matters with customers, including telephone consultation, and completing the tasks assigned by Master Tong." Yi Jianzhou added next to it, such trivial matters do not seem to be very difficult , but put it on a rich young lady, hehe...

Ask her to pass tea to the client?Can customers afford it?
"Serving tea? Passing water? Cleaning up?" Xiyou stared wide-eyed, pointing at the tip of her nose in surprise, as if she couldn't believe what they just said.

It's funny, not to mention whether she has work experience, just looking at her two degrees, it is impossible to do these chores.

Tong Li frowned, and said bluntly: "You are not suitable."

Grapefruit frowned: "Why, my education..."

Tong Li interrupted her unceremoniously: "I don't need a degree for my job, I need someone who is pleasing to my eyes."

Everyone: "..."

Weird recruiting standards, such willful reasons for recruiting, she is the only one who dares to say such things.

Really don't give the grapefruit little princess any face.

Seeing Xiyou who was so angry that he couldn't speak, Yi Jianzhou covered his mouth and chuckled, and said, "Master Tong, see if this one suits your eyes."

Tong Li was now looking at the girl. This girl had a straight face, full forehead, slightly concave chin, and clear lip line. She was a good-natured girl.

Look at her ears are full and fleshy, her eyes are gentle and determined, she is not easy to have evil thoughts, and she will not be perfunctory in her work.

Facing Tong Li's sharp gaze, the girl tensed up nervously and clenched her hands slightly.

She has two years of experience working in the front desk, and has met many people of all kinds, but the girl in front of her who seems to be her age, when examining her, has an aura that makes people unconsciously afraid , I feel that no ghosts or monsters can escape her eyes.

Tong Li looked away after reading it seriously, and nodded: "Okay, just her."

The girl's breath was clean enough, and it made people feel more comfortable, so she didn't bother to pick any more.

"Okay, okay." Yi Jianzhou said yes again and again, and his heart suddenly blossomed.

After searching for so long, I finally found one that suits my heart.

"No, you recruited her, what should I do?"

Grapefruit jumped out, if Tong Li didn't recruit her, what excuse would she have to follow her?
Yi Jianzhou secretly wiped off his cold sweat, this little princess is really difficult, Tong Li has rejected her so clearly, and is still clinging to her.

He couldn't figure out why she, a big lady, had to come here to find a job and experience life, and why she had to squeeze into this small company with so many companies in her family.

"Where do you go back and forth from?" Tong Li went straight to her office, she was not used to her.

Grapefruit naturally refused, stretched out his hand to stop her, and said arrogantly: "I don't want it, I want to work here."

Tong Li looked at the hand lying in front of her eyes, her eyes turned cold, and Xiyou's arrogance faded instantly.

"I...I..." Xiyou thought of her horror, and was frightened into incoherent words.

Usually, the family members let her in and never said no to her, but Tong Li is not from her family, so she will not support her.

But if she wants to win this job, she has to find a way.

Grapefruit's eyes rolled, and she was quick to think, and said with a straight neck: "You drove me into the sea last time, and almost drowned me. I haven't settled the score with you yet. That' owe me, I... I'm going to work here."

Tong Li's eyes were too scary, she resisted the urge to run, and finished speaking intermittently, anyway, she was going to work here.


No one spoke in the office, it was eerily quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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