The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 134 The crushing beating of 'Boyfriend Rescue'

Chapter 134 The crushing beating of 'Boyfriend Rescue'

He shook off Tong Li, stepped back five steps away from her, and raised his hand to wipe away the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and nasal cavity.

Looking at the bright red blood stains on his hands, Jing Beichen smiled instead of anger.

It was this smile that made the scalps of people outside the stadium tingle.

Jing Beichen's eyes darkened, "It's really good, I haven't been beaten for a long time. '

He saw the right time, took advantage of the unpreparedness, and sneaked over.

After another round of unarmed punches, Tong Li still couldn't be shaken.

Jing Beichen looked at Tong Li vigilantly, a little puzzled.

Her fists and feet seem to be soft and weak. Only when you have actually fought with her can you know how strong and fast she is.

I don't know how she practiced, she was like a diamond iron man, no matter how hard she was beaten, she couldn't be defeated.

And he also found that this woman didn't try her best. If she tried her best, what would it be like?
This woman was indeed terrifying, but it was such a woman that revived his silent heart.

How about a little excitement?
He hadn't encountered such an interesting prey for a long time.

Tong Li clenched her fists tightly, the man's eyes annoyed her very much, and she had to teach him a profound lesson, so that he could clearly understand that she wasn't just letting others rub her against her.

Didn't he want her life?Then let her see who will win in the end.

Tong Li rushed over and vented her emotions with her fists. She punched to the flesh, but not fatal. Generally speaking, she just made you hurt, but didn't let you die.

Jing Beichen's face was distorted when he was beaten, and he gritted his teeth to forcefully accept Tong Li's tricks.

Suddenly his arm was grabbed by Tong Li.

There was a "click", and the shoulder joints made a crisp sound.

Tong Li directly took off one of his arms.

" really hurts enough."

Jing Beichen was pinned on the beach and couldn't move. He was convinced physically, but not convinced in his heart.

Tong Li mercilessly stepped on him on the sand: "How is it? Does it feel good to be beaten?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Jing Beichen, who was severely punished, let out a crazy laugh.

"Suck..." He laughed too hard, causing his chest to vibrate, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Well, it's very comfortable."

"It's just that your strength is too weak, hitting your body is almost like scratching an itch."

Tong Li looked at the stiff-mouthed Jing Beichen, and increased her strength in her hands.

"Hmm..." Jing Beichen snorted.

This man was also tolerant, after beating for so long, his nose was already bruised and his face was swollen, his arms were also removed, and he only moaned and chirped a few times.

The bodyguards surrounding him wanted to rush up to rescue him, but they were turned back by Jing Beichen with a look.

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "I'm being impatient when I say this, and my temper is a little bit off, but the advantage is that it is unique enough, why not..."

Jing Beichen's other intact hand fell into the sand inadvertently.

He looked at Tong Li with a half-smile: "Why don't you leave that Pei and follow me?"

Tong Li pressed the corners of his eyes, seeing that this person was about to die, he still spoke without restraint.

The next second, Jing Beichen stood up, and he took out a gun from the sand, but before he could point it at Tong Li, Tong Li snatched the gun from him with quick eyes and hands.

"I think you won't cry when you don't see the coffin. I have warned you to stay away from me. You have sent people to hijack my car over and over again. Do you really think I dare not kill you?" Tong Li's voice was cold. Temperature, put the muzzle of the gun against Jing Beichen's temple.

From her eyes, it can be clearly seen that she is not joking, and if she is in a hurry, she will really shoot this man dead.

With the gun pressed against his forehead, Jing Beichen still had a smile on his lips, not worried that Tong Li would shoot at all.

At this moment, the sound of propellers came from the head, and everyone looked around, a helicopter landed slowly, and a lonely and arrogant man jumped out of it.

This man was known to everyone in high society, and everyone knew it.

Seeing Pei Jiuyin appearing here, everyone was surprised.

Pei Jiuyin looked anxious, and ran over quickly. After passing through the crowd, he saw Tong Li holding a gun and pressing it against Jing Beichen's head.

The people below were still able to move, they were not dead, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long ago, there was also news from his side that the group of people earlier were also sent by Jing Beichen.

Jing Beichen surrounded and robbed Tongli time and time again, but he didn't know why they were arguing.

But no matter what, Tong Li couldn't kill this person in public.

Pei Jiuyin came behind her, hugged her, and took the gun from her hand.

Pressing the person in his arms, panting slightly: "Tongtong, this person cannot be killed."

Tong Li frowned, and pushed the person away.

Pei Jiuyin staggered two steps before standing up, and he was also very embarrassed.

Not sure how to explain to her what was at stake.

The Jing family is a big family, and it is also a veteran-level existence in the capital.

There are many people who want to kill this lunatic Jing Beichen, but none dare to kill him.

Once someone from the Jing family finds out who killed this person, they must be prepared to take the entire family on board.

Over the past few years, the forces of the major families in the city have checked and balanced each other, and now they have reached the most stable state in history.

Once someone stirs up trouble first, the major families will no longer have a stable life to speak of.

This head can be raised, but it cannot be led by them.

Tong Li looked at Pei Jiuyin who looked embarrassed, then at Jing Beichen who was lying on the beach with a smile on his face, he could only let go of his fist angrily, turned and left.

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips, looking worriedly at Tong Li's angry back.

Suddenly his face turned cold, and he looked at the culprit of this incident with sharp eyes: "Mr. Jing, today's affairs will not be left alone."

"You have asked people to kidnap my girlfriend again and again. If the Jing family doesn't give a reasonable explanation within three days, then don't blame me for being rude."

People cannot be killed, but they can be beaten and tossed. No matter what angle you look at in this matter, it is Jing Beichen's fault in the first place.

Although Tong Li beat him so embarrassingly, it had nothing to do with him, it was Tong Li who beat him himself, and he was still angry.

If he dared to bully her girlfriend, if he didn't take off the Jing family's skin, would he be worthy of the title of Tong Li's boyfriend?
Tong Li drove back to Pei's house by herself, and after calming down, she also thought of why Pei Jiuyin didn't let her kill Jing Beichen.

No matter where she is, the relationship between the big families is complicated. Although she is alone, she still has to stay in the capital. Absolutely.

She didn't intend to kill him herself, she just wanted to teach him a heavy lesson, otherwise she would be annoyed by this man's way of robbing and killing every day.

Tong Li drank water, thinking about her own affairs, Pei Jiuyin hugged her gently from behind, apologetic: "I'm sorry."

"Tongtong, don't be angry with me, okay?"

"The Jing family plays a very important role in the capital, so we can't kill him so blatantly."

"But don't worry, even if I can't kill him, I won't make him feel better."

 It's more than [-] words, treasures, can you reward me with a humble ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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