Chapter 136 The First Injection

Now Tong Li is a distinguished guest in their family, so she can't be neglected.

"Second Aunt..." Qu Rui nodded towards her with a chatty smile on his lips.

"Hey, Xiao Rui is here too, and Grapefruit is here too."

"Second aunt." Xiyou smiled sweetly at her, and went up to hug her arm affectionately.

It seems that the two have a good relationship.

Grapefruit suddenly frowned, and asked disgustedly, "Second Aunt, what does your house smell like? I smell it from a long way away."

The lady glanced at Tong Li and said with a smile, "It's the smell of traditional Chinese medicine."

This is the prescription given by Tong Li. She brewed it 8 hours in advance according to her instructions, and there is still about an hour left, which is just right.

After the acupuncture and moxibustion, Manman can take a medicinal bath.

"Oh." Xiyou is not interested in these things, but she is still very happy that the little sister of the Qu family can stand up.

"Go and see the patient." Tong Li had a businesslike attitude and didn't waste half a minute of time.

"Okay, please come with me."

The noble lady brought people to Qu Manman's room. The little girl's room was decorated very dreamily, even the walls were pink.

There are photos of her dancing when she was healthy, as well as various award-winning photos, from childhood to adulthood.

The little girl in the photo is so beautiful, so lively and cute, with such a beautiful smile. Her life was originally sunny, but was ruined by an accident.

Looking at these photos, and looking at the girl leaning on the bed and unable to move, the difference is simply heaven and earth.

If it weren't for those beautiful big eyes, there would be no resemblance between the two at all.

Seeing her daughter reading, the lady walked over with a smile: "Is Manman tired from reading?"

Since Tong Li said last time that she could stand up, Manman has changed every day. Although she said she didn't believe it, she knew that her daughter had hope in her heart.

The most obvious thing is that pair of dim and silent eyes, which gradually became brighter.

In the past few days, she has eaten more and more food, and her efforts have been to prepare for today.

Everything is going in a good direction.

I hope that God will take care of them a little more, so that her daughter can stand up again.

When Qu Manman saw Tong Li, his big eyes rolled, and he called softly: "Sister."

From these two words, everyone can hear that she has placed deep expectations on Tong Li.

Tong Li nodded to her, took a step forward, and felt her pulse.

He asked, "Did I take all the medicines I prescribed on time?"

"I ate it, I ate it." The lady on the side answered first.

After Tong Li touched her pulse, she pressed down her pulse line, and felt the pulse more carefully. From her strong and weak pulse, she knew that her body was indeed much better than before.

In addition to the role of drugs, in fact, her psychological role is particularly important.

They can use medicine to save a living dead person, but for a dying person, it is impossible for gods to save them.

Tong Li withdrew her hand, and the lady asked nervously: "How is Miss Tong, is Manman okay?"

Afraid of hearing bad words from Tong Li's mouth, she rushed to tell Qu Manman's performance during this period: "Manman has eaten a lot these past few days, taken her medicine on time, and slept better than before. I also drank a big bowl of porridge this morning, and my complexion is much better than before."

Tong Li said leisurely: "Well, it's really good."

It was just such a common three words, which made the tight hearts of the people present relax a lot, and the smiles on everyone's faces couldn't stop increasing.

"I will give her an injection today, and then take a medicinal bath to observe her later reaction."

"Okay, okay, everything is up to your arrangement." The lady closed her mouth happily and nodded repeatedly.

The noble lady sent out all the extra people, leaving only Qu Rui, who is a doctor and can help Tong Li. Xiyou insisted on refusing to leave on the grounds that Tong Li was his personal secretary.

In the past, she could only watch from the sidelines as the two of them worked in harmony, but what happened now, it was impossible to drive her away.

After Qu Rui's persuasion failed, he didn't care about her, as long as she didn't disturb Tong Li.

Tong Li took out her things and arranged them one by one, and ordered the people behind to take off Qu Manman's clothes.

Seeing the skinny Qu Manman, Xiyou felt very sad, and her voice was a little choked up: "Manman, this big sister is very powerful, she will definitely help you stand up."

Although she doesn't like Tong Li, it is undeniable that she is really powerful.

Qu Manman responded in a low voice.

Everything was ready, the two retreated to the back, Tong Li's face was slightly condensed, and he picked up the golden needle and inserted the first needle.

She made the needle quickly and accurately, and twisted the needle at a tricky angle. The two people behind them held their breath unconsciously, for fear that their breathing would affect Tong Li's needle.

Every time Tong Li took an injection, the flesh on Xiyou's face twitched, as if the needle was stuck in her body.

Qu Rui carefully observes her acupuncture points and techniques. Her acupuncture method is indeed different from others. If others want to keep their tendons smooth, they will follow the major acupuncture points from one end to the next in an orderly manner. .

Tong Li, on the other hand, stopped and observed for a long time every time she gave an injection, what was she looking at?what can she see

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and Tong Li only had a dozen needles.

The joy in Qu Manman's eyes on the bed gradually became lonely. From the very beginning, she felt the pain all over her body with her heart. Whenever there was even a little pain, she would be overjoyed, but no, she didn't feel any pain at all.

After experiencing too many failures, she couldn't help but think wildly, worrying that this last hope would turn out to be nothing but joy.

Xiyou felt sorry for the little girl who squatted in front of her, touched her head, and comforted her: "Don't worry, this is just the beginning, and it will get better."

Qu Manman's eyes were red, she didn't want others to see her embarrassment, so she simply turned her head aside.

She has heard these words too much, and she doesn't want to hear any more. Last time, this big sister just held a wooden stick and pressed him a few times, and she could feel the pain, but now half an hour has passed... What happened before? So, it's still the same now, there is no reaction at all.

Tong Li clung to her bony and pinched back, every stitch of hers affected the medulla of the tendons, she wanted to connect them all tightly together and untie them to break the veins.

It would be easier to find her from the beginning, but now her body has undergone no less than a dozen operations, and the inside has been ruined, and it is even more difficult to repair it now, especially now that the snake Can't find it yet.

Tong Li frowned tightly and inserted the No.16 needle. After the needle was inserted, the medullary marrow stopped moving, and her body could be exhausted to this extent at most, which was lower than she expected.

Can't go on any longer, it's a waste of energy to go on.

Tong Li stood up and loosened his muscles and bones, and said to Qu Rui: "After half an hour, you pull out the needle, first put 135..."

"Pull the rest after 5 minutes."

"I'm going to see how the medicinal soup is doing."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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