Chapter 139 She is so bold and tough.

Grapefruit is a bit puzzled, I don't know why Qu Lanxin is still holding on...

Suddenly there was a flash of inspiration in my mind.

No... So Tong Li doesn't have a medical license?
Did Sister Lan Xin catch this loophole, and was trying to make trouble for Tong Li?

oh well...

The war begins.

Tong Li's pigtails were pulled by someone, and she was still her rival in love, so she was finished.

Grapefruit cheered up like chicken blood, and waited for Tong Li's answer with sparkling eyes.

Let her be arrogant, let her be defiant, and let Sister Lan Xin frustrate her spirit.

A trace of disgust gradually appeared on Tong Li's face: "So what if you have it, so what if you don't have it? What does it have to do with you?"

Grapefruit gave him a thumbs up in his heart: arrogant, just.

Qu Lanxin smiled, and said in an unhurried manner: "No, maybe Ms. Tong doesn't know the laws of country A, and she is not qualified to practice medicine but treats others. .”

"I also kindly remind Miss Tong, don't just rely on your superficial knowledge to harm others everywhere."

"Manman is still young and can't stand the trouble. If something happens to Manman, Miss Tong will be the one to blame."

After she finished speaking, the corner of her mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm, and she turned to look at Grapefruit.

"Isn't that right, Yuzu?"

Xiyou, who was watching the excitement, froze for a moment, she was only a theatergoer, why did you throw the question on her?
Xiyou frowned, falling into deep melancholy.

If it were anything else, she would definitely be on Sister Lanxin's side. After all, she is not looking at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha. After all, she is also Brother Qu Rui's younger sister.

But this matter involves Manman, what can she do, she is also very helpless.

To be right, it is equivalent to saying that Tong Li cannot heal Manman.

Although Tong Li doesn't like her, her medical skills have been confirmed by Brother Qu Rui. Even if she doesn't have a medical qualification certificate, she only needs to be able to cure Manman.

And Manman's appearance... To put it bluntly, she was put to death and survived.

She is willing to take this risk if she puts this encounter on herself, after all, lying in bed, not everyone can bear this kind of life that is worse than death.

If it was wrong, it would be disregarding the law, and it might make Sister Lanxin hate her.

So no matter how she answered this question, she would be wrong.

Ok?How to do?
"Youyou." Qu Lanxin's eyes darkened, and she urged her loudly, which was bound to make her show her attitude.

She grew up with Xiyou, and she had 100% confidence that Xiyou was on her side.

But now she hesitated.


Grapefruit only felt that two big stones had been pressed on his shoulders, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe!

She smiled embarrassingly: "Actually, I think... In terms of Manman's situation, no matter whether she has the qualifications to practice medicine or not, as long as she can cure Manman, then everything is fine. All doctors are sentenced to death."

"Tong Li's medical skills should be okay...Sister Lanxin, how about we don't care about the evidence and let her try it. If she is really cured, then the whole world will celebrate, don't you think?"

She still decided to say something nice for Tong Li.

After listening to her words, Qu Lanxin tightened her face.

For a moment, Xiyou felt that Qu Lanxin's gaze was like an ice pick, stabbing her body fiercely, making her shiver from the cold.

But when she looked seriously again, Qu Lanxin still had that gentle face.

Grapefruit was very nervous, thinking that he had read it wrong, so he didn't put it on his body.

Tong Li stared at her coldly, and she could clearly see every slight expression that flashed across her face.

Naturally, she didn't miss her flashing past obscurity.

She laughed in her heart: the hypocrisy of human nature.

Qu Lanxin lowered her head, adjusted her emotions, and said in a muffled voice: "Indeed, it's good to have hope, but I'm afraid it will be a toss, and in the end it will be nothing."

Xiyou smiled awkwardly, and didn't dare to talk anymore, feeling that nothing was right.

The atmosphere in the living room became stagnant, and a potential gunpowder filled the air.

"Blue Heart is here too."

Lady Qu's words broke the eerie silence of the living room.

She came with enchanting steps, she wanted to ask Tong Li to visit her daughter, but Qu Lanxin also came.

She didn't know about the conflict between Qu Lanxin and Tong Li, nor did she notice the gunpowder in their eyes, she just felt that it was strange for these three young people to sit there stupidly without saying a word.

"Second aunt." Qu Lanxin changed her face instantly, and raised a heart-warming smile.

"How is Manman?"

"Oh, by the way, look at my brain."

"Miss Tong, Manman has already carried her back to her room, please go up and have a look."

"En." Tong Li stood up and raised her eyebrows provocatively at Qu Lanxin. She didn't have the medical qualification certificate she said, but here, she can go upright and swagger.

"I'll go and have a look too." Xiyou felt that Qu Lanxin was acting weird today, she didn't dare to stay here anymore, it's better to hide first.

Qu Lan's heart was calm on the surface, but nameless fires ignited in her heart one after another.

"Lan Xin, you don't know, your brother has helped me a lot this time. If it wasn't for Xiao Rui, Manman might really have been lying in bed for the rest of her life."

Alas, with a daughter like that, it's hard to say whether she will have a lifetime.

Qu Lanxin's eyes closely followed Tong Li's back, and she didn't hear what Lady Qu said at all.

"Second aunt, I also want to go up to see Manman." Qu Lanxin interrupted her, ignoring her surprised expression, and went up directly.

Xiyou followed Tong Li's footsteps, and whispered next to her: "Tong Li, I think you have to put down your temper."

"Sister Lanxin is not a good man and a faithful woman. If you don't give her face like this again and again, be careful that she finds someone to deal with you."

Tong Li gave her a contemptuous look, as if saying that she was a fool.

"Hmph... You have to be quiet now, wait until the day Brother Jiu doesn't want you, see if Sister Lanxin will take care of you."

She wanted to ridicule her a few more words, but seeing Qu Lan's heart came up, she was so frightened that she quickly closed her mouth and followed obediently.

The two came to the bedroom, Qu Manman was lying on the bed looking tired.

She didn't know what was going on with her. After taking the medicinal bath, she wanted to sleep very much.

But she wanted to hear Tong Li's final result, so she insisted on not letting herself sleep.

When he saw Tong Li coming over, his eyes showed a little smile.

He called softly, "Sister."

Qu Lanxin, who just came in, heard it, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a contemptuous arc.

She clearly remembered that since her cousin learned that she could no longer stand up, she was extremely negative, unwilling to communicate with others, and looking for life and death all day long.

No matter how they communicated, they couldn't pry a response out of her mouth.

Now, how long has it been, even my sister has called out.

It has to be said that Tong Li has a way of bewitching children.

But so what, Qu Manman has more than just a cervical spine injury, wanting to cure her is a dream!

"Well, how do you feel?" Tong Li walked towards the bed, and the servant next to her immediately set up a small stool and pulse bag for her.

(End of this chapter)

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