Chapter 142 Poisoning
He didn't provide this information to anyone, so how did she know it.

Tong Li didn't answer, but instead asked him: "Mr. Zhao, please extend your hand."

Zhao Deyi stretched out his hand, and Tong Li took his pulse for a while, and during this time, released a little bit of spiritual power to swim on his body.

A few minutes later, she withdrew her hand and whispered something in Qu Rui's ear.

"Miss Tong, you might as well speak up if you have something to say." Zhao Deyi suppressed the little excitement in his heart.

Tong Li thought for a while, and said leisurely: "Mr. Zhao should not have entered the body from evil spirits, it is the neurotoxin left in your body."

"The toxin of this kind of thing is very special. It will lurk somewhere in your body. As long as you stay at sea, it will not attack. Once you stay away from the sea, the toxin will sense the changes around you, and it will attack quickly. Your body protection.

As a result, rashes and ulcers will appear all over your body, which will threaten your life in severe cases. "

Zhao Deyi frowned, not convinced: "If it is poisoning, the doctor should be able to find out."

At that time, the doctor found out that there was nothing wrong with the body except inflammation. He thought it should not be poisoning.

"That's right, how can there be such poison in this world, and you can clearly distinguish between land and sea, and the little girl must have a degree in nonsense." The Taoist priest on the side regards Tong Li as a competitor, and of course he will step on his feet if he has the opportunity.

"The poor monk also thinks it's impossible. I think Mr. Zhao's house is dark and dark, and his family and business are both hindered. He must be contaminated with some kind of filth. The luck will be good and bad. Wait for the old monk to recite Qi Qi to the benefactor Zhao. Forty-nine days of transcending the Buddhist scriptures will surely remove all the filth."

The Taoist saw that the monk was going ahead smoothly, and he himself was not far behind: "Boss Zhao is infected with evil spirits. Let me set up the altar to drive away the evil spirits, and Boss Zhao will regain his freedom of movement."

The old Taoist gave Tong Li a disdainful look: "Little girl, I advise you to go home and read more books. Not everyone can do this job."

Tong Li turned a deaf ear to their words and stared at the box. She didn't need the money, but Lu Tiancao must get it.

But judging from Zhao Deyi's complexion, he was obviously more inclined to the words of the old Taoist priests and monks.

She wasn't in a hurry, maybe Zhao Deyi had a bit of evil spirit before, but the people he had been looking for had eliminated that evil spirit.

As far as the current Zhao Deyi is concerned, he is prosperous and prosperous, and his luck is smooth all the way. The only variable is being tortured by the toxin left by the ghost fish.

"In that case, I'll wait for news from you two." Tong Li stood up and was about to leave.

Sometimes no one cares about Shangchuangzi's business. Although she wants Lu Tiancao, it's not like being held in her hands for fun.

"Hey, don't!" Zhao Deyi was concerned about the friendship between the two families, and anyone he could invite had real talents.

He doesn't want to let go of any possibility. Although he doesn't believe that he is poisoned, it is not impossible to think about it.

Over the past year or so, he has sought over a hundred masters, some of them are pure liars, and some of them are real talents, but they just can't solve the mystery of his body. If there is any poison in his body, the doctor will not be able to see it ...

Uh... put it this way...he didn't believe it himself.

But it's worth trying anyway.

Tong Li was a little tired after working all morning, so she didn't want to talk anymore: "It's okay, since the two of you are sure to help Mr. Zhao get rid of the evil spirits, let the two of you try first, I still have something to do here."

Seeing that she really wanted to leave, Qu Rui also stood up and bid him farewell.

Due to Qu Rui's face, Zhao Deyi didn't dare to stop him, so he could only watch them leave helplessly.

The monks and Taoist priests couldn't tell how happy they were when they saw that there was one less competitor.

After the two left the cruise ship, Qu Rui asked the doubts in his heart: "How did you leave? Lu Tiancao..."

Tong Li hooked her lips and looked at the blue sea and blue sky: "Things can't escape, only I can cure his poison."

"Zhao Deyi is a smart businessman. If you want to negotiate terms, you can't be too hasty."

"After all, he has the ability to get Lu Tiancao, so he shouldn't stop at Lu Tiancao."

Qu Rui understood that this was a long line of fishing for big fish.

Zhao Deyi is indeed treacherous, and it will take a lot of work to get him to help you honestly.


Back home at night, before Pei Jiuyin came back, Tong Li began to meditate.

She didn't realize it at first, but she was a little strange seeing Pei Jiuyin for several days in a row.

However, at the Jing family...

In the study room, sitting in front of the desk was a majestic middle-aged man. He looked at the two sons below with sharp eyes.

One is greedy for fame and profit, and the other is not doing business properly, causing troubles all day long.

The superior man lit a cigar, put it in his mouth and took a deep breath, and white smoke spewed out from his nostrils: "Tell me, who of you has offended the Pei family."

In the past two days, the Pei family kept stumbling him and lost a lot of money. He asked the boy surnamed Pei and told him to come back and ask his son.

He subconsciously wondered if his youngest son had done something.

But recently, Jing Beichen has been quiet for a long time, and he doesn't touch the business circle, so it is impossible for him to have contact with Pei Jiuyin.

Could it be the second son, what did he do behind his back?
Jing Beichen sat lazily on the sofa, with a strong alcohol smell on his body, and felt that he couldn't breathe well, so he stretched out his hand and tugged at the neckline irritably.

Jing Beiqi shrugged his shoulders: "Dad, I do things properly. I still know who should be messed with and who shouldn't be messed with."

It's the one who is full and waiting to die, who knows what's wrong with him to provoke the Pei family.

"Beichen." The old father's sharp voice sounded.

"What's with the wound on your face?"

Jing Beichen smiled, "Hi..." He hiccupped a lot, and answered the wrong question: "Pei's family?"

He nodded indiscriminately, "Well, I did it."


Father Jing took a deep breath, looked up at the ceiling, and suppressed his urge to kill him.

After 1 minute: "What the hell did you do again."

"'s nothing. Didn't he get a girlfriend recently? I thought it was fun, so I planned to grab it and play."

"Who knows that she is so ignorant, it's better to kill her."

Father Jing was about to vomit blood from his anger, he picked up the things on the table and threw them at him.

Although Jing Beichen had been drinking, his intuition was very accurate, and he took the pipe thrown from the opposite side with his bare hands.

"You bastard, you want to piss me off, so you're happy, aren't you?"

"There are so many women in the world, who do you choose? Why are you touching Pei Jiuyin's woman?"

"I just said why the Pei family has been staring at me so closely recently."

Father Jing supported his back with both hands, angrily circling on the spot.

Jing Beichen touched it, and his face was bruised a little: "Hehe, there is no way, the women Pei Jiuyin chose are so interesting."

This little pepper is really ruthless, but this is enough flavor, he now knows that the little pepper can't be solved by force.

Then let him try other methods.

(End of this chapter)

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