Chapter 144 The First Serious Date
Tong Li's eyes became colder, and she moved her fingers rhythmically on the outside of her thighs. To be honest, she really wanted to throw him out, but she couldn't.

They could only speak coldly to each other: "Take your things and go out."

Jing Beichen lowered his head and smiled, a fierce light flashed in the depths of his eyes, as if some conspiracy was brewing.

When he raised his head again, he changed into a pleasant expression again, and the speed of changing his face was amazing.

"Don't be like this, I really regret it, Ah Li, why can't you forgive me just once? Give me a chance to reform myself?"

Tong Li remained silent.

Jing Beichen continued his performance: "How can Ah Li accept my flowers? I know that a bouquet of flowers is not enough to represent my sincerity, so I'll buy you whatever you want."

"I'll say it again, get out right away."

While hiding, Xiyou was secretly amazed, she didn't know why Jing Beichen was crazy, to curry favor with a woman in such a low voice.

Jing Beichen is notorious, domineering and insidious, no one in their circle would dare to offend him.

She didn't have much contact with him, the only time she met was at a party when she was ten years old.

That day her little rabbit disappeared, so she searched everywhere, and when she passed the back garden, she saw Jing Beichen hiding in the garden.

And her rabbit was in his hands. The cute little rabbit was suddenly divided into two parts. At that time, her eyes were staring straight from the fright, and she completely forgot to react. He didn't know how to get home.

Later, the servant said that he couldn't find any tools for the crime around, and he literally tore a rabbit in two.

This person was terrible, he was simply a psychopath, and she had a fever for three days because of this incident, which almost made her stupid.

From that day on, this man left the title of devil in her heart.

Although his father brought him up to apologize in the end, the shadow left in her heart will never be erased.

For example, now, she can tell at a glance that that handsome skin is filled with a pure devil.

No matter how gentle and charming his smile is, it is poisonous, as long as he touches it, he can smash you to pieces.

Jing Beichen shrugged his shoulders, chuckled lightly, said nothing, put the bouquet in his hand on the table, and looked at her with burning eyes: "That's right, I have done so many things to hurt Ah Li before, you have done so much to me. It's normal to be defensive, but I'll show you my determination."

"But not now, I have something to do recently, wait for me, wait for me to come back, I will come to apologize."

Jing Beichen took out a bank card from the wallet and put it on the table, and Tong Li could tell at a glance that it was his own.

"How can I accept Ah Li's money? I put 1000 million in it, and you spend it slowly."

"Remember, wait for me to come back."

He put the wallet in his pocket, and showed an intriguing smile towards Tongli, and the sentence he left behind was also easy to imagine.

Then leave gracefully.

Seeing that the person was far away, Xiyou dared to come out and jump around. As soon as she opened her mouth, she yelled: "Tong Li, you are going to die, why did you mess with this lunatic..."

Tong Li looked at her coldly, Xiyou felt the threat of death from her, and she was so frightened that her Adam's apple fought and she couldn't make a sound.

She wanted to be more courageous, and at least reply a few words, this one and two fierce ones are too annoying.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Tong Li was about to leave the company.

As soon as he left the door, he saw a familiar figure.

Tong Li's eyes lit up, and he raised his eyebrows: "Why are you here?"

Speaking of which, she hadn't seen this man for several days.

Pei Jiuyin walked towards her with long legs: "Come to pick you up."

These days he was busy tripping up the Jing family, and he hadn't come home for several days. This woman was really cruel. During the few days she didn't go home, she really didn't have a single call.

Tong Li looked him up and down, frowned slightly and asked, "What have you been doing these days?"

Before Pei Jiuyin could finish complaining, he heard his girlfriend's concerned greeting, and fireworks burst into his heart.

But he didn't want Tong Li to know those things: "Nothing."

"Nothing, why is your breath so foul!" It must be something bad.

Pei Jiuyin "..."

He thought his girlfriend cared about him, but he didn't expect that he disliked him, and he felt bad for a moment.


Tong Li glanced at him lightly, without saying anything.

Pei Jiuyin pressed his eyebrows, feeling so depressed in his heart.

"Okay, let's go eat first." Pei Jiuyin took her hand and walked downstairs.


The two came to the Yunding Restaurant, which was beautifully and luxuriously decorated, with flowers, bands, and expensive food.

It can be seen that Pei Jiuyin attaches great importance to their first date.

"Why is there only one table?" Tong Li looked around.

Pei Jiuyin pulled out the chair for her and motioned her to sit in: "Well, I don't want others to disturb our meal."

As soon as they were seated, someone brought out goblets and poured red wine for them.

Immediately afterwards, plate after plate of delicious food was placed on the table.

I have to say that today's dinner is very rich, and each plate is extremely beautifully arranged. Even she, who doesn't care about appetite, can't help but want to eat two bites after seeing it.

The table was very big, Pei Jiuyin should have sat opposite her, but he didn't want to be too far away from Tong Li, so he sat directly next to her.

Started peeling a shrimp for her
"how's the work going recently?"

Tong Li replied: "It's okay."

When Pei Jiuyin thought of her work, his eyes became dark, and a trace of boredom flashed across his face.

Originally, he wanted to open that company for her by himself, but Yi Jianzhou took the lead.

Let's just drive, these two people meet every now and then, even though Tong Li doesn't like him, she still feels very uncomfortable.

Even she spends more time with Qu Rui than he does.


Pei Jiuyin put a few peeled shrimps on her plate.

Then he raised his hand and beckoned to the people behind him.

Secretary Qiao ordered to come over with two black folders.

He unfolded the folder and put it in front of Tong Li.

"Miss Tong, these are the ghost lists we have received for you in the past two days. We have only collected more than [-] copies in a limited time, and we will sort them out for you one after another in the next few days."

"It clearly records the information of the client, the problems encountered, and the detailed information of the incident. You can take a look."

Tong Li glanced at him: "What are you doing?"

"Don't you want my money? Then I'll find an order for you. Why, you can accept the order Yi Jianzhou found for you, but you can't accept it for me?" Pei Jiuyin's eyes gave a threatening signal, as long as she dared to If he said no, he...he went to tear down her company.

Looking at the two thick folders, Tong Li felt a little headache.

"It's not that I don't want to pick it up, it's that I don't have time to pick it up."

"What do you mean?"

"I plan to finish the two orders in my hand and take a long trip."

Pei Jiuyin exploded: "Going far away, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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