The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 149 Ms. Tong who can piss off the boss

Chapter 149 Ms. Tong who can piss off the boss
At five o'clock in the afternoon, the sunset glow reflects gorgeous colors, and the fine rays of sunlight float in from the windows, dotted and scattered in the office.

The office at this moment is like a beautiful picture scroll, comfortable and comfortable. Inside, there is a girl with a beautiful face, sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone.

Tong Li thought about whether to call Pei Jiuyin and tell him that he had something to do tonight and might not go back.

She didn't move yet, but she called first.

Tong Li pressed the answer button: "Hello..."

"Tongtong, I'll pick you up later..." Pei Jiuyin's voice was light and cheerful, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

But Tong Li's next words poured cold water on him.

"I have something to do tonight, so I may not go back."


After the words fell, there was a sudden silence over there.

You can feel the depression and depression of the person opposite through the phone.

Tong Li pursed her lips, lowered her eyes and looked at the documents on the desktop.

There was a trace of resentment in Pei Jiuyin's tone: "Why are you going?"

"I've received an order, I'm going to have a look at it tonight."

"Then I will accompany you."

"No." Tong Li refused very quickly, very simply, without any hesitation.


Pei Jiuyin's heart is filled with disgust, being rejected by others?
Why the person involved didn't know, but she knew it very well. The incident of being struck by lightning that day was vivid in her mind. How dare she let him go with her again? Was it because she didn't feel itchy enough?

If you really want to tell a reason, what reason should you reject him?I can't say that when you are by my side, something uncontrollable will happen.

"You are not fit to go!"


The other side didn't know what was knocked over.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm hanging up."

Tong Li wanted to avoid this question, so he hung up as soon as he said it.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the phone that was hung up and couldn't say anything. He was so angry that he threw away the documents on the desktop and almost turned the table over. "What do you mean he's not suitable to go?"Then who is suitable to go. '

This woman really has the ability to piss him off.

Secretary Qiao rushed in when he heard the movement.

When I came in, I saw the boss who kept pacing in place with his hands on his hips angrily.

It must be Miss Tong who can make him angry like this.

Secretary Qiao asked cautiously: "Boss...the car is ready, do you go?"

Pei Jiuyin stared sharply, and Secretary Qiao shrank her neck in fright, and stood there like a quail, not daring to make a sound.

"Where are you going? No."

"work overtime."

The two words Pei Jiuyin decided the fate of the entire secretarial team. At first, everyone was happy that they could get off work early today and go shopping with their girlfriends and wives, but the big boss was furious and said they had to work overtime.

They didn't know if something happened, and the boss got so angry that they didn't dare to ask, and they didn't dare to tell, so they could only put down their briefcases and work overtime bitterly.


In the evening, Tong Li came to Li Yao's house according to the address. Unlike previous clients who lived in villas, she lived in a high-end residential complex in the city center.

Tong Li called Li Yao and asked Li Yao to come down.

But the phone over there has been unable to get through. Fortunately, she had greeted the security guard earlier.

You can go in, but you need to go through complicated procedures to get in.

Tong Li messed with it for a long time, and finally the security guard gave her a card.

Tong Li took the card and walked to the building where Li Yao was.

While walking, I observed the surrounding environment. It is now 7 o'clock, the twilight is dim, and the lights of each house are brightly lit. Some people are already enjoying the food, and some people just came back.

Busy figure, warm atmosphere, everyone is enjoying the coming of the night.

When Tong Li saw the window of a high-rise building, his eyes suddenly froze and became cold and severe in an instant.

Now you don't even need to look at the building, you can confirm that it is Li Yao's home.

On the tall building, a small figure was holding a dilapidated doll, sitting on the balcony of the high pavilion, with his feet passing through the guardrail, a pale face lying on the guardrail, and his calf shaking constantly.

If any child sits like this, he will be picked up by an adult and beaten.

But this child is not a human being, and no one can see her, so she dares to sit there so unscrupulously.

The little girl stared at Tong Li, and suddenly grinned, as if she knew she was coming.

Tong Li blinked, and the little ghost disappeared.

Tong Li frowned, said badly to himself, and quickened his pace to the building where Li Yao was.

The elevators here have one card for each household. She took out the magnetic card and swiped it on the sensor, but the elevator did not respond. She tried several times, but the elevator still did not respond.

Tong Li's eyes darkened slightly, and she guessed that something above was playing tricks.

She reached out and patted on the door of the elevator, swiped the card again, and the elevator opened.

Tong Li walked in, everything was safe and sound, the surroundings seemed so normal, yet so abnormal.

The elevator closed and went up slowly, but there was no abnormality after all.

The elevator arrived at the floor safely. As soon as the elevator door opened, a gust of dark wind came in, blowing her hair and making her skirt flap.

The elevator and the lights in the corridor made the sound of electric current, flickering on and off.

An eerie atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

With a cold face, Tong Li stepped out of the elevator and walked forward slowly a few steps.

The elevator door closed with a 'snap', and then there was a series of creaking, extremely sharp and piercing scratching sounds from the aisle.

Coupled with the flickering lights, some strange reflections appeared inexplicably on the walls, making it even more frightening in the empty corridor.

With no fear on her face, Tong Li walked straight forward, before reaching Li Yao's door, the door opened by itself, and a pungent and unpleasant smell wafted out.

And all kinds of ghosts and ghosts are just to scare off people outside.

But what she didn't expect was that this time the person not only didn't get scared, but also walked towards the house fearlessly.

Tong Li came to the door and looked into the house. At a glance, there was a pile of dark brown unknown liquid in the center of the hall, as if something was still wriggling.

The pungent smell she smelled just now should be from it.

In addition to the pile of weird things, there was a seven or eight-year-old girl sitting on the sofa.

Suddenly there was a whoosh.

Her head turned 180 degrees, and the two looked at each other, invisible sparks splashed out, and two different air currents collided back and forth.

The little girl's soul sensed that Tong Li didn't intend to kill her, and she didn't want to harm other people, so she looked away, sat quietly on the sofa, and said in her immature childish voice: "You go, I do not want to hurt you."

Tong Li didn't leave, but walked towards her. Her task hadn't been completed yet, so how could she leave.

Moreover, this little ghost has a deep resentment, if he doesn't stop it in time and wants to turn into an evil spirit, it will be a matter of minutes, and it will take a little more effort to deal with it in the future.

It's just such a small ghost, where did such deep resentment come from.

(End of this chapter)

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