Chapter 16

Lu Fang "..."


Although he still doesn't know if it was really removed, but the feeling just now is not fake, and the effect is indeed much better than those magic sticks he found before.

"Return the bracelet to me." Tong Li turned to the bracelet on his left hand. This bracelet protected him all night, but the aura in it was a little bit worn out, and she felt a little pain.

Lu Fang was reluctant to take off the bracelet and handed it to her. He also knew that this bracelet was a good thing, but that belonged to someone else.

Tong Li took back the chain, put it back on her hand, and stretched out her hand again: "There are still 5 yuan."

Lu Fang frowned deeply, "Fifty thousand?"

"At the police station yesterday, the policemen said they would not take it away as evidence."

"I thought you would get the money back when you came out."


Tong Li made a special trip to the police station for this matter.

The money was hers and she had to get it back. She thought they would shirk it, but when she asked to get back yesterday's money, those people quickly gave her the 5 yuan.

He also secretly gave her a small card, hoping that she would not pursue what happened yesterday.

Tong Li confiscated it. She didn't know if it was stuck or not. She just wanted to get back her 5 yuan.

She never imagined how much money she lost by this evasion.

Carrying a bag of money, Tong Li wandered the streets, and unknowingly walked to the Chinese medicine store where she was looking for a job. She looked at the money in her hand, thought for a while, and went in.

The person who received her was the same guide from last time. He recognized Tong Li as soon as she came in. This is the girl who came to ask the doctor to apply for the job last time.

In fact, this girl is so beautiful that people who have seen her can't forget her. A pair of crystal clear eyes are like hanging beads, which dazzles people. There is a kind of noble and natural aura inadvertently flowing out of her body. People can't move their eyes.

"Hi, how can I help you." The guide bent slightly and brought her in sincerely.

Tong Li blinked slightly: "Do you sell golden needles?"

"Yes, this is the largest Chinese medicine center in the capital city, and we have all kinds of medical equipment and medicinal materials here." The guide introduced the various advantages of his pharmacy in Tong Li's ear with great emotion. There is a tendency to develop Tong Li into a long-term customer.

Tong Li kept a quiet face and followed behind him.

The last time I just stayed in the lobby for a while, only to find that there is still a big hole in it when I came up.

There are at least four or five floors in it. After listening to his introduction, all the things in the field of Chinese medicine are collected here. After a little observation, the things are indeed quite complete.

Seeing that she didn't respond at all, the guide shut up in a timely manner. They can sell to the guests and properly show a lively atmosphere, but they can't make the customers feel disgusted.

Just like the one in front of you, her expression hasn't changed since she came in, no matter how carefully you observe, you still can't see what's really going on in her heart.

Since she came to apply for a doctor last time, she should have done too much research on Chinese medicine, and if she said too much, it might be counterproductive.

The guide took her up to the fourth floor and took her directly to the acupuncture area. The shopping guide in the special area was not there, only Qu Shao was there.

Qu Rui knew what the guide wanted to say, and before he could make a sound, he shook his hand at him and signaled him to go down.

Tong Li came to the stitching area, saw a whole face of needles in front of him, raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

There are indeed a lot of needles here, not only gold needles, silver needles, and some older needles, but also various sizes and shapes, making people dazzled.

Her goal is very clear, except for those gold needles, she just glanced at the others: "Trouble, show me that set of gold needles."

Qu Rui put down the silver needle in his hand and walked towards her.

There was a gentle but alienated smile on the corner of his mouth: "Miss, what's your surname?"

"Miangui's surname is Tong."

Tong Li glanced over, and quickly looked away, as if he didn't pay attention to the person in front of him.

"Miss Tong, did you buy it as a gift or for yourself?" Qu Rui took down the set of gold needles and another set of stainless steel needles.

"use it yourself."

Hearing this, Qu Rui looked up at her delicate face, not because of her beauty, but because it is relatively rare for a young girl like her to use golden needles for acupuncture.

"Miss Tong, gold needles are relatively soft and easy to bend, and the technical requirements for users are relatively strict. For elementary students like you, it is recommended to use this kind of stainless steel needle."

Although selling golden needles can make more money, it is obviously not suitable for students to operate, and he can't sell other people's golden needles against his conscience.

Tong Li pulled out a stainless steel needle, flicked his fingers, and a slight trembling sound came out. In terms of hardness and elasticity, this kind of needle is really good.

She said very precisely, "I want golden needles."

Qu Rui was a little helpless: "Okay, we're just giving customers a pertinent suggestion. If you insist on choosing golden needles, then I'll wrap them up for you."

"Do you want to bring this set of stainless steel needles with you?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No need."

Although the stainless steel needle is good, its conductivity is relatively poor. She tried the exercise just now, and the power it transmits is unstable and difficult to control, but the golden needle is easy to use.


After buying golden needles, Tong Li went to the second floor to grab more than a dozen traditional Chinese medicines.

A set of golden needle plus medicine cost her nearly 3 yuan, and her bag weighed more than half, but in general she can accept it.

It's just that the golden needles are a bit more expensive, the quality of the medicinal materials is a bit poor, and the money is not spent. It seems that she has to work harder to earn more money.

She has never been troubled by money, but she has bowed to money again and again after arriving here.


After Qu Rui sent the man away, he felt rather sighed in his heart. He thought that he was a medical student who didn't understand anything, but it turned out that his medicine identification skills were even sharper than his.

Being so young and proficient in medicinal materials, his family should be from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Only when he has been exposed to it since childhood, can he be so proficient in medicinal materials.

Seeing the figure walking away, Qu Rui's pupils constricted slightly, and the beautiful figure from a few days ago gradually overlapped with the one in front of him.

"is her?"


In the evening, Tong Li returned to Pei's house around 10:00 on time, and also saw Pei Jiuyin sitting in the living room and reading documents.

Pei Jiuyin doesn't know what's going on with him recently. Usually when he comes home, it's either a study or a room. These days, he always sits in the living room unconsciously.


It should not be.

It's just that the air in the room is not very good, and it's rather stuffy. The spacious hall will be more conducive to clear mind and better work.

Yep, that's it.

It's just that he has forgotten that the purification system of this house is the best in the world, and there is no such thing as bad air quality.

Seeing Tong Li come back so late, it's like catching a late comer.
Looking at her now, her eyes are not eyes, her nose is not her nose, and she is inexplicably irritable.

But in a blink of an eye, he realized that he didn't seem to have the status to talk to others, so he turned to the next best thing and said: "A girl, it's better not to wander outside at night."

 This is the fear from the soul, um...the two must have an inseparable relationship, but we can't say...

(End of this chapter)

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