Chapter 160 Thrilling Shiping Mountain Villa

Zhou Yang frowned: "This place is not easy to go to."

It's okay during the day, but I'm afraid it will be fatal at night.


A man leaned close to her ear, and said eeriely, "Because there are ghosts there."

Zhou Yang pushed him: "Don't scare her."

Girls are afraid of this kind of thing, in case they are really scared...

In the past, Grapefruit might not dare to talk about this kind of topic.

But she knew that Tong Li did this herself, and she had experienced it herself, and such a topic would not cause her much fear.

Zhou Yang saw her froze for a while, and patted her on the shoulder: "Are you scared?"

"It's okay, with my brothers here, no monsters can touch you."

Xiyou rolled his eyes at him, returned to his seat and picked up his mobile phone: "Take me to Shiping Mountain."

"No...sister, there really is that thing in Shiping Mountain..."

"Yes, there is. Didn't you listen to what my cousin said just now? Find someone right away."

"Isn't he more terrifying than a ghost?"

Zhou Yang was stunned for a moment: "It seems to be the same."

In the end, Zhou Yang gathered 50 people and went up the mountain to find someone.

There are so many of them, with such a strong yang energy, what other ghosts dare to get close?

So at 11 o'clock in the evening, all the people who were supposed to be sleeping gathered together, and a dozen or twenty cars appeared on the inaccessible Shiping Mountain Road.

The people in the car were not only not afraid, but also showed special excitement, especially those who had only heard of its name but never seen its mountain.

Only Zhou Yang, who was in the front car, had a serious face, the closer he got, the tighter his nerves became.

He was also involved in the incident back then, so he knew exactly what happened to Shiping Mountain.

After coming to Shiping Mountain, the scene at the beginning became more and more clear in my mind
Suddenly the road scout vehicle in front stopped, and a person got off the vehicle, bent down and picked up something on the ground.

The man saw the slight change in color behind the thing, and hurriedly walked towards Zhou Yang.

"Young Master Zhou, the car can't get in, we've been going around in circles."

The bodyguard handed him the thing in his hand: "I threw this on the side of the road to mark it before. We kept driving, but we finally returned to the original road."

Obviously, there is only one way up the mountain, and it is impossible to diverge.

A person from behind came to Zhou Yang and shouted excitedly: "Fuck, have we encountered the legendary ghost hitting the wall?"

His words made the people behind even more excited, and threatened to open their eyes to see what the ghost looks like.

The timid man could not help but shudder when he heard it.

The people in the car got out of the car one after another, looking at the dark night sky, feeling extremely excited.

Zhou Yang and Xiyou looked ahead worriedly. Shiping Mountain was clearly close at hand, but they couldn't reach it anyway. It was obvious that those things were making moves.


Following the guidance of Li Yao's soul, Tong Li single-handedly came to the area of ​​the abandoned villa, and as soon as he approached the area of ​​the villa, he clearly felt a bone-chilling chill.

This place has been abandoned for many years, tall trees stand everywhere, all the roads have long been covered with weeds, and there is no way to go.

She looked around and saw that the place was full of yin and qi, and she understood why it was said that a villa could not be built here. Even if it was built, it would be impossible for living people to live in such a harsh place.

The strange thing is, why didn't she notice the Yin Qi prevailing here before?
Is there something that cuts off the yin?
Why is there a feeling of déjà vu?
Confused, Tong Li stepped on dead branches and grass and walked in. Every step she took, there would be a rustling sound under her feet, and sometimes there would be a sound of dead branches breaking.

At that time, the villa only made frames, but now these frames are surrounded by dense vines, and the wind blows, causing the leaves and trees in the whole area to sway non-stop.

Some frames have collapsed a lot under the wind, sun and rain, and some can't even see their original appearance clearly.

Along the way, she only saw some innocuous Yin Qi, why couldn't she feel a ghost.

Tong Li's eyes were as sharp as a sharp edge. Looking at the only completed villa in front of her, she smelled a familiar smell, which was exactly the same as when she was in the mangrove forest.

She said how this wave of operations is so familiar.

Suddenly, a gust of wind passed behind him, and Tong Li suddenly turned around, but there was nothing behind him.

Tong Li looked around vigilantly, and when there was no movement, she shouted to the open space, "Li Yao, I'm here to pick you up, come out quickly."

"Li Yao, if you don't come out, you won't be able to go back, come out quickly."

"Li Yao, Li Yao..."

Tong Li's voice was steady, as if she was carrying a hook. Li Yao would definitely come out when she heard it, but she didn't, or she couldn't.

After hesitating for a moment, Tong Li decided to go into the villa to find out.

The outer frame of this villa has been completely built, except for the doors and windows.

The inside is very empty, about [-] square meters by visual inspection, and the inside structure is intact, no dirt, no peeling. Obviously, the outer wall of this villa is covered with vines, but there is not a single leaf stretched inside.

It stands to reason that there will always be some animals running in to shit and pee in such a big villa, but let alone these things, there is not even a single ant.

This is too unreasonable.

What kind of secret is hidden here?
Before she could figure it out, a mirror suddenly appeared behind her out of thin air, a pair of arms like dry sticks quietly stretched out from the mirror, just when those hands were about to touch Tong Li.

Tong Li turned around suddenly, a sharp sword appeared in his hand, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed at those hands.

However, the speed with which the hands retracted was too fast, they missed the cut, and the mirror disappeared in place in an instant.

The surroundings returned to deathly silence.

Tong Li looked around calmly, everything seemed normal here, but she knew that there was another space here.

No wonder she only smells her yin but not her soul.

While she was observing, the temperature in the room dropped sharply, and dense frost appeared on the wall strangely.

The original uneven wall was gradually filled up, and the pure white and flawless frost continued to condense, finally forming a thick ice block, and countless ice strips extended from the ice block, quickly sealing the doors and windows firmly.

Tong Li felt like she was in a huge ice cage at this moment, she didn't panic, her expression was extremely calm.

The frost is still spreading, and the space of the villa is shrinking. Maybe it thinks that as long as it is sealed off, the people inside will be free to eat.

Tong Li lowered her eyes and looked at the ground. While the ice condensed, wisps of black mist emerged from every corner, slowly gathering into a black shadow.

This thing seemed to be conscious, seeing that Tong Li didn't attack immediately, and kept circling around Tong Li, as if thinking about what to do with the person in front of him.

But Tong Li didn't have that much patience. Her eyes tightened, and a terrifying murderous aura gradually filled her body. When the hilt of the sword in her hand was turned, the originally smooth and beautiful blade ignited like a flame.

She raised the flame sword in her hand and swung it towards the black mist.

(End of this chapter)

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