Chapter 162 Danger and Disaster

Could it be that they are going to die here before they are found?

It would be great if you bring a Taoist teacher, at least he can cast spells.

Now the ghost can't break through the wall, and he doesn't know what to do at the moment.

Zhou Yang poked his head out of the car window and shouted outside: "Can any of your mobile phones receive the signal?"

The scene was completely silent, and their mobile phones had collectively lost signal since they entered Shiping Mountain.

Zhou Yang also understood that this is how they lost contact with Li Han.

At the moment, people outside cannot be contacted, and they are afraid that they will be trapped here to death
Zhou Yang rumpled his hair and punched the steering wheel, hating himself for being too confident and reckless.

Xiyou leisurely drank water in the car, glanced sideways at Zhou Yang, as if not worried about the current situation at all: "Don't worry too much, Tong Li won't see us tomorrow, he will come to look for us. "

Zhou Yang's face was very ugly, and he was slightly puzzled by her words: "Xiyou, tell me honestly, who is that Miss Tong, and what is she doing here?"


Xiyou mentioned that she was upset again: "She is a fortune teller to exorcise evil spirits, who knows what she is doing here, and I didn't listen to her!"

It's just pulling her over all of a sudden, it's annoying to death.

Zhou Yang was stunned, fortune telling?Exorcism?

It's impossible for that stunning beauty to do this, right?
But even if she wants to drive something, she must come during the day, who the hell comes at night, isn't it said that those things are the most powerful at night?

Tong Li retreated to the corner, panting slightly, with deep disgust in her eyes. There are too many evil spirits here, and they are more powerful than ordinary spirits. She wants to kill them all by herself. Can he kill them all?

What are the people behind the scenes trying to imprison so many ghosts?Want to turn them all into ghosts?

Tong Li's heart tightened, it was hard to imagine how terrible it would be if such an evil spirit turned into a ghost, and then went to endanger the world.

It must be a catastrophe for mankind.

So, did the people hiding behind have this idea?


If she finds out before she makes a big mistake, she must end this conspiracy!
Tong Li looked at this group of evil spirits, and showed a contemptuous smile: "No matter what your purpose is, evil cannot defeat good, as long as I am here, you will never succeed..."

Tong Li retracted the sword into her wrist, her eyes became sharp, she took off the bead and placed it in her palm, put the other hand to her mouth, and began to chant the spell in a low voice.

After the spell was completed, the beads in his hand swished out of the villa, breaking the restriction on arranging the villa, and flew straight up.

The evil spirits were silent for a moment, and all looked at the hole on the top. The ghost who had been floating at the entrance of the hole stretched out his hand to try it out, and found that his hand could go out.

When his entire soul body floated out, the evil spirit inside boiled instantly.

The evil spirits rushed towards the entrance of the cave excitedly, one after another, just when they thought they could break through the cage and get free.

With a bang, the entire villa was surrounded by a layer of dazzling red light.

There was a burst of shrill howling and howling ghosts from outside, one after another, stretching for a long time.

They began to drill back, and fled in all directions in terror, but there was only one small opening to come in, and too many souls were crowded at the entrance of the cave.

Some evil spirits who didn't have time to come in were hit by the red light behind them, leaving only a roar before dissipating in the sky and the earth.

Even if they hid in the villa again, they could not escape the defeat of the red light.

The power emanating from the beads is very powerful and penetrating. No matter where these evil spirits hide, they cannot escape the tracking of the red light.

Tong Li looked at the ghost who was so excited just now, and now he fled in panic, causing chaos.

It's just a group of bullying things.

Tong Li stood with her hands behind her back, looking at a group of evil spirits who were constantly struggling, without a trace of pity. In her eyes, these were all evil spirits, and they all had to be exterminated.

The evil spirits are constantly dissipating, but the foreign space is still coming out continuously, and it feels like a bottomless pit inside.

Tong Li wondered why there are so many evil spirits here?
Just as Tong Li was thinking, a monstrous roar came from nowhere.

That roar almost shattered the villa, which shows that his power is not ordinary.

The evil spirits heard a roar, as if they heard some terrible sound, and they all froze in place as if they had been cast with a holding spell.

Even when the red light pierced them and wiped them out, they didn't move an inch.

The atmosphere is eerily peaceful.

Tong Li looked around vigilantly, but couldn't find where the roar just now came from.


A ray of light struck from behind, Tong Li seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and lowered his body to avoid it.

The ray of light fell on the wall, and there were loud bangs, the whole wall collapsed, and black smoke was still billowing from the side of the wall.

Tong Li turned her head and looked back, and there was a strong shock in that foreign gap, as if something was about to burst out.

'Bang' was another loud bang, and a stream of powerful gas was ejected from the gap.

At this critical moment, Tong Li was in a hurry, and quickly drew a protective shield in front of him to resist the flying force.

With a rumbling sound, the two forces intersected, causing the villa to shake violently and become precarious.

But Tong Li was directly repelled to the outside by this wave of force, and two traces of different shades were drawn on the ground.

Her face flushed slightly, her fists were clenched tightly, her lips were tightly pursed, as if she was enduring.

She blamed it for underestimating the thing inside and overestimating herself. Her own cultivation base has not recovered, and the beads have been separated from her body. It is really lucky that the force just now did not shatter her internal organs.

Tong Li's body surged with energy, and she exerted all her strength to forcefully suppress the blood stasis.

Looking up at the beads in the sky, the energy emitted by the beads is still killing the evil spirits. If they are taken back at this moment, these evil spirits will definitely take the opportunity to escape.

It's time for another crisis.

But don't take it back inside, that thing...

When she was in a dilemma, a huge arm appeared from the gap. His fingers were slightly bent, releasing a huge suction force, sucking all the ghosts that hadn't died yet.

Tong Li watched helplessly as the thing rescued the evil spirit, but she was powerless. She couldn't protect herself in the current situation, so how could she go to snatch it from him?

When that hand sucked the last ghost, just when Tong Li thought he would attack.

A dazed soul floated out of the gap, and then it closed instantly.

Tong Li: "..."

The thing inside did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but chose to calm down and return Li Yao's soul.

Obviously with his strength, he might be able to kill her...

Tong Li looked at Li Yao who was staring blankly, and with a puff, the blood that had been suppressed just now couldn't help but spit it out.

(End of this chapter)

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