Chapter 164
Seeing that the man didn't respond, the girl became anxious and knocked on the car window desperately.

bang bang bang...

"Brother, I'm so cold, can you let me get in the car to warm up?"

"Brother, brother..."

The thing outside is like a repeater, repeating these two words non-stop.

Holding the yellow talisman tightly in Li Han's hands, he didn't know where the courage came from, and yelled towards the window like crazy: "Get out, get out... I don't have anything."

The girl was frightened by his roar and took a few steps back.

Maybe it wasn't because of his roar, but because of the paper talisman in his hand.

Seeing that her plot was seen through, the little girl came to the front of the car, her innocent face turned into cleft canthus and chewing teeth.

The mouth kept yelling: "Shame on your face, get out of the car and open the door, get out of the car and open the door."

Every time she yelled, Li Han's heart tightened. He was very afraid that things from outside would rush in. How could he, an ordinary person, fight against things from outside?
Until he realizes that things outside are only yelling and can't get into the car at all.

Only then did he remember Tong Li's words, as long as he didn't open the door, things outside would have nothing to do with him.

The little girl's patience was gradually worn away, her eyes became dark, and she slammed on the hood of the car frantically.

This man is too difficult to fool, and he doesn't take pity at all.

But there is no way, as long as the people inside don't open the door, she can't go in and arrest people.

Li Han closed his eyes tightly, but he couldn't control the voice that floated in his ears.

Suddenly it became quiet outside, and no sound came in for a long time.

He slowly opened his eyes, but there was nothing in front of him.

Look left and right, no.

Out of danger?
Li Han could breathe a sigh of relief, but in the next second, a strong wind suddenly blew up around him, flying sand and rocks all over the sky.

Crackling, countless stones outside kept hitting the car body.

Li Han's eyes widened in horror, one stone after another seemed to hit his heart, making him feel suffocated.

He watched helplessly as the strong wind rolled up the boulder in front of the car, and he began to worry whether his car would be swept away by the strong wind.

But the strange thing is that although the wind outside is strong, his car is not affected by the wind.

That strange wind can blow even stones, but his car doesn't move at all?

He guessed that Tong Li's Taoist talisman was responsible.

Now he even regarded this talisman as a life-saving talisman.

The wind blew for about 20 minutes and then stopped.

I thought that kid had had enough trouble and left.

Suddenly there was a 'boom' from the windshield, and a bloody face came into view.

The sudden fright made him hold his breath in his heart, unable to lift it up, Duang suddenly passed out.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Tong Li coming back.

"woke up."

Li Han nodded stupidly.

"Miss Tong, did you see something..." He didn't dare to say the following words.



Li Han hurriedly asked: "Miss Tong, are you done? Can we go back?"

He wanted to leave here immediately, and he would never come to Shiping Mountain again if he was killed.

"You can go back."

Before he could wait for Li Han to be happy, Tong Li said again: "The car broke down."

Li Han: "..."

Is this both hopeful and hopeless?

Tong Li asked, "Can you repair cars?"

Li Han smiled bitterly: "Do you think I look like I can repair cars?"


Tong Li said again: "If you don't have a car, you can only walk back."

"Walk back?" Are you kidding, what year and month will it take to walk back here.

But in the current situation, it seems that the only option is to walk back.

The two acquiesced to this method.

Li Han picked up the cell phone that he smashed, opened the car door and got out, and started to walk back, but was stopped by Tong Li.

"Wait a moment."


"There's someone else in the car."

Li Han's body stiffened in an instant, and he remained motionless. There were only two of them when they came, when will there be one more?Could it be...

Tong Li knew at a glance that he had misunderstood.

She stepped forward to open the car door, grabbed Li Yao by the shoulders and lifted him out.

Wo Cao... When Li Han saw that scarred face, his face turned pale with fright, his whole body was cold, and he almost fainted.

Seeing his expression, Tong Li was quite speechless with a row of black lines erected on the back of his head.

"This is a real person, not a ghost." Tong Li threw the person in his hand to him, and Li Han dodged reflexively.

With a thud, Li Yao literally fell to the ground.

That fall was not light.

Tong Li: "?"

Li Han has an innocent face, it's not his fault.

This woman is even more ugly than yesterday's ghost, can he not hide, this is a rhythm that scares people to death.

"Hold it up." Tong Li said calmly.

Li Han moved his feet, but he refused in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Tong Li turned around and left.

Li Han really had no choice, so he picked up the people on the ground.

"Miss Tong, wait for me." He was afraid.

Tong Li didn't go far, and the discomfort in her heart came again. She clutched her aching heart, and her steps gradually slowed down.

Li Han followed closely behind her, he walked slowly with his back on his back, Tong Li slowed down, thinking that she was waiting for him, and didn't notice her abnormal situation.

The two walked for about half an hour, and Li Han was out of breath.

He was scared to death last night, didn't eat breakfast, and now he had to carry someone on his back. He was afraid that if he wasn't scared to death, he would be exhausted.

Just when he was about to lose his hold, an inadvertent glance swept down the hillside, where rows of cars were parked.

There was no doubt that it was his brother's car.

Immediately there was a surge of brotherhood in my heart, and it was only at this time that I could test whether the one I had made was a real brother.

Li Han was suddenly full of energy, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, his body was full of infinite power, and he said cheerfully: "Miss Tong, someone is here to pick us up."


Li Han quickened his pace, while Tong Li was still at the same pace, unhurried and unhurried.

When there were 200 meters left in the distance, the people sitting in the room also saw Li Han. Everyone thought they had misread and wiped their eyes.
The voice asked the people in the car with doubts: "Is that Brother Han?"

The people in the car leaned over the window to look. His eyes may be wrong, but not all of them.

"It seems to be." Everyone got out of the car one after another.

Shouting over there: "Is that you, Li Han?"

They were afraid that they might be hallucinating.

"It's me." Li Han stopped and shouted at everyone.

Their voices echoed in the valley, and it didn't feel good to be alive to hear their brothers' voices.

Zhou Yang confirmed that it was Li Han who came back, kicked his legs and ran up, ran for a while, turned back, got into the car and started the car.

Until the car stopped in front of Li Han.

Zhou Yang almost cried with joy and punched him on the shoulder.

"Li Han, you are good enough, you dare to rush if something happens." He walked behind Li Han, wanting to hug the person on his back.

Just turned the person up with a thud, then pushed the person back, screaming in fright: "Li Han, you are going to die, where are you going to bring such a female ghost back?"

If you want to bring it, you should also bring a prettier one.

(End of this chapter)

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