The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 166 Nobody Can Take Everything From Her

Chapter 166 Nobody Can Take Everything From Her

After struggling for a while, I still asked: "Are you going to sleep for a long time again this time?"

Tong Li was in a drowsy state. Although he was confused, he could still hear his question clearly: "Yes."

"I want to sleep for a while, I want to sleep." Tong Li's lips moved, and she spoke so softly that Pei Jiuyin couldn't hear clearly.

He lowered his eyes and looked at her tired face, feeling very distressed, but he said unforgivingly: "I will help you with the matter, but don't think that I will let you go if you are asleep, I will keep the account Next, wait for you...we will do the calculation after you wake up."

Pei Jiuyin gently rubbed the top of her hair with her side face. This girl must have been sleepy a long time ago, but she was just holding on outside. If it wasn't for him, she would probably have made it back to City C.

Fortunately, he is here.

The driver drove the car quietly, looking straight ahead, but the master's pity words kept coming to his ears. He didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but he really couldn't control it.

What is the tenderness of an iron man, he has seen it.

Pei Jiuyin hugged the person in his arms, from getting on the car to getting on the plane, then getting off the plane, and then going home, Tong Li didn't pass through the hands of others, he did everything by himself.

He enshrined the person in his arms as a jade bead in his palm, and he was reluctant to be left alone. If he didn't really like it, why would he do this.

After Pei Jiuyin settled the people, he began to investigate the things Tong Li had told him. With Li Yao's well-known things, he could easily find them out.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the results handed in by the people below, and raised his eyebrows in displeasure. For such a person, Tong Li made himself look like this
not worth.

He threw the information aside: "Throw the DNA test and the woman together to the Li family, and let them see what I have raised for so many years."

"Okay." Secretary Qiao picked up the file and nodded.

"Also, I don't want to see her in the capital in the future."


After Li Yao woke up, she found herself in the hospital. When someone touched her, she beat and bit them like crazy, screamed loudly, and cried out that there was a ghost.

In the end, under the forceful suppression of the nurse, she was given a sedative, and it stopped.

After waking up for the second time, she was much quieter, neither making noise nor talking.Although his hands still trembled uncontrollably, it was obvious that his sanity had returned.

Li Yao looked at the gray ceiling and listened to the ticking sound of the instrument, she confirmed that she was really alive and not dead.

Suddenly her eyes tightened, the corners of her mouth turned up, and she sneered coldly: "I said before, I am destined to be rich and honored, and no one can take away what belongs to me, including my life."

A master had approved her life before, saying that her life is rich and noble, and she will enjoy endless glory and wealth in her life. How could she die? Even "her" can't take away everything from her.

After this incident, she no longer feels guilty about the real Li Yao in her heart. She secretly swears in her heart that when she gets home, she will find someone to take her soul, and she must be beaten to death. everything.

Li Yao's eyes shifted to the bottle of potion on the shelf, and he gradually became sleepy. When he closed his eyes, his mind was uncontrollable, and he returned to the day when the accident happened.

After she got home that day, she lay on the sofa for a long time, holding the talisman paper given by Tong Li in her hand. Not to mention, holding this thing, her body did not feel so uncomfortable, the back of her neck did not feel cold, and her head did not feel cold. pain.

She is sure that this thing will be eradicated this time, and no one can destroy her avenue. If there is, then don't blame her for being cruel.

Li Yao took the talisman and squinted for a moment, and when he woke up again, it was already dark, and his body felt no discomfort at all.

She happily went into the bathroom to take a bath, and when she undressed, she conveniently put the talisman paper on the sink, thinking that there would be no problem just for a while.

After washing and washing, she felt that something was watching her behind her. Li Yao did not act rashly, but turned off the water valve calmly, picked up the bathrobe hanging on it and wrapped it casually, pretending not to be serious. When she walked out, the moment she passed the sink, she swooped over, wanting to get the talisman paper.

Seeing that it was just a little bit close, the neck was hit by a gravity, and when the head hurt, he passed out.

When she woke up again, her eyes were pitch black, she couldn't see anything, and the stench inside almost made her vomit.

When I woke up, I was in a strange place, and it was a lie to say that I was not afraid.

Li Yao shouted a few times, but there was no sound except his own echo.

She forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, and groped forward a few steps. She didn't know what kicked her, and with a thud, she was thrown like a dog eating shit.

Touching the cold and smelly soil on the ground, and accidentally touching the stick bones, many horrifying images came to mind, which made her scream out of fear, crawling on the ground with hands and feet, just looking for a place to hide.

Li Yao crawled to a corner, curled up in it and shivered, the quiet cellar magnified her fear infinitely, and the childhood images flashed back in her mind.

Suddenly she felt that the smell was a little familiar.

The long-lost memory gradually surfaced in my mind.

Li Yao's eyes widened in disbelief, it must be the real Li Yao who came to claim her life.

Suppressing the psychological fear, she groped the wall little by little, trying to find the exit by herself, but she couldn't find the exit after touching the entire wall and floor.

It was only later that she remembered that the exit to the cellar was up there.

That is to say, unless someone lowers the rope from above, it is absolutely impossible to go up by one's own strength.

She recognized the reality and could not accept that she would die here.

She broke down, smashing things around her like a lunatic, and let out a heart-piercing cry, venting her unwillingness.

She didn't give up struggling until she was tired from beating and screaming, and couldn't lift any more strength.

In the extremely quiet environment, she couldn't help but think of the girl she abandoned here back then. She must have been very scared at the time, she was so afraid of the dark.

But she has no choice, she knows that she is a fake, if the real Li Yao is left behind, her identity will be exposed sooner or later.

She can't let this kind of thing happen, she doesn't want to go back to the orphanage, become a commoner, be bullied by others, don't want to eat those leftovers, she wants to be a noble little princess, she wants to be a queen.

To have the precious and beautiful things in the world, she does not allow anyone to take away everything she has now.

So if she wanted to keep this secret forever, she had no choice but to be ruthless.

"You can't blame me. If there were no accidents back then, I wouldn't be treated like a princess, and I wouldn't covet your life."

"God let me enjoy such a good life, and let me give up again, I can't do it."

Li Yao cried out suddenly, two tears flowed from the corners of his eyes: "Yaoyao, I apologize to you, can you forgive me?"

As soon as the words fell, an unknown force attacked her, firmly imprisoned her neck, and slowly lifted her body.

(End of this chapter)

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