The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 168 She Was The Murderer Of Your Daughter

Chapter 168 She Was The Murderer Of Your Daughter

The owner of the Li family was stunned for a moment, and soon recovered, his smile deepened: "It's easy to talk, why don't we go to the study to chat."

Secretary Qiao waved her hand, went directly to the sofa and sat down, and made a gesture of invitation to the seat opposite.

"Just talk."

Patriarch Li: "..."


With a casual look, Father Li glanced at the man in front of the two bodyguards.

Even if she covered her face, lowered her head, and was naked, he could recognize who it was.


"Why are you here?"

He still came in with Secretary Qiao!
He glanced, and Secretary Qiao looked at his daughter.

My heart skipped a beat, I felt like nothing was right.

He wanted to see his daughter, but Secretary Qiao still didn't go. He went to the sofa and sat down first, and asked politely: "Secretary Qiao, did my daughter cause you any trouble? If she made a mistake, I I apologize in advance."

"Yaoyao has been spoiled by me since she was a child. Sometimes she speaks and does things inappropriately. I hope you have a lot of adults. Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Before Secretary Qiao said this, she had already pleaded for mercy.

I don't know, what kind of expression will he have when he knows that the girl in front of him is actually the murderer who killed his own daughter.

"This Miss Li has never done anything to apologize to me, but..."

Secretary Qiao made a fool of herself and cast a glance at the shameless Li Yao.

"Why don't Patriarch Li take a look at this document in my hand first."

Secretary Qiao put the document on the table and pushed it in front of him.

Patriarch Li picked it up suspiciously, studied it up and down for a while, but there was no mark on the document bag, so he couldn't tell what was inside.

He pinched the end of the thread on the round hole and wound it round and round.

Li Yao opened his eyes wide, and told her intuitively that there was absolutely nothing good in it.

She wanted to grab it, but as soon as she moved, the two bodyguards behind would hold her down tightly.

"Don't..." Li Yao watched helplessly as his father opened the file bag and pulled out the A4 paper inside.

When Father Li saw the title on the document, his brows were slightly frowned, and when he saw the representative figures on it, his heart sank.

Trembling asked: "Secretary Qiao, what does this mean?"

Secretary Qiao showed a sarcasm smile, and explained to him loudly: "That is to say, the child brought back by Patriarch Li from the not your own daughter."


After hearing this, the owner of the Li family had no other expression except for a slightly ugly face.

Maybe he didn't know what expression to use to face Secretary Qiao.

The daughter is not his own, but he wants an outsider to tell him.

Is his smile mocking him for raising a daughter for others for so many years?

Patriarch Li looked at Li Yao who was still covering his face, his old face was quite embarrassing, he was ashamed.

Father Li smiled awkwardly: "I made Secretary Qiao laugh."

Secretary Qiao laughed lightly. It was such a simple laugh that made everyone feel that things might not be that simple.

At this time, Mother Li came down from upstairs, and when she saw her daughter coming back, she smiled and quickened her pace.

When Li Yao heard the secret that she was not the daughter of the Li family, and was told, she froze in place as if struck by lightning.

Mother Li didn't see her expression clearly, and rushed forward happily, only to find two big men standing behind her when she came to the front.

Mother Li became angry instantly, and went up to break the hands of the two bodyguards: "Why are you arresting my daughter? Let it go, let it go."

But these two are Lian's sons, no matter how she argues, the two of them will never move in the slightest.

They only listened to Secretary Ling Qiao's words.

Li's mother was anxious, and ran to Li's father and stomped her feet: "Mingwu, what's the matter with you? Your daughter was caught by them, you can still sit still."

Li Mingwu lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Mother Li looked around anxiously, looking at this, looking at that, and finally seeing the report on the desktop, she picked it up and looked at it.

When I saw the conclusion that I didn't support Li Yao and Li Mingwu's father-daughter relationship, I felt as if I was hit in the head.

"How is it possible?" Li's mother looked at Li Yao in surprise. This daughter she has raised for nearly ten years is not her own?

At the beginning, her daughter was stolen by her enemies when she was just born, and they searched hard for several years before they learned that her daughter was living in the xx orphanage.

At that time, for the sake of rigor, they compared the DNA of all children of the same age in the orphanage.

After confirming that this was his own daughter, he brought her back.

In order to make up for the fatherly love and motherly love she lost in those years, they treated this daughter with great kindness and favor. They wanted the stars in the sky and dared not give them to the moon.

She wanted to enter the entertainment industry, but her father disagreed, and she fought hard for her to the end.

But now she even said that this is not her daughter.

Impossible, impossible.

Mother Li couldn't accept it, she grabbed Li Mingwu's clothes and shook them: "Is this fake?"

Li Mingwu looked up at Secretary Qiao.

Secretary Qiao said: "If Mrs. Li doesn't believe it, she can test it herself. We won't make such small tricks to provoke the relationship between your father and daughter of the Li family."

Mother Li really suspected that the person in front of her was just to drive a wedge between them. Otherwise, why would she come to testify? Her daughter is not her own. Why is she fine when she is full?

Secretary Qiao was speechless.

this family.

"I was entrusted by someone to expose Li Yao's evil deeds."

Mother Li threw the testimonial on the table, pretending to be calm, with a lot of thoughts in her mind: "I don't know who entrusted this gentleman?"

If it is true that Li Yao is not her own daughter, but she has raised her so much, the feelings she has given cannot be taken back.

Even if it is really wrong to raise a daughter, with their family's strength, it is not impossible to raise another daughter.

The most important thing now is to find my own daughter back.

The corner of Secretary Qiao's mouth curled slightly: "It's your biological daughter!"

Mother Li felt relieved when she heard that it was her own daughter.

"Where is she, we can bring her back..."

Secretary Qiao raised her hand to interrupt her, and glanced sideways at Li Yao who was dumbfounded.

"Your daughter is long dead."

Pointing at Li Yao: "Death by her hands."

Mother Li didn't even think about it, and said bluntly: "Impossible."

She raised her daughter with her own hands, and she knows who her daughter is best.

Li Yao has a sweet and well-behaved voice since he was a child, and he is very good at making his elders happy. He didn't even dare to trample an ant to death, how could he kill someone.

Secretary Qiao sighed slightly, talking with the family, feeling very tired.

He slightly raised his hand, the bodyguard received the signal and tore off Li Yao's hands.

An unrecognizable face was revealed in front of everyone.

The servant hiding in the dark screamed in fright when he saw Li Yao's face.

At this time, Li Yao looked very calm, with no expression on his face except his heart was ashamed.

Because she understands that everything will be exposed, whether she wants to or not, what she did back then will be made public today.

(End of this chapter)

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