Chapter 170

Mother Li looked at the daughter she raised with her own hands. At the moment she begged bitterly, the hatred in her heart dropped. After all, a daughter who has not been seen for a few days after birth, and a daughter who has been raised for more than ten years, who is more affectionate , I have my own decision in my heart.

Things happen and she can't change them.
Looking at Li Yao who was kneeling on the ground, Li's mother gave Li Mingwu a look of help: "Mingwu!"

Li Mingwu frowned tightly, in a dilemma. If it was in the past, he would definitely pursue it to the end without thinking about it.

But the one in front of him has been raised for more than ten years, and has a certain foundation of family affection, let him make this decision.

Let's talk about Secretary Qiao, who put so much effort into exposing this fake daughter must be thinking that he will do something. If he ignores it, he may cause trouble.

No matter what he did, it was difficult for him.

When Mother Li saw him like this, what else did she not understand?
But Li Yao panicked, she understood that her father wanted to give up on her.

No, no.

Like a dog, Li Yao crawled to Li Mingwu's feet with hands and feet, hugged his thigh and cried bitterly: "Dad, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, it doesn't matter if you beat me or scold me, don't Chase me away?"

"You raised me up so much, I haven't been filial to you, I can't go, Dad, please."

Li Yao cried sensational tears, and the tears were touching.

Secretary Qiao changed her posture, raised her legs, and watched the scene with great relish.

I have to say that this Li Yao looks a bit ugly, but today's acting skills are superb, if he hadn't found out who he is, even his pair of golden eyes would almost be mistaken.

If this woman had such thoughts on the right way, she would not have to worry about making a breakthrough, but she had to use it on crooked ways.

Li Yao was still crying about his mistakes, but there were only a few words back and forth, either her mother was not in good health, or her dog was reluctant to bear her, Secretary Qiao's goosebumps rose when she heard it.

After a while, Secretary Qiao picked his ears, couldn't listen anymore, looked at the time and said, "Patriarch Li, I've already told you the matter, as for what to do? You can decide for yourself, I have to go back first. "

Going any further is just wasting your time.

"Ah... Secretary Qiao, I'm sorry, things are a bit messy, you ask me to sort it sort it out again" Li Mingwu's voice was weak, he was crying and laughing, and within half an hour since he came in, their family seemed to have turned upside down It was a mess, and he was really not in the mood to entertain him anymore.

After Li Mingwu sent Secretary Qiao away, his back straightened instantly. He was flattering and flattering just now, but he instantly became gloomy.

He returned to the living room and saw Li Yao, who was kneeling on the ground just now, sat on the sofa calmly, and cried even more sadly in Mother Li's arms, repenting for what he had done back then.

Mother Li patted her on the shoulder with pity on her face. In her opinion, her own daughter was dead, and it would not help to blame her. Moreover, she had also been subjected to such inhuman torture, so there was nothing she could not let go of.

But Li Mingwu knew that this was not a matter of blame or blame, and Secretary Qiao's intervention in this matter would definitely not let this matter be hasty.

Standing in front of the two of them, Li Mingwu looked gloomy, and said coldly, "Yaoyao, pack up your things and move outside, don't go home again."

Li Yao raised his head from Mother Li's arms, his pupils trembled, it seemed that her father still wanted to drive her away.

She moved her body and wanted to kneel down again.

"You don't need to kneel. It's useless for you to kneel and break your legs in this situation. You should move out first and see if there is any movement on the side named Qiao."

He had to find out first, why did Qiao Renkai hold this matter in his hands.

Hearing what he said, Li Yao knew that he had no right to refuse, so he could only go back to his room to pack his things.

As soon as the door of the room was closed, Li Yao's red and swollen eyes from crying were filled with darkness. She quickly walked to the wardrobe, tore off the clothes inside frantically, and stomped on them.

His face became ferocious: "You want me to leave this house, you want me to be ruined, tell you not to dream."

"I am the daughter of the Li family. I used to be, and I will be even more so in the future. You are dead. Why are you still restless? I will not let you succeed. I will always be the superior daughter of the Li family."

After Li Yao vented on her clothes, she felt much better. She sat on the bed and rubbed her stinging knees.

There was one thing she couldn't figure out, why did Qiao Renkai know about it, she didn't tell anyone about it, only that... last time, the master, she took a look at her question at a glance.

Is it her?


After Secretary Qiao returned to the company, he immediately reported the drama of the Li family. Judging from the performance of the two at the time, they might not sever ties with this woman. dead.

Even if she was angry, it was only for a moment, and it was even more impossible to call the police. After all, she was only seven or eight years old when she did this, and she was not old enough to file a case. If the Li family didn't pursue it, others really couldn't do anything about her.

Pei Jiuyin sat in front of the computer, rubbed the corners of his eyes wearily, dropped the document in his hand, thought for a moment and said: "Sort out the ins and outs of this matter, dig out her previous black material, find someone to write a draft, and report to the Li family Put pressure on him to make a statement to sever ties with Li Yao, and I will see her incident spread throughout the capital before tomorrow."

The Li family will protect her if they have the ability. He doesn't care what this woman has done, as long as Tong Li tells her, he will definitely do it well.

"it is good."

Secretary Qiao silently lit some wax for Li Yao in her heart.
At six o'clock in the afternoon, Pei Jiuyin was like an ordinary office worker, packing up his things and going home as soon as the o'clock arrived.

As soon as I got home, I ran straight to the room.

Seeing Tong Li sleeping peacefully and comfortably, he feels at ease, as long as she doesn't wake up, he will have a restless day.

Pei Jiuyin was sitting by the bed, stroking that delicate face with his big hands, and his eyes were gentle: "Tongtong, how long do you have to sleep? It's already the fourth day, aren't you going to wake up?"

"Are you hungry? I prepared your favorite cake for you, can you get up and eat it?"

"Today, I asked Secretary Qiao to bring that person surnamed Li back to Li's house and expose her true colors. She will become a street mouse that everyone in the capital shouts and beats tomorrow at the latest."

"I'll help you find that little ghost tomorrow night, so you can wake up if I help you get things done?"

"Then we've agreed, you'll get up when I'm done."

"You can't lie to people, it's puppies."

Pei Jiuyin talked to himself, then lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the corner of her mouth.

"Wait for a while, I'll put water on for you to take a bath."

Pei Jiuyin got up and went to the bathroom, filled the bathtub with water, then came back to help her take off her clothes, and carried her to the bathroom.

Originally, the servants could do these things, but he didn't want anyone to touch her. He basically did everything for Tong Li himself.

(End of this chapter)

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