Chapter 178
But Tong Li's deep emotions made him very uneasy. They were indeed very close in behavior, but he always felt that Tong Li held an inexplicable sense of distance from him, giving him the feeling that he would pull away at any time, which made him very uncomfortable. disturbed.

Pei Jiuyin didn't know which nerve was miswired, so he suddenly raised his hand and pinched her cheek hard.

There was a rosy red on the cheeks that were fair and tender just now.

Tong Li covered her face and looked at him in surprise. She never thought that her face would be pinched by a man.

Pei Jiuyin didn't hold back at all, and said to her viciously: "Do you know what you did wrong? This is a lesson for you. If you dare to talk nonsense in the future, the punishment will never be as simple as it is now."

He was so worried outside that he couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and finally got people out. Once he came out, he talked and angered him, and he should be punished.

Tong Li was dumbfounded.

what did she say?

In order to avoid hearing more things he didn't want to hear, Pei Jiuyin took her hand and walked outside: "Let's go to eat."

You must be starving after not eating for so long.

But no, she would be full if she had aura, and she would not come out if she could.

Tong Li didn't move.

Pei Jiuyin moved his lips: "Let's go."

"I want to... take a bath." She didn't know how long she stayed this time, it felt quite long, she hadn't cleaned her body for a long time, and this time she discharged a lot of filth, and there was a sticky smell on her body Feeling, very uncomfortable.

Pei Jiuyin glanced at the house behind her, and it seemed that it was unusable, so he took her to another house and arranged for someone to clean it up.

Tong Li came out of the bathroom, and after washing away all the filth, she felt much refreshed.

She rubbed her hair and asked, "How long will I retreat this time?"

Pei Jiuyin put down his phone, got up and walked to her side, naturally took the towel from her hand, stood behind her, and gently rubbed her to wipe her hair.

"One month."

"One month?" Tong Li murmured softly, looked out of the window, and recalled the powerful power of Shiping Mountain, that thing...

This time it was a blessing in disguise, but she also wondered why the dragon veins erupted with such a strong spiritual energy at that time?

"My cell phone." The incident happened suddenly this time, and she still had a lot of things unresolved.

Pei Jiuyin paused while wiping, with a sense of resentment: "I don't know."

Since she woke up till now, she hasn't asked him a single word, but asked about her mobile phone. Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Is he not as good as a mobile phone?

"What happened to you last time in City C? Why did you get hurt?" In his eyes, Tong Li is a very powerful existence, and it stands to reason that there should be no one who can hurt her.

But everything is possible, there must be someone who is better than her, so she should not touch these things anymore.

"Nothing, just a little accident."

Pei Jiuyin looked at her but refused to speak, threw the towel in his hand, and turned the person to face him rather forcefully.

Those deep eyes stared at her: "What little accident? Can't you tell me?"

"Do you know how dangerous you would be if I hadn't gone?"

"You put yourself in danger, have you ever thought about how anxious I will be? Can you think about others before doing things?"

Tong Li glanced at the hands that were tightly clenched, and frowned: "If there is any danger, I will solve it myself."

I used to come here by myself like this, what is there to worry about?

"There are always people who are better than you in everything in the world, and there are always things you can't solve. Tong Li, what do you want to do? Tell me what you want, and let me help you, okay?"

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Pei Jiuyin was very annoyed, or maybe he was afraid.

Although there was no danger this time, he really didn't want to experience such a thing again. He didn't want to lose her, and he didn't want her to get hurt.

It doesn't matter who she is, the important thing is that she can be safe in the future.

Can always be by his side.

That's it.

Tong Li looked straight into his eyes, this man was conscious and his gaze was firm, but what nonsense was this man talking about?
"I don't need help."

Pei Jiuyin: "."

The fire in her heart is getting hotter and hotter, why doesn't she understand?

"never mind."

He surrendered.

Pei Jiuyin picked up the towel and continued to dry her hair. He had already said it so clearly, did she not understand?Still don't want to understand?

After wiping his head, Pei Jiuyin took the people to eat, and didn't mention City C any more during the whole process.


"Li Yao's matter is settled, but that little devil said that she signed a contract with something from Huangquan. Simply put, her soul does not belong to her and cannot be reincarnated."

"Has this affected you?"

"Why do you have to ask her to reincarnate? Don't you all have to destroy this kind of harm to others, whether it's good or bad?"

Tong Li glanced at him: "Who told you that?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll take care of it." She wanted to see what the thing hiding behind her wanted to do.

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

The face is stretched longer, don't he care?Don't worry about him.

Who doesn't care, if you don't let him help you every day, if you don't let him care, what kind of boyfriend is he?

Holding the knife and fork, Pei Jiuyin fancied that the meat on the plate was an enemy in the mall with a feeling of resentment, and he poked and cut it vigorously, as if he wanted to cut the meat into pieces.

Tong Li chewed the meat in his mouth slowly, stared at his poking hand, and then moved his eyes to his aggrieved face.

Why is this man who is thinking angry again.

Pei Jiuyin realized that Tong Li was looking at him, and the movements of his hands were a little smaller: "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Tong Li withdrew her gaze and concentrated on eating what was in front of her.

A meal is finished in this heavy and stuffy atmosphere.

In the evening, Tong Li said that he wanted to talk to that kid, but Pei Jiuyin insisted on following after he found out.

Tong Li didn't refuse, so let's go, and there will be no loss of a piece of meat.

They drove to the community, parked the car in the parking space outside, and walked towards the gate of the community.

The yellow street lamps reflected the brilliant lights, dispelling the darkness of the night, and the figures of the two were elongated by the lights. At this moment, they were holding hands, like a couple, walking under the lights.

But what they are about to do is so thrilling.

I don't know if the weather is good today. Many residents came down for a walk. They saw a pair of such good-looking handsome men and women. They all stopped in place and cast envious eyes.

"Wow, did you see that couple just now? It's a good match. That man is so handsome, and that woman is so beautiful. They are a match made in heaven." Two little girls not far away, their eyes widened. Looking at Tong Li and Pei Jiuyin, she was so excited that she was about to jump up.

The other stared blankly, although she didn't express anything, but from the starlight in her eyes, it could be seen that she very much agreed with what her friend said.

Pei Jiuyin was in a good mood when he heard this.

In the past, he always felt that flatterers were superficial.

Now, he's superficial and he loves to listen.

Even he, who has always disliked taking photos, doesn't even care about other people's sneak shots.

(End of this chapter)

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