The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 180 Let me ask you, do you have any joy for me?

Chapter 180 Let me ask you, do you have any pleasure in me?
Apart from not being hunted down by her, but also getting her help, what could be better than this?

The little ghost asked tentatively: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Tong Li's eyes suddenly became ferocious and terrifying: "Sneak into the ghost domain, help me find out what is going on inside, the structure inside, and the number of ghosts."

Kid: "Are you kidding me?"

Is this asking her to be the ghost?She didn't even go in?What is the environment inside, she has no idea.

The word traitor, no matter where it is, will make people kill it quickly. If it is discovered, then she...

"No kidding, you go to be my insider and report to me what you see and know."

"As for your contract, I will find a way to help you cancel it."

The little ghost shook his head again and again, looking at death as home: "You better beat me to ashes!"

She doesn't know what Ghost Domain is, but they can make her strength increase in just a few minutes, how can they be kind.

It's better to let her get it over with now, forget all about the affairs of the world, and live like a nobody.

Tong Li frowned, obviously didn't expect this kid to be so decisive, he would rather die than surrender.

At this time, Pei Jiuyin who was behind said: "You can die, but you'd better not implicate your family."

These words are a naked threat, which is how he threatened her earlier.

Tong Li looked back at him, but didn't say anything.

Thinking of Pei Jiuyin's threats to her before, the little ghost was furious, but he had nothing to do with him.

For a while, she was forced into a dilemma, and now the simplest thing can't be wiped out.

If she agrees to Tong Li, it means that she wants to be a traitor. If she doesn't agree, the woman in front of her will immediately chop her with a knife, and that man will deal with her relatives despicably and shamelessly.

Although she has never met them, and they have never been kind to her in nurturing her, but...

Sigh... She doesn't care about their affairs, but she doesn't want to be implicated because of her affairs.

The little ghost head knew that he was doomed, so he nodded helplessly, agreeing to Tong Li's request.

But: "I can help you with things, but you have to ensure that my blood parents will have smooth sailing in the future."

"You should take good care of them, so that they don't have to worry about making a living, and don't let what happened to Li Yao affect them, so that they can live this life in peace."

This can be regarded as her repayment for their fertility.

"No problem." Pei Jiuyin agreed without even thinking about it. This trivial matter can be done as long as he moves his mouth, so it is not difficult for him.

The matter of dispatching the inner ghost was finalized.

It's not that Tong Li wants to be nosy, but from what happened last time, it can be seen that the people behind absolutely have a huge conspiracy.

It's okay if she doesn't find out, since she let him know, she can't sit idly by.

Tong Li helped her recover her soul and connected the channel between the two, and the rest was to wait for the evil spirit of Huangquan to come and pick her up.


After the work was over, it was getting late, and the two returned home.

Pei Jiuyin's house has been cleaned up, all the things inside have been removed, and even the bed has been replaced with a new one. The speed is so fast that people can't help but praise it again and again.

In Nuo Da's living room, Pei Jiuyin was lazily leaning on the sofa, answering emails with his computer, and glanced upstairs from time to time. It had been two hours since they came back from outside.

Tong Li said that he wanted to go back to his room to take a shower, so he took care of some company matters. At first he hoped that Tong Li would come down and call him, but he sat there for two hours. No.

No matter what he was doing, whether he was tired or not, even from the time she woke up to now, he didn't bother with his body. As a girlfriend, he was very unqualified.

Pei Jiuyin's eyes darkened slightly. It seemed that he had to teach her how to be a qualified girlfriend, otherwise this woman would always inadvertently piss him off.


Pei Jiuyin turned off the computer with a snap, stood up and looked at his clothes.
You have to change clothes.

Pei Jiuyin went into the second guard to clean himself up, and then shaved off the little stubble that had just appeared.

Clean yourself up, look at the handsome face in the mirror, feel satisfied with your face, take a deep breath, and then go upstairs to find someone.

This person has bad intentions, and he walks a little bit erratically.

When Pei Jiuyin came to the door, he didn't go in immediately, but stood at the door and typed his manuscript, thinking about what to say later, so that Tong Li could clearly perceive his dereliction of duty.

Make sure you are ready before opening the door.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the person who was supposed to be on the bed was not there.

Pei Jiuyin looked around inside, and finally saw the slender figure on the balcony.

Pei Jiuyin walked over slowly, stretched his hands around her slender waist from behind, and wrapped her in his arms.

The jaw rubbed against her cheek, and the voice was soft and soft: "What are you thinking?"

Tong Li's gaze was still looking at the stars and the moon in the sky.

"It's nothing."

The two fell into an incomparably harmonious silence.

In fact, it was quite good for the two of them to just watch the night silently.

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin couldn't help but speak.


Pei Jiuyin kept making constructions in his heart, and finally choked out four words with difficulty: "I miss you."

He is such an arrogant person, how difficult it is to say these four words.

He wants to prove it more with actions, but now he doesn't want to, he doesn't know Tong Li, whether he understands what liking is.

He always felt that this woman was just greedy for his body. Every time the two of them finished the most intimate thing and Tong Li pulled up his pants, he became a different person.

Although she was still by his side, her attitude towards him made him unaware that she liked him.

Or does she just want to sleep with him and doesn't have any feelings for him?
Tong Li was stunned.


Pei Jiuyin "?"

that's it.

He let go of Tong Li's waist and straightened her, and the two looked at each other.

There was a strange light in Pei Jiuyin's eyes, and the deep eyes directly captured people's hearts.

In a blink of an eye, he became wronged again: "Then do you miss me?"

During the month of retreat, although he could not enter the house, he would come here to see her every day to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Did she think of him once this month?
He doesn't ask for more, just once.

Tong Li frowned slightly, and asked herself in her heart if she wanted to?
She quickly gave the answer in her heart, no!
At that time, she was so absorbed in absorbing spiritual energy that she almost forgot who she was, how could she remember him.

Pei Jiuyin chuckled, feeling that he was asking for shame.

Pei Jiuyin pressed the back of her neck, so that her face faced him, and the warm eyes just now were shining with a cold and cold light.

Gritting her teeth in hatred: "I've never seen a woman as cruel as you."

"Tong Li, let me ask you, do you have any pleasure in me?"

(End of this chapter)

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