The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 201 Killing people and punishing their hearts is nothing more than that

Chapter 201 Killing people and punishing their hearts is nothing more than that (fifth watch)

Guan Shangyi didn't like this Tong Li who appeared out of nowhere, not to mention she beat her own dog to death and humiliated her.

Even without the existence of that dog, it is impossible for her to let this kind of woman step into Pei's house.

The old man had a bad appetite, so he put down his chopsticks after a few mouthfuls, and couldn't help but glance at Tong Li.

This girl has red lips, white teeth, delicate features, and an awe-inspiring uprightness about her body. Although she is a daughter, her skills just now are top-notch.

He glanced at his grandson who was picking up vegetables for him, and he understood why his grandson was defeated by this girl.

Compared with those spoiled and artificial girls, this girl is thriving.

And judging from what happened just now, the girl didn't panic when things happened, she knew how to make judgments, and fought back from the jedi, but she didn't know how to handle it properly, and the trouble was a bit too much.

There is also the strength faintly revealed between the eyebrows, which is not good.

I'm afraid that the grandson will be crushed and unable to move.

Alas... the external conditions are quite good, it is this background...

Guan Shangyi has been paying attention to the old man's movements, and when she sees the old man showing satisfaction in Tong Li's eyes, she thumps in her heart.

I kicked the foot under the table, and these young ladies who cook next to me!
He kept giving them winks to tell them not to just focus on eating for themselves. The purpose of their visit today was to get close to Pei Jiuyin and to show off in front of the old man.

He eats as soon as he sits down, is he reincarnated from starvation or something?
The three of them flirted with each other, understanding each other, took the serving chopsticks next to them, and each gave the old man a poke of food.

"Grandpa Pei, you eat too little. The stewed ribs are soft and sweet, which is most suitable for the elderly. You should try it."

As soon as the ribs landed in front of the old man's plate, Qu Lanxin, who was sitting opposite, suddenly said, "Miss Lu has a heart, but grandpa's health is not good, he can't eat greasy food, and he is extremely strict on the amount of meat he eats."

She looked at the enemy on the opposite side, and smiled: "Miss Lu is a guest, so it's normal not to know about these things, and I also believe that you didn't mean it, I'll just come to Grandpa's side."

After the sarcasm, he picked up the serving chopsticks and picked up a piece of vegetables for Mr. Pei, and said in a concerned tone: "Grandpa, for your health, you should eat more vegetables and drink some egg drop soup. Don't be picky eaters."

The girl on the opposite side could only smile awkwardly when she was stunned: "Really?"

"I'm sorry, Grandpa Pei, I didn't think carefully."

"This custard is also good, you should always try it." Not to be outdone, the other girl picked up a ladle and scooped up a scoop of custard, ready to hand it over.

Lan Xin on the opposite side said again: "Miss Chu, Grandpa's protein intake is counted for every meal. It's not good to eat more or less. Grandpa has eaten egg drop soup just now, so you can't eat this egg soup."

"And there is matsutake in this custard, grandpa doesn't eat matsutake."

The two looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Guan Shangyi. The person opposite obviously wanted them to lose face.

Guan Shangyi had a cold face, and said nothing, only to blame these two unsatisfactory ones, who didn't find out the old man's preferences before coming.

The old man couldn't work out, so they turned their attention to Pei Jiuyin.

The third woman, who didn't want to die, put a shrimp in front of Pei Jiuyin under the watchful eyes of everyone.

A perfect smile appeared on the girl's face, and she said shyly: "Young Master Pei, I don't think you eat much, so you should eat some too. This shrimp is delicious, and you can't just patronize others, you can eat it yourself. Just eat more."

Pei Jiuyin looked at the shrimp, frowning tightly, and said coldly in the next second, "Replace it."

The servant next to him immediately went up, removed Pei Jiuyin's tableware, and replaced them with new ones.

The woman's complexion suddenly became colorful, like a chameleon, very exciting.

Killing and punishing one's heart is nothing more than that.

Qu Lanxin pursed her lips and smiled: "Ninth Brother, he doesn't like shrimp."

"He doesn't like others touching his things either. Miss Anna is not familiar with her when she first came here, so I don't blame you."

Anna smiled bluntly, pinched the chopsticks tightly with her fingers, and swallowed the humiliation just now: "Really? It's true that I didn't think carefully."

Is she not thinking carefully?No, it's not that she hasn't asked someone about Pei Jiuyin's habits, but this man is too mysterious, she can't find out at all.

The eyes of the other two ladies were glued to Pei Jiuyin's body. In view of the situation just now, they did not dare to act rashly.

In the next second, a spotted red shrimp fell into Pei Jiuyin's bowl again.


The one who caught the shrimp this time was Tong Li.

The scene was repeated again, and everyone looked at Tong Li as if they were watching the show.

Tong Li looked at him and asked back, "Don't you eat shrimp?"

"." Isn't that obvious?

The corners of Pei Jiuyin's mouth turned up, revealing a handsome smile that shared the anger of man and god: "Eat."

The daughter-in-law caught it, let alone shrimp, he had to eat the poison.

After finishing speaking, he put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the shrimp elegantly and began to peel off the shell of the shrimp, revealing a white and red shrimp meat.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he stuffed it into his mouth and chewed slowly.

Maybe he was fascinated by his smile just now, or maybe he was stunned by his two-way standard.

Everyone looked at the shrimp shell next to him and suddenly came back to their senses.

But Anna laughed lightly, and said with a strange expression: "I heard that Miss Lan Xin grew up with Young Master Pei, but I didn't expect Miss Lan Xin to be so ill-informed. I think Young Master Pei likes to eat shrimp."

Qu Lanxin sat on the side, she still had to appear calm and composed on the surface, but her heart was already ashamed.

Pei Jiuyin didn't like to eat this kind of food, but Tong Li took the shrimp, so he ate it.

The old man looked at this farce of intrigue with a headache. Anyone with a discerning eye could clearly see who would win.

His grandson has lost his mind.

But it was beautifully done.

Afterwards, the dining table returned to calm, no one spoke, and everyone ate the food in the bowl quietly.

After dinner, the old man looked at the group of women and complained that he had a headache, and he didn't want to talk to them from the bottom of his heart.

While no one was paying attention, she quietly went back to the study, and asked someone to find Tong Li and Pei Jiuyin.

The protagonist he invited has always been Tong Li, the rest of them are purely here to make trouble, let them play by themselves.

Pei Jiuyin led Tong Li to the study, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the old man drinking tea leisurely and humming a little song.

Seeing them coming in, the old man's song stopped abruptly.

He put down the teacup in his hand, sat upright, turned up his serious face, and looked at them coldly with his long face.

"Grandpa." Pei Jiuyin called out.

Tong Li couldn't shout.

To be honest, the person in front of me was really not as old as her, so after thinking about it, she shouted: "Old Pei."

(End of this chapter)

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