Chapter 206 The Wig That Attracts Bees and Butterflies (Ten More)

"My friend is so smart, I definitely don't believe it, but she couldn't hold back her curiosity, so I bought one back."

"At first she didn't bring it, but when she attended a friend's party, she brought it out."

"You don't know that when my friend came out wearing that wig, everyone looked at her like she was wearing a filter, and kept praising her for looking good."

Xiyou clasped her hands and pouted her mouth: "Actually, she's just average-looking."

"But during the dancing part of the party, butterflies actually flew to her and danced with her."

"You said God is not God."

"She shined at the party that day, and she even had a lot more suitors."

"Afterwards, she wore a wig to show off all day long, but after I told her off, she restrained herself a bit."

"Since she was told by me, she went home and changed a wig, but when she went to bed at night, the wig would go back to her head."

"At first my little sister didn't take it seriously, and she forgot to take it off."

"Later, she couldn't wear a wig because of the occasion."

Xiyou looked around nervously, then lowered her voice: "Guess what."

Tong Li slightly raised her eyes and glanced at her: "Yes."

Xiyou saw that her reaction was flat, and felt very boring. She had already said that she was very mysterious, and this woman didn't give a whimper at all.

But she encounters more weird things, it's normal that this little thing doesn't arouse her interest.

"Later she fainted, and those people sent her to the hospital. The doctor checked that nothing happened, but when she woke up again, the wig was put back on her head."

"Tong Li, are you saying it's weird? Why did you go to the hospital by yourself when the wig was in the closet at her house?"

"My little sister finally realized something was wrong and threw that wig away."

"Then something even weirder happened. On the second day after my little sister threw away her wig, the corners of her eyes..." Grapefruit lifted the skin around her temples with two hands.

"It's just a wrinkle growing here, which is ugly."

"It stands to reason that she is still so young and shouldn't have wrinkles."

"She thought it was because she didn't have a good rest, so she just put on a mask and passed."

"As a result, the next day, another wrinkle appeared at the corner of her eye."

"Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are a woman's natural enemy. You don't know how broken she is when she finds two more wrinkles at the corners of her eyes."

"And she wasn't resting well all night long, not sure if it was the wig or the wrinkles on her face."

"By the third day, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes did not continue, but she started to lose her hair, and she lost a lot of it. I was terrified when I saw it."


Xiyou said happily again: "But I haven't lost my baldness yet, I still have hair."

"Later she wondered if it was the wig. She wanted to find the wig back, but she couldn't find it after losing it for so many days."

"Later she sent people to that place, looking for that wig shop, and wanted to buy another one. Although it's a bit weird, it's better than losing your own hair and getting wrinkles."

"Who knows, that person searched the entire area, but couldn't find the shop selling wigs she mentioned."

"But she obviously bought it there, why is the store gone?"

"It's a hell of a day."

"Although the store was not found, the wig suddenly appeared on top of her head the next day."

"Oh, you scared me to death." Xiyou patted her chest, she was really scared.

"Since bringing back that wig, her hair hasn't fallen out and her wrinkles have disappeared."

"I thought everything was going in a good direction."

"But when I went to see her yesterday."

"I'll go, almost scared me to death on the spot."

"Fortunately, I am also a person who has seen the world."

Tong Li Tong Li glanced at her sideways, as if to remind her that the scene of screaming when she went down to the basement with her for the first time is still vivid in her memory.

Xiyou forced a smile, and continued: "You don't know how scary her face is. She is a 25-year-old young girl, but she is as haggard as a 40-year-old young woman."

"I just feel it! At the beginning, the wig really helped to stabilize the abnormality of her body, but as she wore it for a long time, the wig absorbed all the energy in her body, making her older and older. The uglier it is."

"Finally to death."

Xiyou looked at her eagerly: "Is that so?"

"Tong Li, has my little sister encountered something like that, something dirty, you must help her."

With a "snap", Tong Li closed the file.

"There is indeed something."

"As for whether it's dirty or not, I haven't seen anything, so it's hard to say now."

Grapefruit: "Oh."

"Then are you free now? Can you go with me to see my little sister?"

Tong Li picked up the tea on the table and took a sip: "No need."

Grapefruit slapped the table and shouted loudly: "Why?"

Tong Li glanced at her coldly.

Grapefruit immediately hesitated, wiped the table with her small hands, and said with a smile: "I'll wipe the table, it's a bit dirty here."

Tong Li lay on the back of the chair, staring at her intently.

Shiyou's back felt chilly, she shrugged her shoulders, and looked at her vigilantly: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tong Li asked, "Are you Pei Jiuyin's cousin?"

"hold head high……"


Tong Li asked again: "What kind of person do you think Pei Jiuyin is in your eyes?"


Xiyou glanced up slightly, and thought for a while: "A very powerful person."

"Let me tell you, you found my cousin, that is the blessing you have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

He suddenly became stinky: "Hmph, my cousin is really good."

"When I was two years old, I could break characters, when I was three years old, I was famous at home and abroad, and when I was four years old, I was already invincible all over the world..."

Tong Li rolled her eyes at her, looking stupid, and probably couldn't ask her anything.

"What are your cousin's hobbies?"

Xiyou thought for a while: "I don't know, he never plays with us."

"It's very fierce to have a cold face all day long."

Tong Li nodded secretly in her heart, this is not wrong.

Xiyou chuckled, and said in a joking tone: "Why did you suddenly ask about my cousin, is it because my cousin doesn't want you? You start trying to please him."

Tong Li asked herself, why did she ask her such a question, this girl was full of nonsense.

Forget it.

Tong Li stood up and picked up the backpack.

Grapefruit followed behind and jumped happily: "Are you going to my sister's place now?"

Tong Li said: "No."

"Why, no, you must go to my sister's place first today..."


The driver drove Tong Li to District xx.

Xiyou looked at the familiar road, and groaned, "I still said no, this is my little sister's home."

(End of this chapter)

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