Chapter 209 A Guest From Afar ([-] more)

Although Yu Yali threw away the wig in time, she ignored the rest.

This is bound to happen.

As long as anyone who has been contaminated with that kind of thing can not only clear away the evil spirit left behind from time to time, it can really kill ordinary people.

Besides, it's not just evil.

She was careless.

Tong Li pinched a bunch of her hair, and she could see wisps of light emitting from her hair.

And these lights are the knots that control her and the wig.

If you want to solve it...

"I need a lock of your sister's hair."

"Hair? What are you doing here?" The little girl asked in confusion.

Tong Li stood with her hands behind her back, her face was a bit cold: "Find someone who can make a decision."

little girl:"……"

Why did the big sister in front of her suddenly become fierce?
"What's going on?" A chubby middle-aged man came in, carrying two bags of fruit and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

His eyes lit up when he saw Tong Li: "You are?"

"Dad, she said that she is a magician, and she commissioned her before, and now she says she wants a bunch of hair for my sister."

"Sorcerer?" The middle-aged man was greatly surprised, looking up and down, trying to figure out the credibility of her words.

After some observation, the three words 'really unlike'

Sure enough, the middle-aged man didn't agree immediately, he had his own scruples, his body and skin were personal things, so naturally it was impossible to casually hand them over to someone he didn't know.

Tong Li has long been accustomed to this questioning look, and explained: "Your daughter wears dirty things. Although she lost them, she didn't clean up her hands. Some things have been following her all the time, so that she has become like this. appearance."

If he still doesn't believe it.

"I just sent the Feng family over here. Her condition is much more serious than your daughter's."

Although Feng Yue looks good on the surface, he is severely anti-corruption inside.

Yu Yali looked miserable on the surface, but it was only a superficial injury.

Just cut off the hair knot left on the wig, and then it will return to normal soon after a good conditioning.

The middle-aged man was silent, as if he was thinking about it.

Tong Li continued: "I've already made it clear, it's up to you whether to give things or not."

The middle-aged man came back to his senses, a businessman's light flashed in the corner of his eyes, he smiled, a little embarrassed: "Sorry, can we think about it? You came here suddenly, we..."

Tong Li nodded and let them do whatever they wanted.

Then she turned and went out.

Although I know that my appearance is not convincing, but every time it is questioned, I am still very upset.

Tong Li was carrying all kinds of irritability and hadn't walked out of the hospital gate. The middle-aged man who was in the ward just now ran out like a big frog with his beer belly.

"Miss Tong, please wait a moment."

Just running that little distance already made him out of breath: "I'm sorry...Master Tong, what... I'll trouble you to run."

"My servant just called me, and you did visit my house."

"Sorry... sorry, I was rude just now."

Tong Li finally followed him back.

She cut off a strand of Yu Yali's hair, wrapped it in a piece of talisman paper, and put it in a basin.

欻... Without any flames, the things in the basin suddenly caught fire.

Crackling... Thick black smoke came out of the basin.

A burnt smell?No, there is also a rancid smell, the two smells are mixed together.

"It stinks..." The two of them covered their mouths and noses tightly, disgusted with the pot of things.

After the hair burned, Tong Li asked him to take the things to the toilet to flush.

Although the middle-aged man was reluctant, he still obediently washed the things away.

Finally, I washed my hands before coming out.

"Master Tong, is it all right after this is finished?"

"Well, her own situation is not very serious. It's just that after a long time, she can't stand it, and gradually breaks down emotionally, so she will do some uncontrollable things."

Tong Li took out a safety talisman from her bag and handed it to him: "You let her wear this talisman. After wearing it for three months, basically nothing will happen."

"Okay." The middle-aged man took it with a smile.

"Thank you, Master Tong."

"Look at how much it costs together, and I'll transfer it to you."

"You talk to Yi Jianzhou about this." Tong Li directly put this kind of matter on Yi Jianzhou.



Tong Li stood at the gate of the hospital, looking at the completely dark sky.

It was easy to deal with today's matter, but she was a little strange, what did the person who made the evil hair want to do?To suck the spirit of others?

Blame her for being careless at the time, let those gadgets take advantage of it, and burn important things, otherwise...


A familiar voice came from the front, interrupting her Feiyuan thoughts.

Tong Li looked forward, and saw a man who should not have appeared here, but appeared here.

With faint excitement, Pei Jiuyin strode towards her. As soon as he came in front of her, he couldn't wait to take out the bouquet hidden behind him, and put it in front of her: "For you."

Tong Li looked at the bright bouquet of fire-like roses, took it without the slightest hesitation, "Why are you here?"

Pei Jiuyin smiled and said nothing, took her hand and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

Pei Jiuyin asked casually, "Are you busy with work today?"


"did you miss me."

"Well... yes."

Pei Jiuyin nodded in satisfaction.


The next day, Tong Li went to the company as usual.

When she came to the company corridor, she found two big men guarding the door of her company.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say bodyguards.

This posture?
Tong Li slowed down and came to the gate, but was stopped by these two people when she was about to go in.

"Miss, I'm sorry, we don't accept guests here today!"

"Miss Tong." Xiao Lingling hurried out when she saw Tong Li being stopped.

She scolded the two men as if she was protecting her cubs: "She is our boss, what's the matter if you stop her?"

Those two glanced at Tong Li suspiciously, then stood back to their positions, acting like wooden figures.

After Xiao Lingling spurned them, she told Tong Li about today's events: "Miss Tong, a guest came early this morning. He said he came here because of his reputation, and he didn't make an appointment."

"I wanted to call you, but he wouldn't let me..."

Before Xiao Lingling finished speaking, the so-called guest came out from inside.

The man looked to be around 30 years old, with a gentle and elegant appearance, with a thin body and looked a little weak.

A pair of black trousers and a white shirt is a very common outfit, but if you look closely, you will find the blood jade wrench in his thumb, and you will know that this person is not as ordinary as he is wearing.

The man showed a gentle smile towards Tongli. This warm smile seemed to melt into other people's hearts, making people's defenses against him plummet, and instantly dispelling others' strangeness towards him.

"Is this Master Tong? Hello."

(End of this chapter)

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