Chapter 211 I want to give him a gift (fifteen more)

Oh, by the way, besides grapefruit, there is one person who definitely knows Pei Jiuyin's preferences.

Tong Li picked up the phone and called Qu Rui. It seemed as if she was waiting for the call on a special trip. As soon as the ring rang, she answered it immediately.

"Tong Li." The gentle voice of the man opposite was full of joy, as if he had picked up 80.

"Qu Rui..."

"What's the matter? I've already let Manman's medicinal materials start brewing over there. When will you come over? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Uh, she almost forgot about it, when she went out in the morning, she felt as if she had forgotten something.

it turned out to be this

"No, I'll ask the driver to take me there later."

Qu Rui: "Okay, what are you calling me for?"

Tong Li thought for three seconds but still didn't say: "I'll tell you later."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Qu Rui still didn't understand the purpose of Tong Li's call.

Tong Li packed up her things and was about to go out when the phone rang.

It was Yi Jianzhou calling.

Tong Li connected the phone and pressed the loudspeaker: "Hello."

"What's the matter?" Tong Li responded, while opening the drawer, picking and picking out a few bottles of medicine inside, stuffing them randomly into the bag.

"Master Tong, do you still want to take orders?"

"No." Tong Li refused directly.

"But..." Yi Jianzhou was stopped by her blunt speed, he hesitated in speaking, and had some concerns.

"Why, is the list important?" Tong Li asked casually.

Although she doesn't know Yi Jianzhou very well, she also knows that this person is very principled, and generally won't bother her about her decisions. He must have encountered something before he would ask more questions.

"It is indeed a bit important, but if you are not free, I will push it first."

"You talk first."

When Yi Jianzhou saw that something was wrong, he immediately straightened his mind and said, "Overseas, a child of a famous person disappeared in u city. There is a huge reward there. If he can be found, the reward will not be small."

The key is to get this big shot to ask someone to do something, even if it's free to do this task, it's worth it.

But he was also worried that no one with such power as them could find this matter, and Tong Li might not be able to find it either.

Tong Li's actions to clean things up froze, is the child missing again?Still in u city.

"Is it on the side of Taihua City?"

Yi Jianzhou was stunned, and admiration spontaneously emerged: "Master Tong, are you so good? I just started, and you calculated all the addresses."

Tong Li: She figured it out, but someone just happened to come over because of this incident.

But that's strange, isn't this matter only related to the people of Taihua City?

That should have nothing to do with overseas children.

Tong Li asked again: "Does the child you mentioned belong to Mount Taihua?"

Yi Jianzhou: "Yes, master, can you count this too?"

"They brought the child home to celebrate the old father's birthday. Who would have thought that the child would disappear in the blink of an eye."

It still disappeared under the nose, and I don't know any child who doesn't have eyes and dares to touch big shots.

Yi Jianzhou asked eagerly: "Master Tong, do you want to pick this up?"

Tong Li thought for a few seconds: "Go ahead, give me the information later."

One group is looking for, one is also looking for, and there is no conflict.


After Tong Li hung up the phone, she rushed to Qu's house.

When she came to Qu's house, the medicine there was almost ready.

"Here we come." Qu Rui smiled kindly when he saw Tong Li.

Tong Li nodded: "Yes."

"The medicine should be ready, go over and see if it's all right."

"it is good."

The two walked towards the backyard one after the other, the same cauldron, the same group of people, the difference is that this time there was no disgust in everyone's eyes, but excitement.

This big pot of medicine is of no use to them, but to their young lady, it is a life-saving medicine.

They saw with their own eyes that the young lady began to recover slowly because of taking these medicinal baths.

It is simply a miracle that a person who is completely paralyzed can recover, and it is a miracle created by this pile of stinking medicine.

How could they dislike this panacea.

When everyone saw Tong Li coming, they put down the things in their hands, respectfully bowed slightly to Tong Li, and shouted from the bottom of their hearts: "Hello, Miss Tong."

Tong Li and Qu Rui were obviously taken aback by the excitement of the crowd.

"Miss Tong, is it okay for you to come and see how this medicine is boiled?" A servant invited Tong Li to come forward.

Tong Li went up to take a look. The concoction was black and had a strong aroma. She nodded and gave them a positive evaluation: "Not bad."

"It can be poured out."

"Okay." A group of people started to get busy.

Tong Li and Qu Rui stepped aside and watched them busy.

Tong Li looked at their busy figures, and her thoughts returned to that world problem.

"Qu Rui."

"Huh?" Qu Rui turned his head to look at her with a confused face.

Tong Li sighed slightly, but still asked, "Do you know what Pei Jiuyin likes?"

Qu Rui "?"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to give Pei Jiuyin a gift, but I don't know what he likes."

Qu Rui stared at her for a while, then forced a smile: "Jiu Yin doesn't have too much attachment to things outside of him."

"He doesn't lack anything. I think he will be happy with whatever you give him."

After saying these words, he felt empty in his heart, as if a corner was missing.

But Tong Li, he should be happy that he cares about his brother so much.

"Why did you remember to give him something?" After the words were asked, he regretted it.

Isn't it normal for couples to give each other things?

Tong Li pursed her lips: "I may have to go to u city, and I'm afraid he will lose his temper if I tell him."

"It's not that the hands are short for grabbing people, but the mouth is soft for eating people."

"I'm going to give him a gift and treat him to dinner."

Just shut his mouth so he won't have anything to say!
Qu Rui: "???"

Is his brother like this?

Qu Rui pursed his lips and smiled: "Well, then you have to think about it carefully."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to keep his mouth shut."

"Indeed." Tong Li agreed.

Various gems began to flash in Tong Li's mind?sword?Various cheats?
But after thinking about it, these things seem to be inappropriate here.

This stumped her a bit.

Qu Rui couldn't bear to see her sad like this, so he gave her a suggestion: "You can buy him a watch, a wallet, a belt, and a tie. These are usually gifts for men."

Tong Li shook his head: "He has all these."

Qu Rui sighed inaudibly: "Then what do you think Jiu Yin doesn't have?"

Indeed, Pei Jiuyin lacked nothing materially.

What is missing is someone who loves him.

 The [-] update has been completed, my dears, I stayed up all night and finished writing, please give me a ticket to cover the dark circles under my eyes.

  Poor. Weak and helpless.
(End of this chapter)

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