Chapter 218 The Stone Statue Like a Child

Si Erqiao enthusiastically hugged Xiyou's arm, showing her sharp canine teeth, and said with a smile: "Sister, have you had breakfast? We have a very delicious breakfast in Taihua City, I will take you there."

Xiyou glanced at her, twisted his arm uncomfortably, and pulled it out.

Although she is usually careless, she really can't get acquainted with people she just met, especially this girl who jumped out of nowhere.

She has her own arrogance, not everyone can be her friend.

Xiyou pointed to Tong Li: "I'll listen to her."

Si Erqiao glanced at his empty hand, and his smile faded away.

Tong Li said: "Eat something nearby."

Her appetite is not heavy, and she can do without food.

"Then let's eat outside." Si Erfeng made a final decision, winking at his sister.

By the way, I asked, "Miss Tong, are you ready to go up the mountain?"

Tong hummed.

The four of them found a hotel at random, and set off for Qinhua Mountain after breakfast.

Today's weather is fine, it's only eight o'clock, the sun is already high, outside, the streets are crowded with people, all rushing to work.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit dull, everyone was not very familiar with each other, and they didn't know where to start a conversation.

Because of Xiyou's rejection just now, Si Erqiao's enthusiasm has subsided a lot.

"Miss Tong, I have something to tell you first." Si Erfeng in the cab suddenly said.

The eyes of the two people in the car behind moved to the front.

"We're not the only ones going up the mountain today. People in our clan have invited different masters. If they say something nasty, I hope you don't mind."

The Si family has a big family and a big business, and there are many factions in the same clan. There are many interests in this matter, and there are many differences. If no one agrees with the other, then each will do his own thing and see who can have the last laugh.

Xiyou frowned when she heard this: "What's the matter, you invited us, and you invited other people, and even ran into us, you are too disrespectful."

Tong Li didn't respond, after all, this wasn't the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Si Erfeng looked at Tong Li's expression through the rearview mirror, he looked normal, he apologized: "I'm sorry, it's not convenient to talk about some things, please forgive me, Miss Tong."

Xiyou wanted to say something, but Tong Li glared at her.

Second cowardly.

The car fell silent again.

Don't look at Tong Li who was upstairs looking at Mount Taihua not far away yesterday, their car took more than an hour to arrive.

Taihua Mountain is their sacred mountain in Taihua County. The foot of the mountain has been neatly repaired, and there are fixed rest places. Someone comes to clean it regularly every day.

I don't know if it's because I came too early, but there is no one here.

Si Erqiao pointed to a long staircase above, and said in a waxy voice, "Miss Tong, from here is the temple of Taihua Mountain, and the one enshrining in it is Shantong."

"Originally, many people came here to offer incense every day, but after this incident, few people came here."

Grapefruit counted in his heart on the stairs, and the numbers became messed up as he counted.

Anyway, it's long enough.

"Then do you walk up every time you go up?"

Si Erqiao nodded: "Well, there are a total of 199 steps in this ladder..."

Grapefruit opened her eyes in surprise: "What? It's so long."

How does this go up?

Tong Li looked up at the long ladder, her eyes were sharp and gloomy, as if she wanted to see through the ladder to see what was inside.

Si Erfeng walked up to her and asked, "Miss Tong, shall we go up and have a look?"

Tong Li: "Go up."

"it is good."

The four of them took one step at a time and followed closely.

The mountain forest was covered with green leaves, and the entire staircase was covered under the green leaves. The fine sunlight penetrated through the branches and leaves, and fell on everyone.

Halfway up the stairs, everyone except Tong Li began to breathe a little.

Especially for Grapefruit, she seldom exercises, and such a long ladder is a big challenge for her.

She wanted to complain a few words, but seeing other people walking in silence, she could only swallow the complaints that reached her throat.

Xiyou gritted his teeth, walked with heavy steps, and insisted on walking the 190 nine steps with them without saying a word.

At this moment, she was as tired as a dog, out of breath.

"I'm exhausted."

"Is there any water for me to drink?"

Si Erqiao "?"


With just such a few steps, she didn't expect Xiyou to be so tired.

"No?" Xiyou raised his head and looked at the others, who at most were breathing a little bit, but Tong Li seemed to be fine, not even a drop of sweat.

Look at yourself again, blushing and panting, sweating profusely, and legs are weak, there is no harm without comparison.


If she hadn't taken care of her image, she would have sat down a long time ago.

Xiyou glanced back at the straight staircase, her heart tightened, and she suddenly admired herself for being able to climb such a long staircase in one breath.

Sure enough, I have been with Tong Li for a long time, and my stamina and endurance have become much stronger.

Tong Li walked a few steps forward and looked around at the so-called Shantong Temple. This temple was made of red bricks and blue tiles, no different from other temples.

The outer wall is surrounded by green trees, flowers and plants, and there are lifelike stone statues like children.

At this time, the sun rising from the east happened to hit the stone statue.

The original pair of silent eyes were staring at them as if they had come to life.

Tong Li narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he sensed something was wrong.

Si Erfeng took out the key from his body and walked towards the gate. Since the incident of the child's disappearance, the temple has banned anyone from worshiping, and the gate has also been locked.

'Click' the door lock is unlocked.

Perhaps the door hadn't been opened for a long time, and when the door was pushed open, a gust of cold wind blew out, icy cold, and Si Erfeng couldn't help shivering.

Si Erqiao and Xiyou shrank their heads and probed over to check.

"Brother, do you feel the gloomyness inside?" In the past, there was a lot of fireworks and people coming and going here, but I didn't feel it. It's just that the door has only been closed for a long time now, and it's so dead that it's scary to look at.

"Don't talk nonsense." Si Erfeng scolded her in a low voice.

Si Erqiao pouted.

Turning to ask about Xiyou: "Miss Xiyou, what do you think?"

"It's okay, there is a little bit." Compared with the basement she went into before, it was nothing.

"Then shall we go in?"

"Go in." Tong Li passed them and walked in.

The display inside is very large, with pavilions, terraces and pavilions, and various Shantong jade statues are lined up row by row, and the furnishings everywhere are all exquisite and expensive.

Only the people of Taihua City can do such a thing.

Tong Li and his group wandered in the temple, quietly listening to the deep and distant sound of hitting rocks that they couldn't hear.

Seeing that Tong Li's face became serious, the others all became silent and dared not speak any more.

When they were tens of meters away from the main hall, they heard the sound of arguing in front of them.

There are not many people listening to this voice.

Everyone looked at each other, it seemed that someone had arrived earlier than them.

(End of this chapter)

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