Chapter 309 The Aggressive Man

In the next second, he immediately put away the smile on his face, and went forward to hold her arm: "Come and see Tong Heng with me, you call him over, go to retreat by yourself, throw him here, you But I don’t know, the day I first arrived, I almost hung him up.”

Tong Li frowned, pulled her hand back, and seemed to remember it, as if there was such a thing.

Too tired to come back.

Tong Li coughed lightly to hide the embarrassment on his face: "How is he doing now?"

"Fortunately, after letting that little bug help him lower his body temperature that day, he never got sick."

Speaking of that little bug, he immediately became interested: "Your little bug is really amazing, it's like a panacea, it works just by touching it, how did you get this baby."

Tong Li didn't answer him, and walked straight forward.

I plan to go and see Tong Heng's situation first.

"Hey, don't go, you haven't answered me yet."

drop by drop...

Just halfway there, a car drove up from behind and honked at them.

The ear-piercing sound of the horn successfully made the two of them stop, and they frowned together, looking at the annoying car.

When the car drove up in front of them, the people inside rolled down the window, and Tong Li could clearly see who was coming.

It was Pei Lizheng.

"Tong Li..." This Living Buddha is really hard to find.

Since she came back, he ran to Pei's house every day and never saw anyone.

I really don't know what he's doing with the door closed all day long, if he can, he really wants to find people out.

But if he really did this, his nephew would probably bite him to death.

Tong Li's eyes moved slightly, and he asked knowingly, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Pei Lizheng got out of the car, with ice-like coldness in his eyes.

How dare you ask him what he is doing.

The car door was closed heavily with a 'snap'.

Before he got close, he could smell the smell of gunpowder coming from his body.

He tried his best to calm down the anger in his heart, and made his voice less aggressive: "I still want to ask you..."

Can't be angry, can't be angry: "Have you checked the matter clearly?"

He was asking about wigs, of course.

Tong Li nodded slightly: "Yes."

Pei Lizheng was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked: "Really? Has anyone caught it? Where is it?"

Tong Li told him very calmly: "Dead."

Pei Lizheng frowned: "What do you mean?"


He felt that the matter was not that simple, and he expressed his doubts slightly: "Did you kill it?"


Pei Lizheng: "..."

Completely speechless, this answer is really straightforward.

"Tong Li, don't be joking, there are big things going on here."

"Tell me, where is he?"

Tong Li ignored him, turned around and walked forward.

Pei Lizheng chased after him: "Did you really kill him? Do you know that you are going to cause a catastrophe? What this person bears is not as simple as one or two, nor is it that you kill him if you can. Do you know that you are ..."

"That's not human." Ning Xuesheng looked down upon this aggressive man, except for Tong Li, no one could get a good face in front of him, besides, this man was too annoying.

"If someone is caught here, he can kill you all. She risked her life to help you get rid of such a big disaster. If you don't thank her, you still come here to question her. You really don't know what to do."

Pei Lizheng frowned secretly, calmed down instantly, and looked at the speaker. He didn't know this person, but he heard what he said clearly.

Thinking about it, how could it be an ordinary person who can do these crooked things.

The key is that people are gone, how will this case end?How about trial?What to do with so many victims?
It is impossible for him to tell others that it was done by some goblin, and now that it has been taken away, everyone is safe.

It's strange that people don't think of him as crazy.

Tong Li has nothing to explain. The matter has been done, and she can't take care of the rest. She still has a lot of things waiting for her to do.

The two left Pei Lizheng and came to Tong Heng's residence.

I have to say that Pei Jiuyin really worked hard to arrange the villa for them. It was quiet, but it was a bit far away, and it took nearly 20 minutes to get there.

At this moment, the young master is basking in the sun comfortably, very comfortable.

He didn't know what was going on, since the last time he got sick, he was treated by that worm. Not only did the fever go away, but even the pain that had tormented him for more than ten years disappeared without a trace.

At the beginning, he thought he was back to life, wondering if his life was going to end soon?
Who would have thought that he would still be alive and well the next day, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly. It wasn't until the third and fourth day that he believed that he was really all right.

That worm cured all his ailments, or relieved some of his pains, anyway, he is healed now.

It's so big, full of wonders, he finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

Tong Heng curled his mouth to enjoy the most comfortable moment in his life, and he didn't even notice that there were two people standing behind him.

"Tong Heng, is it comfortable to lie down?"

Hearing the voice, Tong Heng opened his eyes in a jerk, and saw Ning Xuesheng's face close at hand. He was startled, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he laughed and shouted: "Brother Xuesheng."

Ning Xuesheng nodded: "You look pretty good today."


When Tong Heng saw Tong Li behind him, his face, which was still full of smiles just now, immediately became serious, his whole body became tense instantly, and his back tensed up.

Thinking of his father's phone call two days ago, he accidentally said a big thing that slipped his mouth, it was okay if he didn't know, but after knowing it, he didn't know how to address her.

Do you really want to: "..."

Tong Heng walked in front of Tong Li with small steps. Although he was young, he was tall enough.

He looked down at the person in front of him who was a head shorter than himself...

"Great ancestor."

Tong Li: "..."

Ning Xuesheng: "..."

The atmosphere at the scene became a little strange.

Tong Heng blushed shyly. It took him several days of mental preparation to call Gaozu. After all, standing in front of him was a girl who was about the same age as him, so it was strange to call him Gaozu.

Ning Xuesheng walked up to him and grabbed his arm: "You boy, do you know what Gao Zu means? Just shout."

"Be careful that your ancestors jump out of the coffin and beat you up."

Tong Heng glanced at Tong Li and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Tong Li passed him and walked to the leisure table in front and sat down, looking at him with fixed eyes, his expression was hard to fathom.

She pointed at the tabletop and motioned for Tong Heng to sit over and hand over her hand.

Tong Heng's reaction was a little slow and he didn't understand what it meant. It was Ning Xuesheng who pushed and pressed him, pressed him on the chair, and put his hand on the table, so he understood what was going on.

His skin was thin, and he blushed even more at the moment.

Tong Li immediately caught the pulse of his left hand, and as soon as she pressed it, her black eyebrows began to frown: Tong Heng's pulse is very weak, lifeless and rootless, the disease has invaded the five viscera, and the vitality has reached the end of exhaustion, it is an absolute death. There is no doubt about it.

"Right hand." Tong Li asked him to switch hands.

Tong Heng followed suit dumbly.

(End of this chapter)

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