Chapter 321 The Lost Ring

"I will never drink again. I will listen to you and take good care of myself."

"Tongtong, do you know that I love you? I can't stand the life without you, and I can't imagine the life without you."

"Tongtong, you are mine."

Listening to his words, Tong Li's face showed a faint blush, and her heart beat inexplicably fast, it was an uncontrollable beating, as if there were strands of things entangled in her heart, a little itchy and a little bit Comfortable, she doesn't like this feeling of being out of control, she works hard to calm her heartbeat, the more you suppress it, the faster it will beat.

She didn't know why, but he knew it must have something to do with this man.

"I see."

Pei Jiuyin raised his head and looked at her affectionately, and gently kissed the lips with his warm lips, chin, face, eyes, forehead, everything on her belonged to him.

The atmosphere between the two burned at a high speed, just when everything was about to fall into place.

Tong Li pushed the person down directly with both hands, and Pei Jiuyin, who was still obsessed just now, was pushed off guard.

"It's almost dawn, hurry up and sleep for a while, I have to go out at nine o'clock."

The blush on Pei Jiuyin's face hadn't faded yet, his head was a little dazed, and things had come to this point, yet he was rejected, he looked up at the time, it was six o'clock.

The sky is graying, and the sun is about to come out.

"Oh..." Pei Jiuyin remorsefully beat the bed and kicked his legs.

"Why? Why is it dawning so soon."

Pei Jiuyin looked at Tong Li pitifully: "Tong Tong, don't be so cruel, I feel bad."

Tong Li didn't care about him, she walked to her place and covered the quilt tightly: "Fix it yourself, don't disturb me." She just ignored this childish ghost.


"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin looked at Tong Li with his eyes closed, who could be more sad than him?The meat to the mouth is gone.


He slowly rubbed against Tong Li's side, he didn't dare to make a sound to disturb her, but his finger reached out to the person next to him uncontrollably.

Until he held the whole hand, he chuckled, his big hand could completely hold her small hand in the palm of his hand, obviously he could hold it often, but today he felt extraordinarily happy.

The daughter-in-law's hands are so small and soft, and his hands are playing with the round fingertips under the quilt, smiling like a fool.

When he touched her ring finger, he paused, and immediately remembered that there was something missing.

Her ring, the ring that belonged to her.

Pei Jiuyin wanted to bring the ring to her right away, so he threw off the quilt suddenly, jumped up from the bed, and ran to the previous room to find his clothes.

There is one more crucial thing there.

Tong Li, who was still asleep, opened a dozen slits in her eyes, and saw him rushing out, she was just puzzled, turned over, closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Pei Jiuyin found his clothes, but the holes in the clothes were almost torn by him, and he didn't find where the small box was?

"Why didn't it disappear?" He tried to think back, he seemed to take it out to look at it while drinking, did he put it in his pocket after reading it?

Not at all impressed.

He couldn't remember, he just didn't want to, and hurried to the study, turned on the computer, his slender fingertips fluttered on the keyboard, called up a system page, entered the password, and then pressed the Enter key.

A detailed map page appeared on the screen immediately, with two red dots flashing non-stop.

This system is shared by the two of them, one of which belongs to him and is displayed in his villa area, and the other... Pei Jiuyin frowned deeply as he looked at the address.

Where is she?
Pei Jiuyin's eyes dimmed a little, he turned off the computer and went back to the room, but this time he didn't go in, but watched at the door, closed the door after a few minutes, turned and went downstairs.

Tong Li just got up after resting for two hours.

Pei Jiuyin pinpointed the time for her to wake up, so she could have a hot breakfast as soon as she got downstairs.

When he saw Tong Li coming down, his eyes flashed a strange light, and he immediately stood up from the sofa, staring at her affectionately: "Tong Tong, are you hungry?"

Instead of answering him, Tong Li asked, "Why don't you go to the company?"

Pei Jiuyin smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you."

Tong Li didn't know what was wrong with him, and when she came to the table Pei Jiuyin habitually helped her out of the chair.


As soon as Tong Li sat down, the man leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, like a cat stealing fish, he grinned: "This is a good morning kiss."

Tong Li nodded in a daze.

Pei Jiuyinde sat back in her seat as she wished, picked up chopsticks and picked up a seafood steamed bun for her.

Tong Li looked at the slightly ugly little bun in front of her, feeling suspicious: Why does this feel different from before, so ugly, a round one with no shape at all.

"Eat quickly." Pei Jiuyin looked at her calmly, with eager anticipation hidden in his eyes.

Tong Li hesitated for a moment, picked up the chopsticks, and under Pei Jiuyin's eager gaze, slowly picked up the little bun in front of him, put it to his lips, and took a bite.

With the speed of her chewing, Pei Jiuyin's eyes became more eager: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Tong Li frowned imperceptibly, thinking that he was very strange today, why should he care about a bun?
Besides, the skin of today's buns is a bit hard, and the fermentation time is a bit too long, with a bit of sour taste. The taste is not as delicate as before. The meat is quite tender, but it is a little bit salty.

Not to mention unpalatable, but it is not comparable to the previous ones.

Tong Li's eyes fell on Pei Jiuyin and observed carefully. He hoped that his eyes were still a little nervous. What are you nervous about?
She shifted her eyes to his hands. Although the hands were washed very clean, there was still some white flour stuck between the nails.

Combined with his various reactions, if she guessed wrong, he wouldn't have done it himself, right?

No matter how she couldn't understand it, she knew that he really worked so hard to make this little bun. Naturally, she wouldn't take his face off if a man who didn't touch Yang Chunshui made this little bun.

"Well, it's delicious."

Hearing the answer she gave, Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips and raised the corners of his lips, but he didn't want her to see the abnormality, so he kept suppressing the joy: "It's delicious, eat one more."

Tong Li shook her head slightly in her heart, this man's thoughts are actually very simple.

"By the way, today I'm going to the next city with Yi Jianzhou. If the matter is simple, I should be able to make it back tonight. If you can't make it, you can go to bed early and don't wait for me."

The corners of Pei Jiuyin's lips curled down with a smile, slightly dissatisfied: "Why do you have to spend the night outside?"

He doesn't want to, the boss doesn't want to.

"Can't you go?"

Tong Li looked up at him.

What else Pei Jiuyin didn't understand was her responsibility. Regardless of whether he agreed or not, she had to go.

(End of this chapter)

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