Chapter 336 "Will you marry me?"

"Are you really all right? Let me have a look." Tong Li took his hand, felt his pulse, and quickly came to the conclusion: the heartbeat was too fast, the blood energy in Wuzang and Liufu was too fast, and he still had a little energy. The evil fire has nowhere to go.

Tong Li raised her hand to cover her red lips and coughed gently, and her eyes became weird when she looked at him: "It's nothing, you should take a rest first."

After speaking, he turned around and walked upstairs, speeding up the stairs virtually.

Pei Jiuyin watched Tong Li close the door, his eyes darkened, and he felt extremely remorseful.

He originally had a ring, but in that situation just now, he had to take out the ring, and everything would come naturally.

He punched the reinforced concrete remorsefully, the pain in his hand stimulated his pain-sensing nerves, something came to his mind, and he immediately came to the spirit.

Pick up your phone and make a call.

An hour later, Tong Li had washed her hair, dried her hair, and fixed it with hair clips in front of the mirror. She looked more refreshed when she lifted her hair.

She listened quietly to the movement outside, and there was no sound. Pei Jiuyin didn't seem to be in the room, hadn't washed yet?slower than her.

Tong Li turned on the faucet and washed his hands, but he did not see the man after he came out.

She walked to the sofa, looked at the box on the table with a lack of interest, picked up the box and opened it, revealing a black shiny pill, took out the pill, put it under her nose and sniffed it, and picked out a little bit with her nails. I put it in my mouth and pursed my lips lightly, but I still haven't analyzed what it is, and it doesn't do any harm to the body, nor does it have any benefits.

That person shouldn't exchange a useless thing with her, so what is this pill for?

Tong Li put the pill back into the box, thinking that he couldn't analyze it, so he took it to Qu Rui to disassemble it to see what ingredients were inside.

Suddenly there was a flapping sound of the wings above her head, and she just glanced out, then began to cross her legs and began to meditate.

Ten minutes later, she was knocked on the door when she entered the state room. It stands to reason that there were only her and Pei Jiuyin here. He knew the password himself, so why did he knock on the door?
Knock, knock... the knocking on the door continued.

Tong Li had to calm down, got off the sofa, and went to open the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, I saw a large bunch of red flowers coming straight to my eyes.

Her pupils were reflected in a fiery red: "What are you doing?"

Tong Li took two steps back to avoid the bouquet of flowers touching her face: she wondered what was going on with this man, why did he bring such a large bouquet of flowers here for no reason?
Pei Jiuyin exposed his head and smiled very softly. Some things must be done while the iron is hot. Although the process was too hasty and it would not be perfect, he managed to get her to nod. "It's for you."

Seeing that Tong Li didn't take it, he pushed the bouquet closer: "Hurry up and take it."

Tong Li took the flowers dumbly. As soon as the flowers were in his hands, the man in front suddenly knelt down on one knee towards her, fumbled in his pocket for a while, took out a maroon box, opened the lid and handed it to Tong Li. He looked at her affectionately.

"Tongtong, I'm sorry, I was a little rushed today. I wanted to wait for a while, but you nodded today. I don't want to wait for a moment."

Tong Li looked at the sparkling diamond ring, which represented eternal charm, and several question marks popped up in his head.

Pei Jiuyin was afraid that she would not be able to see him, so he held the diamond ring closer, and the dazzling colorful diamond became more brilliant, crystal clear and translucent under the illumination of the white woven lamp.


Pei Jiuyin licked his lips nervously, and said nervously, "Will you marry me?"

After he said these words, the breathing of both of them slowed down a lot, and the spacious room was silent, except for the humming vibration of the air conditioner.

Tong Li was stunned, as if he didn't expect that he was seeking employment.

So what is she going to say now?She was going to do something, and her hands and feet seemed a little out of order.

Pei Jiuyin waited for a few minutes without waiting for a response, and became anxious: "Why, you want to go back on your word, obviously you agreed just now."

Tong Li's face was slightly troubled, he just nodded, but he didn't expect him to move so fast.

Seeing her troubled expression, Pei Jiuyin stood up from the ground impatiently, without her consent, took out the ring, grabbed her left hand, and put the ring inside.

When the ring was firmly in her hand, a happy smile appeared on his handsome face, he casually snatched the flower from her hand, threw it to the side, picked her up, and announced to her: "Dear me!" After wearing the ring, she is my daughter-in-law, and I can't change it for the rest of my life."

Call him a rascal, call him domineering, whatever, anyway, the wife is his.

Tong Li didn't seem to realize it yet, but under such inexplicable circumstances, she was given the title of Pei Jiuyin's daughter-in-law.

Pei Jiuyin's forehead was pressed against Tong Li's, and his warm breath sprayed on his face. His voice trembled violently: "Daughter-in-law, next time I will make a grand marriage proposal for you, okay?"

Tong Li stared at her blankly, her eyeballs trembled slightly, and her lips parted slightly, "No need..."

"You have to, you have to have what others have." He is just such a daughter-in-law, and this is the only time in his life. Although he doesn't value these rituals, he can't let his daughter-in-law suffer this grievance. He wants to give the best things in the world to her. Leave it to her, let her be the happiest woman in the world.

Pei Jiuyin put her on the soft quilt, wrapped her in his arms, kissed her eyes, and stroked her hair: "Tongtong, you have made so many concessions for me, if I If I can't even give you this, am I still worthy to be your man?"

Tong Li looked at his burning eyes, a strange blush appeared in the corners of her eyes, and she felt that she was about to be burnt by this look.

"Is marriage really that important to you?"

Pei Jiuyin's eyes were gentle but firm: "It's important, Tongtong, if I can't find a suitable other half, I would rather die alone, but since you appeared, you are everything in my emotions."

"With you, I feel that I am a living person, no longer alone, I am very happy."

"But human nature is greedy. You promised to stay with me. I should be content. But I want more. I think you belong to me alone."

"Although that marriage certificate is not very important, it is the only physical evidence to witness that you and I are in this world."

Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes and buried his head under his neck, took a deep breath, and pressed a firm kiss under the supple skin: "Tongtong, if you promise, there is no way to regret it, you know."

"Okay." Tong Li's soul trembled slightly, and her pink face showed unprecedented heat.

Pei Jiuyin raised his head to catch her rare shyness, and he couldn't help teasing her with a low laugh: "Is my Tongtong shy?"

Tong Li turned her head away awkwardly, not looking at her, but said stiffly: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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