Chapter 355 You Are the End of the Fireworks
Under the sky full of fireworks, Tong Li lightly closed her eyes, enjoying this gentle kiss, which she should push away under normal circumstances.

But, that man... well... she really lost to him.

The fireworks are still going off, and each bunch of fireworks can illuminate most of the sky as bright as day, and besides the sound of exploding, there are sounds of exclamation in my ears.

Pei Jiuyin saw the same, and let go of him with all kinds of reluctance.

Perhaps it was under the public view that a rare blush appeared on Tong Li's face.

Seeing her like this, Pei Jiuyin couldn't help laughing, then whispered into her ear, "Tongtong, I love you so much, thank you for coming to my side."

Tong Li leaned on his shoulder. Although he didn't say anything, his actions already showed everything.

"Tongtong, look up."

Pei Jiuyin straightened the person and pointed at the night sky. The next second, a huge explosion sounded, the fireworks scattered, and the starry sky burst into unprecedented light.

"(⊙o⊙) wow"

After the bright light, a sentence hangs high under the dark curtain: Tongtong, I am happy with you.


"It turns out that someone confessed."

"Tongtong... This Tongtong is so happy, it's hard to do this, and it's definitely a big deal to cut off the power in the scenic spot."

"Ah, what kind of girl can be worthy of this boy's love."

There were bursts of envious discussions in front, and it could be heard from the voices that they were really envious.

But where there is praise, there is slander.

"Tch, who knows if it's some greasy old man, in order to chase the momentum created by girls, young people don't have the strength to do this now."

"That's right, if you're rich, handsome and young, don't talk about spending money, a lot of women pay you back, how can you spend so much effort."

The more everyone listened, the more reasonable it became, and gradually the direction of the discussion changed.

Then the greasy old man in their mouth was holding his hard-won wife behind him.

The two looked at each other and smiled slightly.

They don't care what others say, he only knows that his Tongtong is more than enough for these.

Half an hour later, the fireworks cleared, the power was restored in the town, and everything was lively again.

The music on the stage sounded again, and people began to step onto the stage again, but they never saw the dancing couple again.

And the couple that people think about most, this will be in the middle of the river.

The two of them didn't come back until nearly two o'clock. Everyone slept soundly that night, and Pei Jiuyin also gained unprecedented physical and mental satisfaction.

Early the next morning, the two got up late, and by the time they packed up and went out, the sun had already risen.

They drove into the forest area. Apart from their cars, they were the cars of some staff members. A little further on, they reached the end of the road, and outsiders were not allowed to go further inside.

Except of course they used a special method.

Tong Li got off the car and looked at the green, where the mountains and rivers are criss-crossed, the peaks and ridges are continuous, and the high places are shrouded in clouds and mists all the year round, covering this sacred peak with a mysterious veil.

Tong Li closed her eyes lightly, feeling the fragrance of pine resin from the flowers, plants and trees, and listening quietly, she could hear the cries of some animals in the depths of the jungle.

For her, this is the normal living environment, and it is not bad to practice in this place.

Although it is not as good as the dragon vein underground in Pei's house.

Pei Jiuyin picked up a life-saving bag and put it on his back, which contained some first-aid supplies. As he had checked before, there were too many unknown dangers in the jungle. Some things should not be separated from the body, and it would be more secure to carry them by himself.

Tong Li came back to her senses, opened her eyes and looked back at them, she walked over and picked one up casually, Pei Jiuyin snatched it from her immediately when she saw it.

"I'll carry it."

Tong Li raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

It's not that she looks down on him, it's just that she is stronger than him in terms of strength.

Pei Jiuyin's hands were slightly stiff, and he recovered quickly. He understood what she said, but he still stubbornly hung the bag that belonged to Tong Li on his body.

"I'm sure."

He is her man, he is not weak, and the bag is not heavy, he can do it.

Tong Li: "Okay."

Pei Jiuyin brought five carefully selected bodyguards who were very experienced in the rules of survival in the jungle.

A group of seven people in total began to embark on this journey.

There are often people walking on the road ahead, and they go smoothly, but the further they go, the steeper and more steep the road inside.

Tong Li's goal is not in the outer circle, and the things she is looking for are relatively scarce, and she likes yin and hates yang. The sun here is too abundant, so it is impossible to find it here.

The bodyguards wanted to open the way by themselves. After all, they were used to walking in this kind of jungle, but after walking for a while, they found that Ms. Tong was more agile than them, and could accurately judge the danger ahead, so as to avoid it. Greatly improve.

Tong Li's power made them feel inferior.

The seven people walked for about three or four hours, Tong Li was still full of energy, and he didn't show the slightest tiredness in his actions, but the steps of the big men behind him began to slow down.

As she was walking, Tong Li suddenly stopped, and looked back at a large group of men who fell behind her.


so slow?
She stood where she was, waiting for them to come.


Pei Jiuyinjun's face was already flushed with exhaustion, his forehead was covered with sweat, and the places he couldn't see were even wet with sweat, but his mouth was still firm: "It's okay."

In fact, he was so tired that he didn't want to go. Usually he had practiced for a while, and his physical strength was not bad, but walking on this rugged road, carrying a package, and the environment inside was humid and hot, it was really tiring.

But the little girl in front didn't cry tired, how could he, a big man, cry tired.

Tong Li didn't tell the truth, and looked at the time.

"It's getting late, rest here first, eat something before leaving."

As soon as the others heard that they could stop, they all untied their bags and took out today's fresh buns and steamed buns. This was their last meal of hot rice noodles in the jungle. Afterwards, they could only hunt by themselves or eat some compressed rice. biscuit.

There is nothing wrong with them, but how about letting the master eat this thing with them.

Pei Jiuyin handed Tong Li the steamed bun that was still warm.

The conditions are limited, so let’s eat what we have now.

Tong Li reached out to take it, but didn't eat it.

Pei Jiuyin unscrewed a bottle of water for her and looked at the dry steamed bun: "Shall I let them hunt some prey?"

Tong Li took the water and took two sips: "I'm not too hungry."

"Eat something even if you are not hungry, there is still such a long way."

There was no other way, looking at the nagging Pei Jiuyin, Tong Li could only eat the steamed buns in his hands.

After eating, they rested in place for half an hour. Before leaving, Tong Li asked everyone to swallow a detoxification pill, which could prevent miasma.

Because the next place may really be dangerous at any time.

"Let's go, I'll walk slowly ahead, you guys follow."

Hearing this, everyone felt very blocked. Originally, they wanted to help, but why did they feel like they were a burden?

Tong Li put her bag on her back this time, and originally wanted to help Pei Jiuyin carry it, but after she said this, the man's face suddenly became stinky...

(End of this chapter)

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