The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 364 I Can't Save You, Then I'll Be With You.

Chapter 364 I Can't Save You, Then I'll Be With You.

Her enchantment, the eighteen idols have all been taken care of by Tianlei.

Under the lightning strike of Tianlei, her head felt numb, the pores all over her body were open, the blood in her limbs stagnated, her heart was blocked, and she couldn't go up or down, although she didn't feel dizzy like last time In the past, but the feeling of being sober is simply worse than death, and it would be better to knock her unconscious.

And the moment the stone statue was burned, the ground she stepped on instantly turned into a bottomless void.

In the center of the void, it seems that there is still a dark fire burning.

Her body fell down uncontrollably, and a gust of cold air surrounded her.

Pei Jiuyin was not too far away from her, before his brain had time to react, he rushed over and grabbed Tong Li's arm at a critical moment.


Pei Jiuyin was so frightened by this scene that he firmly grasped Tong Li's hand to prevent her from falling.


He wanted to pull the person up, but he didn't know what was going on, the person below was as heavy as a thousand catties, and he couldn't pull it up no matter what with all his strength, and there was a tendency to fall down.

"Tongtong, come up quickly." Pei Jiuyin's muscles tensed up, he clenched his back molars tightly, and grabbed her hand tightly. Due to excessive force, all the veins hidden under the skin burst out.

The bodyguards outside were also very anxious when they saw the crisis inside. One of them tried to test the door of the tomb with his hands, and seeing that he could go in, he was overjoyed and rushed over to help.

They don't know why there is such a big hole in the flat ground, and there is a strong adsorption force underneath, and they were almost brought down by this force just now.

"Tongtong hold tight."

Three bodyguards grabbed Pei Jiuyin, and the remaining two bent down and grabbed Tong Li's arm, but even three of them couldn't pull the people below half a point.

Only Tong Li understands how ordinary people can win the power beyond nature.

She looked at the anxious Pei Jiuyin, and tried to let herself come up.

But she has to spend a lot of effort to raise her hand now, not to mention the suction below is so strong.

If this continues, the people above will be dragged down by her.

She had to make a decision: "Pei Jiuyin, let go, you can't pull it up."

Pei Jiuyin's eyes turned scarlet, and he squeezed out three words between his teeth: "Impossible."

Impossible to let go.

But things went against his expectations, the sweat on his hands became more and more slippery, and he couldn't catch the people below: "Tongtong, come up quickly."

After a while, Tong Li's hand slid down for a while, and the suction force below was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a strong force that couldn't pull the people above it and would not stop.

"Pei Jiuyin, let go, if you don't let go, you will be pulled down too." Tong Li's head hurt so badly that his hands were about to be dislocated by them.

Just for a while, Pei Jiuyin's body jumped back again.

The bodyguard grabbed Pei Jiuyin from behind to prevent him from falling.

Tong Li looked at the vast void under her feet, and then turned her head to look at the painful and hideous Pei Jiuyin.

Why bother?Continuing to struggle is futile.

At that moment, she made a decision and stopped using her hands.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the arm with relaxed muscles, his eyes were frightened, and he trembled: "Tongtong, what do you want to do?"

"No, soon, I can pull you up soon, and give me that hand too."

Then he yelled at the people behind: "Quickly pull up."

But all the people above tried their best, but they still couldn't pull the people below.

With a whoosh, Pei Jiuyin jumped out again with half of his body, scaring the bodyguard almost to his death on the spot.

"Let go, master."

Compared to Tong Li, they cared more about Pei Jiuyin's life, since they couldn't pull it off, giving up was the best choice.

Pei Jiuyin turned a deaf ear to the bodyguard's words, and tightly grasped Tong Li's hand with both hands.

His arm was severely weakened after a long period of sawing.

"Tongtong, don't..." Pei Jiuyin shook his head, looking at Tong Li who was slowly sliding down, the powerlessness in his heart made him feel like a knife, wishing that it was him who fell down.

Suddenly, he thought of something...

The arm is still exerting force, but the anxious heart becomes calm.

"Let go." Pei Jiuyin said coldly to the bodyguards on the left and right.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what their master meant.

"I'll let you go." Pei Jiuyin snorted again.

The bodyguard didn't dare not listen, so he could only withdraw his hand.

Without the pulling force of the two people, Pei Jiuyin slid forward another section, and the three people behind hugged Pei Jiuyin's thigh tightly.

Tong Li thought he had figured it out.

However, in the next second, Pei Jiuyin turned over and kicked off the three bodyguards behind him. His movements were clean and neat, without sloppiness, as if he had planned it for a long time.

"Master." Surprised voices came from the tomb, and they immediately stretched out their hands to hold Pei Jiuyin, but it was too late.

Both fell in.

Tong Li was also shocked by his move and was unable to speak for a long time, and it took a while to find her own voice: "Are you crazy?
The wind in the void was strong but very quiet, and the sound of two people's panting breathing could be clearly heard in the quiet.

Pei Jiuyin hugged her tightly, and whispered in her ear, "I'm not crazy, I can't save you, so I'll stay with you, wherever my Tongtong is, I'll be there."

Listening to his words, Tong Li's heart trembled and her eyes were moist: "Why are you so stupid."

Here she had a slight chance of surviving, but he fell with a mortal body...he would die.

Tong Li hugged him and whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry."

It's me who hurt you.

"It's okay." Pei Jiuyin stroked her long hair. Although they were in a dangerous place, he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. Maybe this is the power of love. Anyway, he doesn't live long, and it's okay to die with the one he loves. good.

The two of them were still falling, and this place seemed to be a bottomless abyss, and they couldn't reach the bottom no matter what.

Tong Li looked up, the mouth was slowly closing, she looked at the silly man in front of her, closed her eyes and kissed him on the lips.

Pei Jiuyin was enjoying this proactive kiss. Suddenly, the back of his neck hurt, and he didn't even have a chance to react. His eyes went dark, his head drooped powerlessly, and he passed out directly.

Tong Li patted his back lightly, her face was close to his cheek, feeling his temperature, her voice choked with sobs: "How can I let you die, Pei Jiuyin, I will be fine..."

"You go home and wait for me, you know? I will go back by myself, you just need to wait for me where you are."

Her gaze gradually moved upwards, unable to wait any longer.

With a slight shake of her left hand, she could only mobilize part of Yingqianzhu's power, and when Yingqianzhu's power could no longer be mobilized, she sent Pei Jiuyin upwards with all her strength.

She didn't know if this power was enough, but if he didn't try, he would really die if he stayed here.

Tong Li's body fell rapidly, looking at Pei Jiuyin who was getting further and further away from her, she prayed silently in her heart, go up a little bit more.

(End of this chapter)

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