Chapter 366 I'm Your Fiance

He swung her arms, the joints moved freely, although there was no temperature on the body, the muscles were not stiff, and the skin was fair, but it was also a normal skin white, not the paleness of a dead person. rosy.

This is not the look a dead person should have.

He opened his eyes with his hands and looked, the pupils were normal and did not dilate.

That's weird, all the things she showed on her body belonged to normal people, but it was true that she had no pulse or heartbeat.

Jing Beichen seemed to have encountered something interesting, he curled his lips together: "Interesting."

He fished her back to the yacht and immediately got her a doctor.

After the doctor's preliminary examination, he couldn't explain what was going on. The patient's various organs stopped working, but they didn't fail. Her muscle groups were also in a normal state. The whole person seemed to press the pause button.

To put it bluntly, this is a robot setting.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Jing Beichen's mouth, his light eyes glanced at the doctor, and then he said unhurriedly: "Go out, no one is allowed to reveal a word about today's affairs."

The doctor shrank his neck in fright, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes."

How dare he say it.

After the doctor left, he recruited bodyguards and asked him to warn the people outside that whoever dares to leak today's events will prevent them from seeing the sun tomorrow and harm their families.

After everyone left, Jing Beichen came to the bed and stared at the beauty on the bed. He stretched out his hand and picked up a strand of her hair to wrap it in his hand. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Little Li'er, I saved you I missed you once, even God is helping me, so..."

In the next second, Jing Beichen covered his nose and let out a scream of 'ah'.

The person on the bed suddenly sat up, raised his hand and gave him a punch, this punch just hit Jing Beichen's bridge of nose impartially.

Jing Beichen held his nose tightly, his pain sensitivity was slower than others, and it didn't feel very painful, but as soon as he let go of his hand, the blood started to flow down, and he didn't know if his nose bridge was broken.

Tong Li looked at the strange man in front of him, put his whole body on guard, and stared at him coldly: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Jing Beichen was stunned, and his first reaction was to ask: "What?"

His brain reacted very quickly. In just a few seconds, his head had already turned hundreds of times.

The woman who was neither cold nor indifferent to him before, who sometimes hated him, now has no boredom or indifference in her eyes, only strong defense, looking at him is like looking at a stranger.

Obviously they have known each other for a long time, so there is only one possibility, the woman in front of her should have lost her memory.

Before, he was worried about how to make Tong Li change his image, but he didn't expect God to take care of him like this.

After reacting, Jing Beichen immediately pretended to be wronged, and the disguise was very pitiful: "Little Li'er, don't you remember me?"

Tong Li looked at the man in front of her and frowned, feeling that he said this sentence inexplicably: "Why should I remember you."

Jing Beiyi covered her nose closer, and the blood on the nose spread a blood -colored vein along the arm, and dropped the drop to the ground. Do you remember?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Tong Li's eyes: "You know me?"

Jing Beichen was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely aggrieved, and his eyes became tense: "Little Li'er, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm Beichen, Jing Beichen, you..."

His eyes shifted to her finger, and he changed his words on a whim: "I'm your fiance, we just got engaged not long ago, if you don't believe me, look at the ring on your hand, I put the ring on your hand for you myself."

This man doesn't blush when he lies.

Tong Li raised her hand to look at the ring on her ring finger, her brows furrowed deeper, and she glanced at the anxious and tender Jing Beichen.


"Impossible." She immediately denied the question as soon as it was raised.

How could she touch a man.

She's here. Yes, she's here to kill the fox demon. Why is she here?
Jing Beichen wanted to go further, but he was afraid that Tong Li would beat him up: "Little Li'er, nothing is impossible, what you wear on your hand is the evidence."

"What happened when you went out this time? How could you forget what happened between us?"

Tong Li stared at him for a while, thinking about the authenticity of his words, does she really have anything to do with this man?But just when I wanted to think deeply, my head felt like it was going to explode, it hurt so much, so hurt.

She pressed her temples lightly, as if she had really forgotten something.

Jing Beichen became nervous in an instant, he wasn't nervous about Tong Li's pain or not, but nervous about what she would think of, so he quickly comforted her: "Little Li'er, don't worry, if you don't remember, we don't think about it, I'll let the doctor come over again Check it out for you, okay?"

"Don't move, I'll find a doctor."


Tong Li was taken to a small island by Jing Beichen, and it was nicknamed "to recuperate from illness." 'In fact, in order to control her contact with the outside world, at least she can't go out before he thinks of a perfect way.

This is a small island he bought a year ago, and the villa inside has just been built, so he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

Tong Li stood on the top floor of the villa, looking at the endless sea with a melancholy expression. The salty sea breeze hit her body repeatedly, making people very uncomfortable. She didn't like to stay there.

She has no memory of what Jing Beichen said to her, but her vital yin is indeed gone, which means that there is a man beside her.

It is possible that what this man said is not necessarily true.

But why does she have resistance to this man?

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Jing Beichen was holding a plate of fruit in his hand, leaning half of his body on the door frame, with unknown emotions hidden under his deep eyes.

Tong Li is smarter than he imagined, although he has already told her about Pei Jiuyin's time with her in detail, but he just replaced the man inside with him.

After all, even people with amnesia have a subconscious habit. Instead of letting her notice the flaw at that time, it is better to tell her about the matter, which may have unexpected effects.

Tong Li noticed that there was someone behind her, and when she looked back, Jing Beichen immediately restrained her true emotions and put on a loving smile: "What is little Li'er looking at?"

Seeing him, Tong Li's eyes dimmed for some reason: "It's nothing."

"When will we leave the island?"

The smile on the corner of Jing Beichen's mouth stagnated: "Isn't it good to be here?"

"I mean your injury hasn't healed yet..."

"My injury is fine." Tong Li interrupted him immediately, she wanted to go out now.

Jing Beichen has the final say on everything here, and she can't verify what he said. If it is true that she is his fiancee as he said, there will definitely be traces of the two of them outside. It couldn't be easier to verify this person .

It was precisely because of this that Jing Beichen didn't want to go back, and everything would be exposed this time.

But he can't say that, Tong Li's intelligence will definitely be doubted.

(End of this chapter)

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