Jing Beichen looked at the beautiful figure, and then at his own hand. When Tong Li was touched by him just now, he could feel the tense muscles of her whole body, as well as the undisguised resistance on her face.

He didn't understand whether his hands were poisonous or prickly, even if he touched them.


Jing Beichen sat back in his seat, arranged the napkin, and began to enjoy breakfast comfortably, looking up from time to time to see the direction where Tong Li disappeared.

He was very clear in his heart that this was Tong Li's subconscious resistance to him. Even without Pei Jiuyin's memory, this woman still missed that man in her bones.

Oh, so what if you hate him, that man will never remember you again, even if you recover your memory in the future, that man will only be surrounded by other women.

Although thinking this way can comfort Diablo's heart, being ruthlessly resisted again really annoys him.

Jing Beichen's face became more and more ugly, and the whole hall was filled with a gloomy atmosphere. He gently put down the tableware in his hand, chewed more and more slowly, and his body slightly yearned to lean on.

Suddenly, with a sweeping motion, he swept all the meals in front of him to the ground, and the empty restaurant was filled with the sound of plates colliding with marble.

The most embarrassing time in his life was the time when he lived with Tong Li. He tried to please her in every possible way, even giving her whatever she wanted, even giving her shame.

The anger in his heart was like thunder, but there was nothing he could do about Tong Li.

After losing his temper, he still has to continue pretending to be a good person. This is also one of his most aggrieved behaviors. Being a good person is too fucking difficult.


Pei's old house.

Pei Jiuyin was woken up by the pain, his head hurt like it was going to explode when he fell asleep, and he couldn't continue to sleep.

He sat up lazily from the bed, closed his eyes and raised his hands to rub his temples, trying to relieve some pain.

When the headache subsided a little, he rubbed and pressed for a while, as if sensing that something was wrong, he opened his eyes and saw that the familiar furnishings here were not from his manor.

How could he be in the old house.

Pei Jiuyin lowered his head and blinked his eyes lightly. After thinking for a while, he remembered that it was his grandfather who asked him to come over for dinner last night, and then he fell asleep here?
Is that right?

knock knock knock...

Before he could figure out what was going on, there were knocks on the door.

Pei Jiuyin withdrew his thoughts and got out of bed to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Mr. Pei standing outside worriedly.


The old man looked at Pei Jiuyin who was a little dazed, or because of a guilty conscience, he subconsciously avoided his gaze and looked into the room.

"Jiu Yin woke up, is he okay?"

Pei Jiuyin didn't know what he meant by asking this question, but he still shook his head.

Mr. Pei sighed, both distressed and angry: "I'm such an old man, I don't know how to rest well, no matter how busy I am at work, my body is not important. Yesterday you suddenly fainted and almost scared me out of breath."

"It's a good thing the doctor said you were just overworked."

"You, you, what do you want me to say about you? You know that you are not in good health, and you don't know how to rest well. You think that I will still worry about you in my old age, don't you?"

The old man didn't blush and didn't panic, he caught Pei Jiuyin and said.

Pei Jiuyin lowered his gaze, his Adam's apple trembled slightly, and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know what to say, so he could only hum slightly in the end.

He didn't have much memory of what happened last night, maybe he was really too tired.

Mr. Pei waved his hand at him: "Hurry up and wash up, wash up and have breakfast."

After the old man left, Pei Jiuyin stood at the door for a long time before returning to his room.

As soon as the old man went downstairs, he saw an uninvited person.

Qu Lanxin was dressed in bright ladylike makeup today, looking calm and majestic. When she saw the old man, she didn't feel embarrassed at all, and she smiled very gently, with faint excitement in her eyes: "Grandpa."

"Well, Lan Xin is here." Mr. Pei just glanced at her lightly, then withdrew his eyes.

This girl really can't wait for a whole day. Did this person rush over to check the results as soon as she woke up?

Isn't it?Qu Lan was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night. She lay on the bed thinking about her happy life in the future. If she could, she would set off fireworks and tell the whole world.

Her ninth brother is back.

"Sit down, Jiuyin will come down in a while."

"Well, thank you, grandpa." Qu Lanxin walked to the old man's side, raised her hand to help him, but the old man shook his hand and dodged it, and anyone with a discerning eye could understand the meaning.

Qu Lanxin looked at the empty hand, her pupils shrank slightly, but she is in a good mood today and will not be affected by this little thing.

Not long after, Pei Jiuyin came down from upstairs.

The man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with exquisite facial features, sharp sword eyebrows, and an indifferent and arrogant expression. He exuded an aura that strangers should not get close to.

He is still so radiant, one of the most eye-catching anywhere.

The most important thing is that his demeanor is exactly the same as before, it seems that the medicine has taken effect.

Qu Lanxin stood up from her seat, with a look of surprise on her face, she greeted him generously and honestly: "Morning Ninth Brother."

Pei Jiuyin was taken aback when he saw Qu Lanxin who suddenly appeared, and then hummed.

Although this response was just a polite one to him, it was a huge change for Qu Lanxin. Thinking about how Pei Jiuyin would only be disgusted when he saw her before, now the calm expression in his eyes is not too good.

Pei Jiuyin went to sit under Mr. Pei, and Qu Lanxin, who was opposite him, smiled like a flower, looking at Pei Jiuyin like a nympho.

The old man lowered his eyes, looking like he couldn't see it.

Pei Jiuyin didn't even look at her, and she was the only one who kept smiling.

Qu Lanxin picked up the serving chopsticks and gave the old man a meal. She didn't know if she was too complacent, so she also put a small snack on Pei Jiuyin's little butterfly.

Pei Jiuyin frowned deeply as he looked at the sudden refreshment, and looked at the opposite person with a trace of puzzlement, showing a trace of displeasure on his face.

Qu Lanxin also realized that no matter before or now, Pei Jiuyin's food has never passed through the hands of others.

She smiled awkwardly, and quickly apologized: "Jiujiu Brother, I'm sorry, I forgot."

Seeing this, the servant behind him immediately took off the plate containing the dim sum and replaced it with a brand new plate, and the small disturbance that was about to start was suppressed.

The old man looked around and said, "Eat."

Except for the sound of chopsticks and plates colliding on the table, no one spoke.

After eating, Pei Jiuyin got up, spoke to the old man, and drove away.

Qu Lanxin originally wanted to follow, but thinking of Pei Jiuyin's loss of that memory just now, it's better not to push too hard and annoy him.

The old man looked at her and said earnestly: "Lan Xin, come up, I have something to ask you."

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