There are people coming and going at the airport, and the radio keeps broadcasting the news of various flights taking off, landing and boarding. Everyone comes in a hurry and leaves in a hurry. Everyone is running around for their lives.

Jing Beichen was wearing a pair of sunglasses, walking in front with his head held high as if he had been spat with chicken blood.

Tong Li was forced by Jing Beichen to put on a pair of oversized sunglasses and a big beach hat, which completely covered her beautiful face.

The good name is that she doesn't want others to see her appearance and cause unnecessary trouble.

Tong Li didn't care too much, and she didn't want too many eyes to fall on herself.

But when she saw a person with the same yellow skin and black hair as herself, she really believed that Jing Beichen brought her back.

When they got out to the airport gate, their car was already waiting.

Jing Beichen looked up at the blue sky, spread out his arms, tilted his head back slightly, stretched his waist, and said with great emotion: "We are back."

There will be a good show to watch next.

He stared at Tong Li for a moment, and smiled meaningfully: "Xiao Li'er, let's go home first."

"After more than ten hours of flying, I'm exhausted."

Tong Li watched the cars coming and going, her heart was pounding, she seemed to have an inexplicable destination for this piece of world.


Jing Beichen took the man back to his villa. Once he entered the gate of the villa, there were more than a dozen servants standing on the left and right sides. The servants shouted respectfully together as if they had rehearsed: "Welcome young master home, welcome Miss Tong is going home."

This was Jing Beichen's meticulously prepared ostentation for Tong Li, to show how much she valued her, and how honorable it was to see so many people welcome her back.

However, Tong Li didn't even look at her, her eyes were calm, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with her.

After returning home, Jing Beichen became casual, threw his phone on the table, put his legs on the table, picked up a cigarette and was about to smoke, Tong Li gave him a cold look, Jing Beichen immediately raised his hands and surrendered, Put down the cigarette obediently.

"No smoke, no smoke."

Alas... Jing Beichen rubbed his fingers itchyly, thinking that women are troublesome.

Tong Li continued to observe the luxurious hall, looking for a sense of familiarity.

"This house is beautiful. In order to welcome you back, people bought a lot of things. If you see something is missing, just tell them."

Tong Li doesn't care if the place is beautiful or not, she just thinks that if the two of them were together before, the place where they lived should have her breath left, why there is no place here: "Where did I live before?"

Jing Beichen: "?"

What kind of brain circuit is this?

"You used to live in the building on Maihua Road, but I lent that villa to a friend, so I wronged Xiao Li'er to live first. Here, after they leave, I will have someone renovate it. If you want to go back, we Just go back and live there."

Anyway, he has many houses, just name one.

"Really?" Tong Li walked around the living room, she had always been suspicious about Jing Beichen telling her that she was his fiancee.

She doesn't have that memory, but she's not stupid, this man... probably isn't the type she likes, his behavior is frivolous, his behavior is crazy, his appearance is too feminine, nothing can catch her eyes, even though some of this man's behavior seems to be Very pampering, but more of an act.

Even when facing her, sometimes there will be subtle and unnatural expressions, Jing Beichen thinks she doesn't know, but her power of observation is so strong, all his performances, naturally cannot escape her eyes.

Jing Beichen narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about what he said?Make her suspicious again?
At this time, the phone vibrated with a buzzing sound.

What is displayed on the screen is a string of mobile phone numbers without names.

Originally, he wanted to hang up, but the strange call reminded him of Tan Di that day.

He picked up his phone and talked to Tong Li, then walked upstairs.

The servant brought two glasses of water, one was placed where Jing Beichen was just now, and the other was placed in front of Tong Li.

"What's your name?" Tong Li asked suddenly.

The servant trembled from fright, lowered his head, and answered after a long time: "Miss Tong Tong, my name is Jiang Han."

"Jiang Han."

Tong Li looked at her trembling hands, feeling puzzled: "Are you afraid of me?"

The servant buried his head lower: "No, no, no."

Tong Li asked again: "Have you worked here for a long time?"

"Yes, I have been working here for three years."

Tong Li understood: "Do you remember when I came here?"

The servant bowed his head and remained silent for a while before saying, "Miss was summer when you came here. As for the exact date, I didn't care at the time. If you need to know the exact time, I'll check it out and get back to you."

Tong Li: "No need."

She just asked casually, and sure enough, she asked a question. Just now, Jing Beichen said that he lived on the side of Maihua Road.

After answering the phone, Jing Beichen walked down with a displeased face.

As soon as she sat on the sofa, she lay down directly, her face full of melancholy, Tong Li couldn't help but pretend she didn't see it.

"What's the matter?" Tong Li didn't ask the question in his heart, even if he asked this man, it was just perfunctory.

Jing Beichen sat up from the sofa, rubbed onto Tong Li's sofa, and stared closely at Tong Li's delicate face.

Tong Li moved her butt back: "What are you doing?"

Jing Beichen moved closer, his thin lips moved slightly, those who didn't know thought he was going to kiss her.

Tong Li seemed to think so too, just when she was about to push him away, Jing Beichen's lips moved: "Just now Lu Tianxue called."

Tong Li's hands paused, his pupils shrank slightly: "What did she say?"

She didn't expect that Lu Tianxue would contact him even after this man killed Lu Tianxue.

Jing Beichen fell silent.

"What did she tell you?" Tong Li continued to ask.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Jing Beichen smiled in a low voice, stretched out his hand and picked up a lock of hair on her shoulder to play with.

Tong Li was not used to his behavior, she frowned and leaned back, Jing Beichen pulled her hair to prevent her from hiding.

"Don't you want to know what Lu Tianxue told me?"

Tong Li had a certain figure, looked at him coldly, and didn't step back.

Is this man threatening her?

Seeing the effect of this trick, Jing Beichen couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth: "Her..."

"She just asked me if I regretted it. If I regretted it, she would come to me."

Tong Li raised her eyebrows to signal him to continue.

"My little Li'er wanted to take care of her, so of course I told her to come over."

"But after the last time, she should be very cautious. I don't know if she will follow."

In fact, he himself is very strange, she just saved Lu Tianxue's life, why does this woman keep looking for him, if it is to repay her kindness, then he kills her, it is not a repayment of kindness, even.

"Did she say anything else?"


Just now Lu Tianxue repeatedly told him on the phone not to tell Tong Li about their conversation, but he turned around and told Tong Li about it.

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