That's right, the photo that Secretary Qiao is holding in his hand is Tong Li, and it was a photo he captured on surveillance.

He thought that no matter what the source was, whether it was responsible or a warning, he had to find the person first.

(Look at this man trying to warn his wife.)
Secretary Qiao heheed, opened her mouth, and asked what was on her mind: "Boss, is there something wrong with this lady?"

Pei Jiuyin looked up at him coldly, and said coldly, "You don't want to do it anymore?"

Secretary Qiao tensed her scalp, and said repeatedly: "No, no, no, I just saw such a beautiful lady and asked casually."


It's so dangerous that I almost lost my job.

"I'll do it right away." Secretary Qiao ran out of the office holding the photo with her tail between her legs and feet.

After returning to his seat, he looked at the photo with a sad expression on his face.

The big boss wants to check Miss Tong, so should he tell the truth, or choose to continue to hide?

If you tell the truth about Mr. Pei...

Secretary Qiao was suddenly caught in a dilemma.

It’s not true if you say it, and it’s not true if you don’t say it. Isn’t this embarrassing him?
Two hours later, Secretary Qiao walked into the president's office again with heavy steps, holding the refined documents.

He held the most serious demeanor, and said the most against his will: "Boss, time is limited, and there is probably so much information that can be found."

Pei Jiuyin took the document handed over by Secretary Qiao. The words "fiancee" on it deeply hurt his eyes. For some reason, his internal organs seemed to be tightly pinched, making him unable to breathe.

"you sure?"

Pei Jiuyin didn't even raise his head, but asking three words made the temperature in the office drop several degrees.

Secretary Qiao couldn't help but tremble twice, the muscles on his face trembled uncontrollably, Boss was so scary: "Well, ah... that's the situation I found out right now."

Pei Jiuyin picked up the water on the table and drank a couple of sips to suppress his shock. When he looked carefully, he could still see his hands trembling.

Seeing the big boss's reaction, Secretary Qiao felt a little bad.

Pei Jiuyin picked up the piece of paper and wanted to tear it up, but after thinking about it, he put it down.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Ask her out to me."

"Okay." Secretary Qiao looked at the melancholy Boss and felt mixed feelings in his heart.

It's always going to come.

After dealing with Tong Li's matter, he called Qu Rui and asked him to come over.

It just so happened that Qu Rui also wanted to ask him something.

Yesterday his sister was going to stay overnight at Pei's house, but he didn't listen to any persuasion. Today, he couldn't see anyone and couldn't get through the phone. He asked Pei's house, but the servants of Pei's family hesitated and said they didn't know.

As soon as he heard it, he felt that something was wrong, and how could such a big person disappear, something must have happened.

Qu Rui came to Pei Jiuyin's building anxiously.

When he came upstairs, Pei Jiuyin didn't see him right away, but asked him to wait outside for nearly half an hour before letting him in.

This kind of situation would never happen in the past, which made him even more worried about whether his sister had done something to anger Pei Jiuyin.

After Secretary Qiao invited Qu Rui in, he ran away quickly. Looking at the face of the boss, who was about to face a storm, he knew that nothing good would happen. .

Pei Jiuyin frowned, and looked down at the documents on the desktop.

"Jiuyin." Qu Rui sat on the chair in front of his desk, his uneasy mood still couldn't be calmed down, he could see that Pei Jiuyin was suppressing a huge anger under his calm eyes.

Pei Jiuyin didn't respond to him, picked up a pen and signed his name at the signing place, stamped the seal, put it aside, and then tidied up all the things on the table.

After everything was tidied up, his eyes fell on Qu Rui in front of him.

The two just stared at each other.

After a long time, Pei Jiuyin said in a deep voice, "Do you know what your sister is doing?"

Pei Jiuyin's tone was very calm, but Qu Rui's heartbeat slowed down a few beats because of what he said.

Pei Jiuyin was always paying attention to his expression, he obviously knew the flash of panic just now.


It was so good that everyone betrayed him, including his good brother.

It turns out that there are really only interests in this world, and there is no emotion at all.

Qu Rui's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and Jiu Yin's disappointment in him pierced him like an awl, so did he know in the end?


Qu Rui smiled wryly: "By the time I knew about it, it was irreparable, your grandfather..."

Anyway, wrong is wrong.

Qu Rui lowered his head and said nothing, it was he who was sorry for him.

He was speechless.

Seeing his silent appearance, Pei Jiuyin was so angry that he overturned the things next to him to the ground with one hand.

He asked sharply, "Why?"

"Our brother for so many years, I don't think I have treated you badly. You put me in danger for your sister. Where do you put our brotherhood?"

He has had no friends since he was a child, Qu Rui is a rare one, he cherishes it very much, but it is such a brother who lives and dies together, when facing his sister, he chose to help her hide it.

Oh, brother, it's actually quite boring.

Pei Jiuyin leaned back, looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and tried to calm down the anger in his heart. These so-called family and brotherhood were nothing but invisible and intangible things.

He is tired.

"You go."

Some things happen and there is no point in talking about them.

"Jiu Yin." Qu Rui felt bad.

He would rather beat him up and scold him than listen to him say this.

"It's our Qu family who didn't teach her well." If something goes wrong, it's wrong, and she won't excuse her.

"Go out." Pei Jiuyin said again.

Qu Rui frowned and pursed his lips: "Can I meet Lan Xin?"

Pei Jiuyin shifted his gaze to him, and said with a deep smile, "You don't want to see her."

In the end, Qu Rui still came.

In an underground cage, he saw his sister lying on the ground crying in pain, the clothes on her body had been torn to pieces by her.

When she saw people coming, the horse got up from the ground, shouting hot, uncomfortable, man, some vulgar words.

As a doctor, Qu Rui naturally knew what was going on with his sister.

He looked at the scene in front of him in shock, as if he couldn't believe it: "Is this an order from Jiu Yin?"

Pei Jiuyin didn't come down, but sent a secret guard to escort him down. Now that the woman let him take a look, it would only stain his eyes.

The dark guard at the side said coldly: "Yes."

"The master said that he should treat his body with his own way."

Qu Rui: "What do you mean?"

The dark guard snorted and didn't answer him.

Qu Lanxin also recognized that the person in front of her was her brother, but now she looked so embarrassed.

"Don't, don't look." She panicked and crawled to the corner to curl up, trying to cover herself.

"Don't look at me." Terrified and helpless, she began to break down and cry.

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