This is the blood jade.

The beautiful jade is white and flawless, crystal clear, gorgeous and eye-catching, it is a good piece of jade.

If you take a closer look, you can clearly see that the deep red blood threads in the jade are like vines, entangled the whole piece of jade together. Each blood thread seems to be messy and irregular, but in fact it is intertwined. One is broken.

The jade button itself exudes a refreshing chill.

No, this is not an ordinary blood jade.

Is it the Millennium Blood Jade?
How could the owner give such a precious jade buckle to someone else for no reason.

Tong Li paused and asked, "What else did they say when they gave you this thing?"

Jing Beichen was still panting a little, lightly touching his pinched Adam's apple, and snorted coldly: "It's nothing, just ask me to wear it, as long as I wear it, after a week they..."

Jing Beichen smiled slyly: "They will give me a baby."

Tong Li: "What baby?"

Jing Beichen clapped his hands: "Who knows?"

Even if he knew, he wouldn't say it.

But it's strange enough to think about these people, and give him a baby with a Zhou Yukou.

Tsk tsk tsk... Strange things happen every year, especially this year.

Tong Li stared at him without squinting, seeing that there was nothing to ask, so she clamped the blood jade with her index finger and middle finger, put it between her eyebrows, closed her eyes slowly, and inserted a faint sense of consciousness into the blood jade. middle.

As soon as she entered, she could confirm that this thing was indeed not an ordinary blood jade, it was a soul vein jade that contained a large amount of blood soul.

Look at this, all you can see are blood souls, how many blood souls are needed to refine it?

How dare these people.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in front of him, and Tong Li took a closer look, as if something was moving.

She just wanted to go over to look, and found that the surrounding soul veins seemed to be condensed by something, the bright red blood veins turned maroon, and the veins burst into a sizzling arc.

No matter how you look at it, it is not normal.

Tong Li observed these veins vigilantly, and when she realized it, she thought to herself: Oops.

When the soul vein exploded, Tong Li withdrew his consciousness with a whoosh, and the blood jade on his finger shattered with a thud.

She looked at the shattered jade buckle with lingering fear, her face turned pale, although she reacted quickly enough, she was still hurt by the awe-inspiring airflow from Pulse Soul.

Jing Beichen glanced at her secretly, and found that something was wrong with her, and the jade clasp on her hand was cracked.

Obviously it was fine just now.

"what happened?"

Tong Li said coldly: "Stop."

In a hidden corner not far away, two men in black robes appeared out of thin air.

The man held an ornament in his hand, which was a jade buckle exactly the same as Tong Li's.

It doesn't matter if the jade buttons are the same, the broken cracks are all exactly the same.

As if these two jade clasps are twins, hello, hello, you broken, I sleep.

"Zuoshi, the lord will tell that woman everything and give her everything, so there is nothing we can do."

The man raised his hand to stop what he was going to say next.

Suddenly his face changed drastically: "Let's go."

However, it was too late.

A majestic sword energy came suddenly, and the two dodged at the fastest speed, but Tong Li's sword energy swallowed thousands of miles, no matter how fast they were, they could not avoid Tong Li's sword energy.

Tong Li felt that the sudden shattering of the jade clasp was not easy, and after careful inspection, he really found something.

From the very beginning, someone followed them, but she didn't know whether that person followed her or Jing Beichen.

She wanted to see what it was that dared to stir up trouble in front of her.

Then you can see meteor-like streamers flashing across the deep space, but they don’t disappear forever like meteors. These streamers are very strange, they can shuttle back and forth in the air.

The sanitation workers and aunts who got up in the morning were all dumbfounded when they saw this strange scene, wondering if this was a meteor or some high-tech?

But their job duty is to clean, and other things have nothing to do with them, so what to do after watching the excitement.

Jing Beichen got off the car and looked up at the sky, but he couldn't see anything except those few early birds.

Just now Tong Li called to stop, he stopped, he blinked, and the person who was sitting next to him just now disappeared suddenly.

Where have you been?
no one knows.

Jing Beichen waited at the same spot for ten minutes, but he still didn't see anyone. What annoyed him most was waiting for someone. This woman wanted to strangle him just now, but now she still made him wait.

Jing Beichen impatiently kicked the front mat.

The driver in front froze for a moment, but said nothing.

Jing Beichen waited for another 5 minutes, kicked the seat cushion again, this time he didn't wait any longer, got into the car and let the driver drive away.

He waited lazily.

Tong Li forced the two of them to the woods in the outskirts, and the three of them fought until the sky became dark, and the sky that had been bright just now became gloomy and unclear.

Bang, bang, bang... The collision of power and power sent out a turbulent explosive force.

The enemy retreated again and again after being shocked.

Tong Li's delicate face was tense, her broken hair on her forehead was soaked with sweat, and she was holding a sharp sword tightly in her hand. The sharp blade was emitting bursts of cold air. It seemed to be consciously pointing at the two nondescript people who came out of nowhere. Evil.

She also noticed that the aura waving from the two of them was exactly the same as that of yesterday's group.

Tong Libian's eyes were dark, and he exuded a horrifying evil spirit. He sternly scolded the two people in front: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The person was beaten by Tong Li, his breathing was unstable, and he was stabbed on the arm. The stench of blood filled the woods. He was getting up to eat insects and smelled a strange smell. Before he realized what it was, he was directly killed. Poisonous pigtails.

This is more poisonous than the poison king.

"Zuo Shi, I'll hold her back, you go first." A little Luo Luo stood in front of her with a black cup, showing his loyalty.

He can die, but not left.

The left envoy didn't move, because he knew that it was not so easy to be targeted by the woman in front of him and try to run away.

The two communicated in a strange language that Tong Li couldn't understand, but it didn't prevent her from killing these evil spirits.

The situation was surging, and the two forces began to fight mercilessly again.

And Pei Jiuyin just woke up from sleep, his head was blank, he had no memory, he didn't know why he was here, he couldn't turn his head for a while, and fell into a momentary confusion.

He raised his hand and pressed his slightly painful head. After a minute, the memory in his mind came as expected. He chatted with Tong Li here last night.

what happened during that time he doesn't know
But what about Tong Li?

People ran away again?

Pei Jiuyin stood up, frowning, and looked around eagerly. Nothing changed here, nothing was destroyed, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

It would be a lie to say that there is no loss.

However, he quickly cheered up. No matter what, Tong Li didn't have a bad impression of him. Maybe he would change her mind with a little more effort and sincerity.

Well, yes, that's it.

In order to chase people, Pei Jiuyin no longer cares about etiquette, justice and shame.

This woman had to be his.


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