Chapter 406 Discovering a Shocking Secret
Pei Jiuyin raised her heart to her throat, nervously waiting for her next answer.

"I'll think about it again." She really couldn't bear it. If she didn't know what happened to them before, maybe she could still stick to her heart.

It's all up to this point, and this man can still persist like this, which shows that his sincerity cannot be measured in words.

Pei Jiuyin's smile rose wildly. Although he got an uncertain answer, it was no longer a rejection.

Think about it, then he still has a chance.

After saying this answer, Tong Li also breathed a sigh of relief: "Open the door."

Pei Jiuyin was so happy that he couldn't find Bei, and he didn't even open the door: "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Tong Li thought for a while: "Send me to the company."

She wants to be quiet.

"Okay." Pei Jiuyin restarted the car, and the driving mood this time was very different from just now.

Half an hour later, he safely sent the person downstairs to Tongli's company.

He wanted to follow, but was rejected by Tong Li, her mind is in a mess now, she just wants a quiet environment, think carefully, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a final decision.

Although Pei Jiuyin was reluctant to give up, he was afraid of leaving a bad impression on her, so he could only leave for the time being.

When Tong Li returned to Jing's house at night, he ran into Jing Beichen coming down the stairs.

Jing Beichen went downstairs to fetch water with a water glass in his hand. When he saw Tong Li come back, he raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but when he thought that the two had known each other for a long time and were still pretending in front of him, he snorted coldly. Disdainful laughter.

Step by step, he walked slowly in front of Tong Li, and slightly bent down to stare at this beautiful face: "Little Li'er, come back? Are you reluctant to part with me?"

Tong Li glanced at him, but didn't answer his words, and wanted to go upstairs but was blocked by Jing Beichen sideways.

He was holding back his anger today, how could he let her leave so easily.

"What? Pei Jiuyin didn't take you back?" He couldn't believe it.

Tong Li frowned: "Where is he taking me back?"

Jing Beichen was taken aback.

What do you mean?
He looked at her suspiciously.

"Didn't you recover your memory?"

"No." Tong Li threw down two words indifferently, raised his hand to push the people in front of him away, and went upstairs by himself.

Jing Beichen looked at her back with puzzlement in his eyes. The way she looked at him just now has not changed. If she really regains her memory, this woman must beat him up.

Could it be that these two people really didn't recover their memories.

How to explain what happened at noon today?

Or maybe Tong Li knew something, but she was more interested in some people than Pei Jiuyin, so she didn't want to leave.

Tsk tsk tsk... If that's the case, the game won't be over yet.

Jing Beichen laughed evilly and whistled into the air.


After Pei Jiuyin returned home, he stood in front of the window day and night, stretching his neck and looking forward to Tong Li's arrival, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Tong Li has not been to his house for the past three days.

He didn't dare to go to her company to look for her, he was afraid of annoying her, what would he do if he refused him outright, he could only press down his restless heart and continue to wait.

This evening, Pei Jiuyin worked at home as usual. In fact, it doesn't matter where he works, what is more important is that he is afraid of missing Tong Li's time when he comes to his house.

He handled the official business indifferently, carefully looked at the messages sent by the email, and analyzed them one by one. When he saw the latest plan that was sent, the content in it made him frown.

Then he got up and went back to the study, and found a top-secret document from the safe.

When he took out the document, he also brought out several half-cut notes.

The paper fluttered and fell to the ground.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the slip of paper that fell on the floor, and his mind flashed with puzzlement. All he kept in his safe were documents, and there was never any scraps of paper mixed in.

How is this going?

He bent down to pick up the few pieces of paper, when he saw the contents inside.

Boom... The whole person's eyes widened in shock, and he froze in place, motionless.

These are a few IOUs, the amount is not large, but the person who owes the debt actually has Tong Li written on it.

With a face full of surprise, he checked the notes back and forth, there was nothing wrong with it, Tong Li's name was indeed written on it.

There is no date written on it, but this is not important, what is important is how he has Tong Li's IOU.

Obviously he has only known her for less than ten days.

How is this going.

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in his head, as if thousands of needles were piercing him.

"It hurts." Pei Jiuyin threw the document on the ground, covered his head with his hands, and grinned in pain. Some pictures flashed across his head, but the speed was too fast, and he didn't have time to see what it was.

It hurts so much.

His tolerance is good, but this kind of pain is different from the pain in the heart, the pain in the head is more like wanting his head to explode.

Pei Jiuyin supported the table, his face was terribly pale, in order to relieve the pain, he could only take deep breaths, keep his head empty, and couldn't think about anything.

As long as he doesn't think about the source of the IOU, the pain will be relieved. Once he thinks about those two notes deeply, the pain will hit him like a tide, making him miserable.


The phone on the table kept buzzing, but the man had no time to take care of it right now, his mind was full of the IOU signed by Tong Li.

The things that can be put on his insurance can only be put in by himself, why he has no memory at all.

The thing really exists, then there is only one possibility, whether he lost some memories.

He has always wondered if he has forgotten something. During this period of time, he has always felt that there is a place in his head that is in a state of emptiness and confusion. If you don't touch it, nothing will happen. Once you touch it, it will make you feel unbearable pain.

This is definitely not a normal phenomenon.

The mobile phone on the table is still ringing like a reminder machine.

After Pei Jiuyin relieved the pain, his eyes finally fell on the phone.

He picked up the phone and glanced at it. The number displayed on the screen was from abroad.

Pei Jiuyin took a deep breath to adjust his breath, pressed the connect button, and put the phone to his ear, and a calm report came from there.

He could understand the words between the lines, but he didn't quite understand what it meant.

The meaning over there is probably: the profit of a quarter has come down, and according to his instructions, 1/10 of the profit will be transferred to a bank account named Tong Li.

Don't look at it as 1/10, this account is unimaginably large.

But I don't know if there is a problem with the account there. The amount remitted will be refunded the next day.

They operated several times in a row with the same result. If they couldn't get through to Secretary Qiao today, they wouldn't call to inquire about the big boss.

Tomorrow is the weekend, if it is not resolved today, the system will be terminated, and the money will probably have to be pushed to the next quarter, so he took the risk of calling to ask.

To the person opposite, this was just an ordinary question, but to Pei Jiuyin, it was extremely explosive news.

(End of this chapter)

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