The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 409 Either be alone or take away Xuanzhu Yin

Chapter 409 Either be alone or take away Xuan Zhuyin

As soon as this was mentioned, Secretary Qiao jumped up excitedly: "Of course not. Miss Tong hated this man in the past. It was Jing Beichen who kept pestering Miss Tong all the time, and he was even beaten up by Miss Tong."

Secretary Qiao talked about Jing Beichen's evil deeds, and Pei Jiuyue was unconsciously relieved when he heard it: No, it's fine if it's not.

That kind of man doesn't deserve such a good thing.
"What did I do that day before I lost my memory?"

Secretary Qiao thought about it for a while, and said hesitantly: "Boss, why don't you ask Mr. Pei about this question."

"Your memory of the day before was still very good, but that day the old man called you suddenly to ask you to go back to the old house, and then when you came back to the company the next day, it was a little weird, and you should have disappeared by then memory."

Pei Jiuyin had a serious face, is that his grandfather again?
It's time to ask.


Filled with excitement, Pei Jiuyin came downstairs to Tong Li's company. He looked at the photo on the phone again, and the corners of his mouth naturally turned up, feeling an inexplicable sense of happiness in his heart.

With this strong evidence, no one can deny the existence between them. This time, he can take her home with peace of mind, because she belongs to him.

But what caught him off guard was Tong Li's absence, not in the company, but in the capital.

She left him a note, eight words: I have something to leave, and I will wait to return.

Holding the note, Pei Jiuyin's smiling face disappeared instantly, and his wish to hug the beauty back was in vain.

But after thinking about it, he still has a lot of troubles around him now, and when he handles everything well, she will probably come back.

Yes, he's going to get rid of all the people who stand in the way of them being together.

Pei Jiuyin put the note into his pocket, then turned away.

He drove back to the old house. The old man had just woken up from a nap, and he paused when he heard his grandson coming.

He knew a long time ago that what should come will still come.

Mr. Pei came to the study and took out a palm-sized seal from the safe.

It is such a seal that bears the absolute strength of the Pei family, and no one wants to have it.

Mr. Pei looked at the seal of power, and sighed heavily, give it up, he doesn't have much work left now, so he will give it up sooner or later.

As soon as Pei Jiuyin came in, he called out to his grandfather, then consciously took out the leadership badge issued by the president and put it in front of him.

He came here today to show his attitude, if he leaves this door, he will either be alone or take Xuan Zhuyin with him.

Mr. Pei looked at the badge and shook his head. The grandson seemed to be in a hurry. Also, he knew everything he should know now. He didn't jump up.

"I heard that you have started to deal with the Guan family, right?"

Pei Jiuyin frowned slightly, but remained silent without answering.

Mr. Pei hummed in his heart: "If you hand over all the power, what will you use to bring down the Guan family? With your little private property? Hmph, it's like floating and shaking a big tree."

"act recklessly."

Pei Jiuyin's heart sank: "You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way."

"Hmph, I don't know how many skills you have?"

Although he didn't know how much evidence he had and how big a game he had set up, but with his strength, the best result would be to die.

Is it worth it for something?
Young people do things impulsively.

That being said, as a grandfather, how could he let him be isolated and helpless.

Mr. Pei opened the drawer, took out the box inside, and took out the resignation he had submitted earlier, and pushed it back to him.

"Take what you want, these things are for you."

He is also tired, son, this time he has tried his best, and now this grandson is probably full of resentment towards him, and he will no longer give him power, probably the next step is to sever ties with him.

"Alas..." Mr. Pei began to sigh again, they made a wrong step.

"You can take things away, but you have to put the Qu family girl back." Last night, the old man of the Qu family came over with a gift on crutches.
Although this matter was brought up by that girl, it was also what he thought in his heart, but he never expected...

It's too late to say anything now, everything is predestined.

Pei Jiuyin paused when he stretched out his hand: Let him go?

"Yes." Pei Jiuyin's voice was as mechanical as it was emotionless. She was just a useless woman, and it was an eyesore to him.

Old man Pei Jiu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect him to be so straightforward, he looked at him suspiciously, but he didn't say anything.

The two talked about some things in the study again, and it was already late at night when Pei Jiuyin came out.

He tightly holds the box in his hand that symbolizes real power. With real power in his hands, he no longer needs to be controlled by others.

Then it was time for the Guan family to pay the price.

In fact, Mr. Pei handed over his seal so readily, and he himself had a selfish motive. The Guan family's power is not that great. If his grandson can take down the Guan family, then their Pei family's power will reach its peak.

They don't have this ability, whether the Pei family can continue to grow depends on his grandson.

But he never thought that after his grandson got the rights, he would be emptied of him as soon as possible.

Pei Jiuyin always likes to plan ahead when doing things, he won't let people do things that hurt him and Tong Li again, and no one should want to meddle in his affairs.

Pei Jiuyin let Qu Lanxin go home as agreed, but when this person came out of the dungeon, his mental state and appearance changed drastically.

Before that night, she was a pretty young lady who was envied by everyone, but after that night, she became an ugly woman with unkempt hair and a haggard face.

No one knows what she experienced inside.

After returning home, Qu Lanxin locked herself in the room, yelling and throwing things like a madman.

The Qu family was afraid that she would hurt them, so they had the door smashed down. Fortunately, Qu Lanxin just vented her grievances and did not hurt herself.

Qu Rui proposes to send Qu Lanxin abroad, but Qu's mother disagrees, especially now that her daughter is mentally ill, it is even more impossible to let her go abroad.

But what they didn't know was that apart from drugging, their sister had done another more egregious thing.

Pei Jiuyin doesn't know now, but it doesn't mean he won't know in the future. Once he knows what the consequences will be, he dare not imagine.


And Tong Li followed Ning Xuesheng to City M, mainly because Ning Xuesheng received a call from the clan elders the night before yesterday, saying that the group of people wanted to see Tong Li, and they would tell everything after seeing Tong Li.

If it was before, there would be absolutely no problem, but now that Tong Li has no memory, it is a bit difficult.

Ning Xuesheng tried to tell Tong Li the story of that incident, he thought it would take a little effort to persuade her to follow, but he didn't expect that she agreed as soon as he said it.

But this time he is smarter than last time, let me tell you in advance.

It's just that I didn't expect that this time, Uncle Tong would come to greet him in person, including the eldest son of the Tong family, the second young lady, all of them came. This welcoming array was really unprecedented.

Ning Xuesheng, who never knew the truth, just thought that they missed Tong Heng too much and wanted to come and pick him up in person.

However, when they stood in front of them, all the eyes of the Tong family kept on Tong Li, and they also showed strange respect.

(End of this chapter)

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