Chapter 412 Appearance of Vision
"Is it because you can't beat it?" Tong Li explained what was in their hearts.

"Who is that god behind you?"

The man paused and shook his head: "God is God, we have never seen it, and we are not qualified to see it."

Tong Li asked again: "Then how did you get in touch?"

"We have special sacrifices for gods."

"it's him."

The man pointed to the youngest boy in the crowd.

"Only those chosen by the gods can become god sacrifices and are qualified to talk to gods."

The boy had an inexplicable fear of Tong Li, and when he met Tong Li's eyes, he subconsciously hid behind the adult.

"Duan Jun, come here." The man beckoned to him.

The adults behind the little boy patted him and motioned him to stand up and go over.

Duan Jun was so frightened that his face turned pale, but he knew that the person in front of him might be their new master, no matter how scared he was, he had to stand up and walk in front of her.

Tong Li looked at the half-grown child, and put her finger on his forehead.

Duan Jun thought that Tong Li was going to hit him, so he took two steps back in fright.

Tong Li looked a little cold, Duan Jun felt Tong Li's anger, made a swallowing movement in fear, trembling slightly, one step at a time...obediently put his forehead on her fingers.

He seemed to know what Tong Li wanted to do, and resisted the fear of letting her enter his mind.

Tong Li also entered his central memory smoothly, but after several investigations, no useful clues were found.

She withdrew her hand, her face darkening.

"Miss Tong, I don't know..." The man began to ask Tong Li again whether they were going to stay or not.

Tong Li looked at them condescendingly: "No."

The main reason for her willingness to come here is to find out if this group of people is related to the people behind Jing Beichen, and she will not let anyone who has the power of evil spirits now.

But judging from the results of her investigation just now, there seems to be no connection.

Whether there is contact or not, it is impossible for her to receive them.

"Miss Tong, we really want to follow you..."

"Are you sincere or obeying your so-called god's order? If the god in your heart orders to kill me, then I will plant a group of hidden dangers beside me."


The man was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of remorse, obviously not considering this step.

"Miss Tong, since God asked us to help you, it is impossible for us to harm you, and you can mobilize the whole family with the talisman in your hand..."

Tong Li raised his hand expressionlessly to stop what he was going to say, and lost the patience he had at the beginning: "No need."

Everyone: "...!"

They couldn't figure out that in the face of such a large force, there were still people who didn't want it.

You must know that Lu Liang's group is nothing more than a group of slaves driven by them. It's an honor for them to surrender completely now, but she doesn't want it.

Tong Li looked at Duan Jun thoughtfully, then turned and left.

Just as she stepped out of the door with her left foot, she suddenly remembered something, and she turned around and came back.

"Do you know of any sorcery that can selectively seal a person's memory without any damage to the brain?"

Everyone didn't know why she asked, but they really did.

One of them stood up and answered her: "Yes, the simplest way is to let that person drink the water of Wangchuanhua, and then pair it with a soul-locking mirror to completely erase the memories he wants to erase."

Tong Li corrected: "It's not removal, it's a seal."

Pei Jiuyin's memory doesn't seem to be lost, it's just sealed in a corner, but her ability is limited, and she can't lift the seal without saving him.

The man pondered for a while, then shook his head lightly: "Then I don't know, as far as I know, that's the case. Is that man there? Can you let me take a look?"

Tong Li was suspicious, his pupils darkened a bit: "Can you solve it?"

"Yes, if it is really sealed by the Wangchuan flower water and the soul-locking mirror, you only need to use the rebirth mirror to undo it."

"Where is the mirror of rebirth?"

At this point, the person did not answer, but looked at the man who had talked with her before, as if asking for his opinion.

The man thought for a while: "Miss Tong's Mirror of Rebirth is a secret treasure in my family. If outsiders want to use it, I'm afraid..."

Tong Li could also hear the coercion implied in these words.

This kind of person vowed not to give up in order to achieve his goal. It was just a small threat, and they didn't take it seriously.

The two stared at each other intently, competing silently rather than loudly, neither of them willing to give in.

After a long time, Tong Li said, "I'll think about it."

After saying this, she left without looking back. The group of old men probably didn't want to wait, leaving only Ning Xuesheng waiting here.

When Ning Xuesheng saw Tong Li coming out, he hurried up to meet him: "How about it, what did those people say?"

Tong Li just glanced at him lightly, walked straight forward without saying anything.

When she asked just now, she just asked casually, but she didn't expect that they really had a way.

Secondly, she has to consider whether she wants to be with Pei Jiuyin or not. If she doesn't want to, she just needs to be more ruthless now, and they can still separate. If she recovers her memory, he won't give up!

But what Tong Li didn't know was that Pei Jiuyin already knew the past between them, and now he was plotting at home to eliminate the forces that hindered them, and he held their photos every day, thinking about others when he saw things. May let go.

At night, Tong Li lay on the bed with a raised pillow, wanting to think deeply about two issues, one is whether to continue to be with Pei Jiuyin, the other is whether to bring the group of people.

Not long after she lay down, she hadn't even started to think about the problem, and there seemed to be some abnormalities in her body.

Tong Li raised her hand to see, no problem, then it's not about the curse seal.

It seems to be the abdomen, a little hot, is it Neidan?

She clutched her stomach, didn't she seem to?

do not care.

Tong Li crossed his legs and started to enter, put his hands on his knees, and began to adjust his breath. His head, which was still messy just now, instantly became calm, and his mood was peaceful.

The airflow in the room slowly turns in one direction.

Early the next morning, Ning Xuesheng ran over to look for Tong Li, but he knocked on the door for a long time, but no one opened the door.

He thought she had gone out, so he ran to ask the people outside, and the people outside said that she had never gone out.

Ning Xue was afraid that something might go wrong, so she asked for opinions outside the door many times but failed, so she brought a spare key.

When he opened the door, he saw Tong Li sitting cross-legged on the bed, and immediately let go of the worries in his heart. It turned out that it was just cultivation.

He looked at the person on the bed and sighed, sometimes he was quite envious of Tong Li, who could practice anytime and anywhere.

And they have to gather the right time, place and people to have any chance of cultivation.

Really more popular than dead people.

Ning Xuesheng quietly closed the door and ordered no one to disturb her.

However, that night, the old man of the Taoist temple discovered a vision in the sky.

Now it is autumn with long nights and short days. It stands to reason that it should be night at eight o'clock in the evening, but the sky is still as bright as day.

Not normal, very abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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