Chapter 416 Come!Go both ways!

The night was deep, and a few scattered stars were dotted on the dark night sky. The night wind blew gently, and a dark cloud covered the few stars in a blink of an eye. The only light in the sky disappeared quietly, and the deep space was completely plunged into darkness.

In a certain manor, a delicate and pretty figure shuttled back and forth among the shadows of trees, and soon arrived at the destination without anyone noticing.

After Tong Li entered Pei Jiuyin's house, she felt inexplicably at ease. It was a feeling of home, which eased her tense mood all day.

She didn't turn on the light, but walked softly and slowly around the living room like a ghost.

In the cold air, the man's breath was very light. It seems that he hasn't been back in this house for a long time.

I don't know why I feel a little empty in my heart.

In the skyscraper on the other side, Pei Jiuyin had just finished his work. He leaned back in the chair, relaxed his body, rubbed the corners of his tired eyes lightly with his fingers, and suddenly there was a beeping sound from the phone.

Pei Jiuyin sat up straight suddenly, picked up his phone to check.

Sure enough, it was the siren coming from the house, someone was in his house, and now no one can enter that house without his order, except for one person.

He pursed his lips and smiled, as if he had guessed who went in. Thinking of that person, the fatigue on his face and body was swept away a lot, he changed his hand to pack the documents, picked up his mobile phone and hurried home.

In the early hours of the morning, there were fewer cars on the road. He was eager to go home and kept urging the driver to hurry up. He wanted to get home immediately and tell her all the truth. She was his and his.

But the car only has four wheels and cannot reach the speed of an airplane. Pei Jiuyin felt like sitting on pins and needles, and was extremely anxious. She was afraid that what would happen if Tong Li didn't see the person running away. She must have come here to tell her decision. What if the decision is not good?
In this way, he returned home full of sadness.

The driver's car hadn't stopped yet, so he couldn't wait to open the door and get out of the car, and almost fell down. The driver was so scared that he felt cold, and he said in his heart that the master was too anxious today, the car didn't stop, in case What should I do if something happens.

Tong Li was resting on the sofa with her eyes closed. Just as she was falling asleep, she felt a gust of wind blowing in. The next moment, she was picked up firmly by someone and turned around in mid-air. The man The pleasant smell of cold fragrance and the sound of slightly panting breathing enveloped her all-pervasively.

Pei Jiuyin hugged the person in his arms tightly, buried his head in her neck and took a deep breath. It was her, it was really her, and the familiar fragrance successfully continued his life.

"Tongtong... I miss you so much." Pei Jiuyin's voice was deep and magnetic, and he was grateful that this woman who had been dreaming of him was finally back, and she didn't leave.

Tong Li also rubbed against him, as if responding, with one hand on the nape of his neck, fingers stroking his dry and soft hair, inhaling some kind of breath from his body, the discomfort in the past two days has miraculously disappeared Yes, the irritability in my heart was completely healed.

Pei Jiuyin noticed her response and hugged her even tighter. Does this mean that there will be good news today?

I don't know how long it has passed, and neither of them intends to let go. If there is not something else to say, Pei Jiuyin feels that he can hug him forever.

He reluctantly let go of him, and sat on the sofa with him in his arms. His eyes shone brightly in the dark, and his voice became cheerful: "Tongtong, I'll show you something."

He took out his mobile phone and clicked a few times, all the lights in the living room suddenly turned on, and the dazzling light came into view, Tong Li raised his hand to cover his eyes in a little discomfort.

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin looked at her, lowered his head and gently kissed the corner of her mouth.

Excitedly, he clicked on the copied photos, and showed them to her like a treasure: "Tongtong, look, these photos are of us... We knew each other before, and you can see that they all testify to the good times we had together again."

"I just said, how could I be so familiar with you the first time I saw you?"

Suddenly the excited voice became heavy: "I'm sorry, I forgot you, I lost you, I'm sorry."

Tong Li leaned in his arms, listening to his magnetic and pleasant voice, inexplicably felt that this was a kind of enjoyment, how could there be such a comfortable position.

She looked at the photos that passed quickly one by one, and there was no big wave in her eyes.

After all, she already knew about it.

Pei Jiuyin also found that Tong Li didn't react much, and his eyes didn't even have any emotional fluctuations. His heart gradually sank, his excitement slowly subsided, and the corners of his raised mouth flattened: "Tong Tong, don't you believe it?"

Tong Li looked up at him, then shook her head slightly: "No, I know."

"What do you mean?" Pei Jiuyin's heart tightened.

"You already knew?"

Tong Li hummed softly.

Pei Jiuyin pulled her out of his arms, looked her in the eyes, and for a moment didn't know what emotion to use to treat her.

After a long time, he asked: "Since you know, why do you keep rejecting me?"

Tong Li lowered her eyes, suddenly not daring to look directly at those pure eyes.

"Answer me." Pei Jiuyin squeezed her arm slightly harder.

Tong Li pursed her lips and said truthfully, "Because I think you might live better without me."

Pei Jiuyin's heart twitched in pain, and this woman actually thought of not wanting him: "No way, although I don't remember the few days I met you, I still love you subconsciously. That’s right, you are persistent, can’t you see it?”

Pei Jiuyin suddenly felt very wronged, his eyes became more rosy, and he didn't know whether he was too excited or too tired: "You cruel woman, you just want to abandon me when I can't remember anything, don't you?"

How could she speak so lightly, for his own good, he didn't want such kindness.

Tong Li didn't speak, she had indeed planned to do so before.

Looking at her reaction, Pei Jiuyin felt so angry in his heart that he really wanted to push her away, but seeing her lowered her eyebrows and pleasing to the eye like a child who made a mistake, he endured it very disappointingly, and continued to ask cheaply Heart-wrenching reason: "Why...?"

Maybe she still has a reason.

Tong Li struggled twice, Pei Jiuyin was afraid of hurting her, so he let go of his hand, thinking that Tong Li would get up from him, but she plunged into his arms, this time she jumped in on her own initiative.

Pei Jiuyin hugged her tightly involuntarily, and Tong Li moved a few times to change into a comfortable position, feeling a little guilty in her heart: "Because I can't have children, and you need to find a woman who can continue your blood, I think. You forget about me, and find a normal woman..."

"Hmm..." Tong Li felt a burst of pain, and let out a soft groan in her throat. The man suddenly exerted strength and squeezed her arm tightly.

She got up from his arms and looked up into the man's eyes. At this moment, the man's eyes were bursting with anger. If she was a paper figure, this man would have burned her to death by now.

(End of this chapter)

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