Chapter 422 An Accident Happened
The driver pressed the switch, and the doors on both sides opened slowly and automatically.

Qu Rui, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward and said with a smile, "Here we come."

He stretched out his hand to help her get out of the car, but Pei Jiuyin stopped him.

Then he got out of the car quickly, strode around the front of the car, and personally helped the person down.

"I come."

Now he treats anyone close to Tong Li like a thief, and no one can touch her.

"Be careful." Pei Jiuyin was afraid that she would bump into her, so he held Tong Li's arm very carefully. He didn't know how nervous he was, and thought he was holding a glass doll.

With a strange expression on Tong Li's face, he pushed his hand away: "I'll do it myself."

She is not disabled, why should she be so.

Taking a ten thousand step back, if it really was that... she wasn't weak enough to be supported.

But Pei Jiuyin was not at ease, and after being ruthlessly pushed aside, he pulled him away in a desperate manner.

At this time, many people gathered around, and everyone wanted to see who would drive so many luxury cars and be received by a big leader.

But the people inside were surrounded by their bodyguards, there was no gap at all, and they barely saw the two of them clearly by looking left and right.


After seeing the people inside clearly, they all clicked their tongues secretly in their hearts. After all, they have grown up so big, and they have never seen such a beautiful woman.

The woman not far away is tall and tall, with skin like snow, long black hair hanging straight behind her, the breeze blows, and the ends of her hair are gently blown, the beautiful face of Liu Yao just now hastily passed by , but let them remember it deeply in their minds.

They couldn't help but let out admiration, the woman in front of them is really better than those celebrities, and many celebrities have filter blessings, they basically die when they see the light, these two are really standing In front of my eyes, I still have no makeup
adore adore
Some people couldn't help picking up their mobile phones. They wanted to take a few photos secretly, but they were stopped by the security guards before they could take the photos.

Pei Jiuyin glanced over there, wrinkled in annoyance, and blocked Tong Li sideways: "Let's go!"


Surrounded by everyone, Tong Li and the two came to a spacious lounge.

She sat down on a soft sofa, and Pei Jiuyin followed inseparably, and thoughtfully brought a pillow to cushion her behind.

Everyone saw everything he did, and said in their hearts that this woman is lucky to be favored by this big man. It is really rare to see a man with money, beauty and love in this world, but this lady's condition It shouldn't be bad, so this talented woman is a match made in heaven.

No one can do without.

Sitting in front was the most authoritative obstetrician and gynecologist, probably in his fifties. The doctor looked at Tong Li with a kind smile, holding a book in his hand, and asked the information in a gentle voice: "Madam, please tell me the last time you When is your period?"

Pei Jiuyin raised his eyebrows. The title of madam made him feel at ease, and he liked it.

"Period?" Tong Li thought for a while, and he didn't know when this thing would disappear.

She shook her head.

The female doctor didn't understand what she meant, and asked cautiously: "Do you not remember the time?"

Tong Li replied bluntly: "No."


The female doctor smiled awkwardly: "Did Madam never have it, or did it happen recently?"

Tong Li replied: "You don't need to ask me these things."


The patient was a little worried about not cooperating with the female doctor: "Madam, do you still remember the time when you had sex with your husband?"

If you don't remember the time of your period, you can only calculate the date based on this.

"XX." Tong Li didn't answer, but Pei Jiuyin, who was sitting on the side, replied, he couldn't remember that day more clearly, if it wasn't for that day, he might not be able to find her back.

"Okay." The female doctor wrote down the time in her notebook.

Then he said with a smile: "Madam, we will arrange for someone to come over to draw your blood later, and then do a B-ultrasound to confirm it. After the results come out, we can talk about the next thing."

Tong Li frowned: "Blood?"


The rejection was extremely straightforward.

"That's right, ma'am, we do the blood test to check for chorionic gonadotropin. It directly reflects whether you are pregnant, indicates whether your body's hormones are normal, and can also indirectly calculate the time of your conception."

The doctor thought she was afraid of pain, so he reassured her: "It won't hurt very much, just one stroke will be fine."

Tong Li replied blankly: "No."

She won't let anyone draw her blood.

The female doctor choked and looked at Qu Rui in embarrassment.

Seeing that Tong Li was very resistant to the blood test, Qu Rui said, "Then don't test it, just arrange the memory."

It's not easy to get Tong Li to come, don't wait to get him away.

The female doctor got the order and said hello.

She explained to Tong Li some advance preparations, and a few minutes later a group of people surrounded them to the B-ultrasound room.

Pei Jiuyin was notoriously narrow-minded, so he naturally wouldn't let so many people in to see his wife's video. He only ordered two female doctors and nurses, and no one else was allowed to enter.

No one dared to have an opinion, and they all waited outside obediently.

Tong Li directly ignored his behavior, and followed the doctor into the B-ultrasound room, which was not too big or small, except for some cold instruments, there was no one there.

"Ma'am, lie here, slow down." The female doctor guided Tong Li to lie on the bed, and reminded her to be safe at all times.

It was rare for Tong Li to lie down together, and Pei Jiuyin was always by her side, stroking her hair gently with his palm: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He wanted to appease Tong Li, but the actual situation was that his hands were shaking slightly, it was because he was afraid and nervous.

Tong Li frowned slightly. Since she lay down, her lower abdomen became more and more uncomfortable. She couldn't help remembering and wanted to leave.

But she still forcefully suppressed the urge to run.

The doctor put on the gloves, finished the preparations, and poured some coupling agent on Tong Li's lower abdomen: "Madam, it will be a little cold, bear with it, it will be fine in a while."

In normal times, she would definitely not say this, but whoever said that the person in front is not an ordinary person, and it depends on how nervous the boss is, but put this lady on the top of her heart, if this lady is uncomfortable, they will If you can't eat, you have to walk around.

Tong Li took a deep breath, adjusting his breath.

"Ma'am, it's started." After the female doctor informed, she placed the probe of the instrument on her lower abdomen, and the display screen began to appear slowly.
Zizi bang.
A burst of sparks suddenly appeared from the normally operating instrument, and a large puff of smoke rose. After a while, an unpleasant smell of burning glue filled the b-ultrasound room, and an imported machine worth 10,000+ was scrapped.

"Ah!" The doctor and nurse screamed in shock at the scene in front of them, threw away the probe in their hands in horror, and ran away three feet high, but the older doctor still knew how to look back at the patient.

Pei Jiuyin was by the side all the time, when he saw sparks coming out of the machine, he was so frightened that he immediately hugged Tong Li into his arms.

"it's okay no problem."

 My dear children, it's the end of the month, do you still have a monthly pass, give me a precious monthly pass, haha! ! ! n(*≧▽≦*)n.

(End of this chapter)

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