Chapter 435 Production
Tong Li put on her shoes and was about to go out: "I have a patient who is going to give birth, I'll go and see."

"Wait for me." Pei Jiuyin lifted the quilt, casually put on his shoes and chased after him.

It is impossible to let her go out alone at night.

Ruan Ya didn't expect that she would activate it so quickly. She remembered Tong Li's confession that when she was about to give birth, she immediately tore up the yellow talisman she gave her, and then sent her the address.

She endured severe pain and did all this before getting into the ambulance with peace of mind.

In the car, Ruan Ya's brows were tightly wrinkled, her face was flushed abnormally, and her lips were terribly pale. She clutched her protruding belly and took a deep breath. Whenever she wanted to cry out, she would clench her teeth to prevent herself Make a sound, but really: "It hurts."

Although she has never given birth to a child, she still has some knowledge in this area. This pain is too abnormal for her. It feels like something inside is about to tear open her belly and crawl out. It is so painful.

The medical staff who followed the car were shocked when they saw her flushed face, and hurriedly asked the middle-aged woman accompanying the pregnant woman: "Does the pregnant woman have any other medical history?"

"No, no, what disease can she have, except that she can't conceive normally, there is nothing wrong with it."

The medical staff glanced at the middle-aged woman who spoke, why didn't they like to hear this so much?

"Girl, your complexion is not quite right. Do you really have no other medical history? If so, don't hide it. We know the information in advance so that the hospital can make preparations in advance.

Ruan Ya was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, and could only shake her head non-stop.

The doctor looked at each other and could only continue to monitor her movements.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital very quickly, but in just ten minutes, Ruan Ya's whole body seemed to have just been fished out of the water, not a single part of her body was dry, even the car she was lying on was still dripping with water. The doctor was shocked when he saw her state when he received the patient.

This amount of sweating may not have squeezed all the water in the whole body, and the pregnant woman is so thin that only skin and bones are left. How can a normal pregnant woman become so thin? I am afraid it is not due to long-term abuse.

They began to secretly think about whether to call the police.

Ruan Ya was pushed into the delivery room, and a doctor stayed behind to learn about the mother-in-law from Ruan Ya's mother-in-law. When she learned that the mother was only less than five months pregnant, the doctor couldn't believe it.

Just based on the belly just now, it is absolutely full-term.

The middle-aged woman also knew it was impossible, but her daughter-in-law was only five months pregnant, and she gave all the test results to the doctor. The doctor looked at the data and still couldn't accept that a five-month pregnant woman had such a big belly , but the monitored data showed that the child in her belly was full-term.

Time waits for no one, she doesn't have time to worry about these things here, it's urgent to save people now.

The doctor told her some things, asking her to find the husband of the pregnant woman, to sign various informed consent forms, and to pay the hospital bills, which she couldn't do by herself.

But by coincidence, her son was away on a business trip and couldn't come back at all. The doctor didn't care about it, and took her to the office to give her a big list, talking like a machine gun.

The middle-aged woman had never seen such a battle before, and after hearing what the doctor said she was dead... She was responsible for everything, so she panicked and hurriedly called her son.

After Ruan Ya went in for half an hour, she howled in pain for half an hour. The pain was so painful that the doctor's painkiller injections were useless.

Suddenly she remembered Tong Li's words, the birth of this child was when she died.

"Ah..." Pain piercing to the bone marrow burst out, and her eyes were fixed on the door. No one wanted to die, and she was no exception. She must endure until Master Tong came over.

"Ruan Ya, do you want to switch to a cesarean section?" The obstetrician couldn't bear it when he saw the bony woman. Although the fetus in the womb was in good condition, her cervix was still closed, and her labor pain was so obvious. If this continues, the mother may try her best before she reaches childbirth.

It's dangerous then.

"I won't dissect." Ruan Ya shook her head, now she doesn't believe anyone except Tong Li, now that she has dissected her, is it because she doesn't die fast enough?
The doctor continued to persuade, but both the mothers inside and the guardians outside were stubborn to death. They analyzed the dangers of various situations to them, but they refused to transfer the autopsy.

There is no way, the mothers do not agree, they can only continue to observe.

Outside the hospital, a domineering luxury car stopped at the gate. The car was very dazzling, and the people who got out of the car were even more dazzling.

There were not many people at the entrance of the hospital at night, and the few who passed by occasionally just glanced at it, and then went to do their own business.

Yeqiu was very cold, Pei Jiuyin put the coat on Tong Li's body, and whispered in her ear: "Yeqiu, don't catch a cold."

Tong Li tightened her clothes with her fingers and nodded.

The two came to the nurse's station and told about Ruan Ya's information. The nurse at the guidance desk saw that the two were extravagant, so she confessed to the colleagues around her, and then personally guided the two to the delivery room.

As soon as she came in, she saw Ruan Ya's mother-in-law waiting anxiously.

As soon as she saw Tong Li's middle-aged woman, she ran over as if seeing a savior. She wanted to ask Tong Li to save her grandson, but when she saw Pei Jiuyin next to Tong Li, she didn't dare to approach her.

The man's eyes were terrifying, as if he wanted to eat people.

The middle-aged woman smiled uncomfortably: "Master Tong, you are finally here. Yaya was able to give birth, but she still couldn't give birth. The doctor wants to transfer the autopsy."

Tong Li raised his hand to stop her from speaking.

She turned her head slightly and said to Pei Jiuyin, "I'll go in, you wait outside."

When Pei Jiuyin faced Tong Li, his face was indifferent just now, but he immediately became gentle: "Okay, be careful, I'm outside, call me if you have anything to do."


Tong Li walked straight up, pushed open the door of the delivery room with both hands and walked in. A nurse came out and saw it. Out of duty, she quickly called to Tong Li: "Hey, who are you? Idlers are not allowed to enter the delivery room, so Can't you see the big letters?"

Tong Li ignored her and went to the delivery room where the screams were the worst.

The little nurse had never seen such an impolite person, she reached out and grabbed Tong Li's arm.

Tong Li frowned slightly, and flicked vigorously, directly knocking the little nurse aside.

"Hey, why are you still beating people?" The little nurse wanted to go up to pull her, but was stopped by the head nurse who came out from an unknown corner.

"Hour, don't pull it, let her go."

"Head nurse, but she..." The little nurse wanted to explain, but the head nurse shook her head at her.

They can't offend the person inside.

Tong Li walked to the delivery room in the middle, and as soon as she entered, she saw several doctors surrounding Ruan Ya, wiping her sweat and inhaling oxygen, checking the condition of her cervix from time to time.

Although the mother screamed in great pain, the cervix would not dilate. If things continued like this, both the mother and the fetus would suffer, but they refused to give birth by caesarean section.

(End of this chapter)

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