The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 438 Let's not have children, shall we?

Chapter 438 Let's not have children, shall we?
Tong Li endured the urge to feel nauseated, like a torture, and slowly ate half of the vegetable salad on the plate, one leaf at a time.

Until she couldn't eat anymore, she found an excuse and went upstairs.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the back of Tong Li who was running away in a hurry, and his heart was suddenly tangled up, feeling tight.

Tong Li returned to the room, closed the door, and rushed into the bathroom. Without Pei Jiuyin, she lost restraint. She spit out all the things just now, and waited until her stomach was empty, and then calmly put the Things wash away.

knock knock knock.
Before she could catch her breath, there was a knock on the door.

"Tongtong. Are you in there?" Pei Jiuyin was still uneasy and came up to take a look. Sure enough, she heard her vomiting before getting close.

Tong Li's face was slightly flustered, and she hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'll take a bath."

Then he turned on the shower, pretending to be taking a shower.

Hearing the sound of water coming from inside, Pei Jiuyin felt like a bright mirror in his heart. The silly woman of his family hid up there, probably because he didn't want to worry him.

Why is she so stupid, she doesn't tell him anything, and doesn't let him know.

Don't you know that he will be more worried?
Recalling when she was pregnant, she was like this too, unable to eat.

But isn't it edible that I made before, why can't I eat it now?
What went wrong?

Eating is like a dead end, and there is no way to get over it. It is okay for a person to not eat for one or two meals, but if it goes on for a long time, the body will definitely collapse.

Pei Jiuyin watched the door, pressed the tip of his tongue against the flesh of his teeth, and secretly made a decision in his heart: he doesn't need the child, but he will be safe.

Tong Li knew that Pei Jiuyin was in the room, and out of a guilty conscience, she slowed down a lot in taking a bath, deliberately lingering in it for a long time before coming out, and hoped that the man would go to work in the study as soon as possible.

But he seemed to grow up in this room, he didn't move, there was really no way for Tong Li to come out.

It has to be said that when a beauty comes out of the bath, she is full of beauty at a glance. There is no color in the world. Pretty from the inside out.

What a tempting picture of a beauty coming out of the bath. Seeing that her hair was still dripping with water, Pei Jiuyin frowned, said nothing, reached out to pick up the towel that had been prepared long ago, and waved to her.

"come over."

Tong Li walked towards him obediently, then sat on the sofa, the soft touch of the towel touched her hair, and then felt a skillful and gentle force rubbing back and forth between the hair.

His hand seemed to have magic power, making her close her eyes comfortably and enjoy it quietly.

Pei Jiuyin wiped without any change in expression. Whether it was the wiper or the wiped, it was a kind of enjoyment for him. Such a warm and beautiful picture makes people unable to bear to interrupt.

But he knows that in order to continue to maintain this beautiful picture, there are some things that he must give up.

Half an hour later, Tong Li's long black hair was dried with his efforts.

Pei Jiuyin threw down the towel in his hand, leaned down slightly, spread his arms, and hugged her tightly from behind, with the tip of his nose pressed against her smooth neck, greedily sniffing the cold fragrance of her body, his arms became more and more vigorous , as if to rub people into the body.

Tong Li sensed something was wrong, opened his eyes and looked at him slightly: "What's wrong?"

Pei Jiuyin let go of her, lifted her up, and gently hugged her into her arms.

Tong Li has long been used to his princess hugs from time to time, and one hand naturally climbed onto his shoulder.


Finally, I asked: "Are you unable to eat again?"

Tong Li's back stiffened slightly, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he said vaguely: "I just have a little appetite, and it will be fine after a while."

Pei Jiuyin's eyes darkened slightly, his pupils were cold, and the strength of his arms was so tight that Tong Li felt suffocated: "When did Tong Tong learn to lie to me?"

Tong Li raised her head to meet his deep eyes. At that moment, she felt Pei Jiuyin's disappointment and heartache, and her heart also became entangled.

Is it because I lied to him?

Pei Jiuyin was afraid that the torturer in his arms would continue to lie, so he immediately exposed her lies: "Why don't I know Tongtong? You also like to do things that deceive yourself and others."

"You throw all the things I made into the trash can. I'm not blind. Do you think I can't see?"

He pulled her closer, sniffing at her tender collarbone, and then walked to her ear, his thin lips parted slightly to reveal a few threatening teeth, and bit her earlobe punishingly: "It's fine if you have something to hide from me, but you still dare to lie to me."

"Hiss..." Tong Li snorted in pain, turned his head forward, propped up his hands, separated the distance between the two, covered the tip of his ear that was bitten just now, and met the two small clusters in his eyes. Huo Miao, who wanted to curse, suddenly lowered his voice, and lowered his voice unconsciously: "What are you doing?"

Pei Jiuyin snorted coldly: "This is the punishment for lying and deceiving people."

Tong Li, who knew she was wrong, bowed her head and remained silent.

Pei Jiuyin refused to let her go, changed her position, let her sit on his lap, held her face in both hands, so that she could only look at him: "I will give you another chance."

"Did you dump everything I made?"

Tong Li's black pupils shone brightly, sighed helplessly, and nodded: "It's down."

"I want to wait until I find a solution and tell you."

Pei Jiuyin's heart ached, and he wiped her face lightly with his thumb: "Why are you so stupid."

He kissed her on the cheek, and said in a hoarse voice, "Tongtong, we don't want a child anymore, okay?"

Tong Li frowned, and looked at him incredulously: "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Pei Jiuyin's eyes were unusually firm: "I know very well."

"You are more important than the child."

No one can hurt her, not even the children.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Tong Li's peaceful eyes gradually turned cold, and he stroked his hand away and got up from him.

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin stood up and held her back, not letting her leave. He knew that Tongli would be angry if he made this decision.

But he really couldn't watch her suffer, put her at risk.

Tong Li was embraced by a pair of flustered and helpless arms, and then she threw herself into that burning chest again, but now she didn't want to talk to this man, and her voice was quite cold: "Let go."

"Tongtong, don't be like this, I'm thinking about your body, we can live without children..."

Seeing that he still dared to mention this matter, Tong Li opened his hands very forcefully. Pei Jiuyin hugged her with all his strength, but once Tong Li didn't want him to hug her, even if he tried his best, in her eyes she would It's just a fly shaking a big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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