He wants to buy everything he sees. In the past, the clothes were delivered to his home, and he kept them if he liked them. He never thought about going out to buy clothes. If it wasn't for this time, he really wouldn't have realized buying clothes for his children. different kind of happiness.

Tong Li felt her belly roll a few more times, she tried to walk forward, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps.
Pei Jiuyin looked at Tong Li who was close at hand, the astonishment and surprise in his eyes could not be concealed.

The voice also became cheerful: "Tongtong Xiaobao, did they forgive me?"

Tong Li smiled, and nodded slowly under his gaze. She didn't resist approaching him anymore, so she should be forgiven.

Apart from the fact that this father likes to get into a corner sometimes, he is actually a very good father.

Pei Jiuyin showed a big smile, threw away the clothes on his hands, and tightly circled the person in front of him with his hands.

The excitement was on the surface: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. As for eating, let's think of other ways. I will definitely find out what the baby likes to eat."

Tong Li patted his shoulder to signal him to let go: "That's no need, I've already found something to eat."

Pei Jiuyin: "?"

Tong Li didn't want to discuss further on this issue, so she directly changed the subject: "This quilt is pretty good, you can buy some."

"Yes." Pei Jiuyin took it from her hand.

In the next minute and every second, the two of them carried the light of the Holy Mother, and as long as they looked pleasing to the eye, they put them in the shopping cart, and bought one cart after another.


In the evening, Tong Li slept Zhengxiang in Pei Jiuyin's arms. This was the most comfortable sleep for Pei Jiuyin in a long time.

Having not slept for two days and one night, he snored softly, even when he was asleep, there was still a happy smile on his mouth.

All of a sudden, things in the room seemed to vibrate slightly, the utensils in the villa made tinkling sounds, and the night lights outside also flickered.

Tong Li didn't know what she dreamed about in her dream. Suddenly, her muscles tensed up, her brows and eyes showed pain, her palms tightly clutched the quilt, her limbs became more and more stiff, as if she was suffering from great pain.

Pei Jiuyin fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep, he was holding Tongli, who was soft and crispy, but for some reason, the person in his arms suddenly became tense all over, becoming as stiff as a rock.

He squeezed twice subconsciously, then opened his eyes suddenly, and felt that the person in his arms was trembling non-stop.

Pei Jiuyin immediately sat up, turned on the desk lamp, and wanted to hug the person in his arms, but found that her body was extremely stiff, so he had no choice but to push down on her: "Tongtong, what's wrong with you?"

"Wake up."

Tong Li felt that she was in a cold and dark environment, and there seemed to be an unknown force around her, slowly approaching and surrounding her.

She wanted to run but found that she couldn't use any strength: what's going on?

In addition to this unknown force, her body seemed to be controlled by something. She struggled with all her might, but a few minutes passed, but she couldn't even move a finger.

She wanted to cry out, but found that she couldn't even make a sound, which was abnormal, very abnormal.

She shouldn't be in a normal environment, is she in a dream?

It hurts.

That unknown force wandered through her limbs and penetrated into her brain...

This pain is definitely not a dream.

Tong Li shook Yingqianzhu, and found that the Yingqianzhu on her wrist was gone, who stole her things?

Where is she?
The extreme darkness and the eerie cold wind made the hairs on her body stand on end.

She tried her best to calm herself down, all this was too strange, she couldn't panic, couldn't mess up.

That power was still spreading towards her body. I thought I was going to die this time, but found that that power didn't seem to want her life.


I don't know why, but after touching her, the original sinister force gradually became very soft.

That gentle force was soothing every violent nerve in her brain. I don't know if it was too comfortable. Gradually, she let down her vigilance against this force, and that unknown force took the opportunity to interweave and move in her mind. .

Pei Jiuyin watched Tong Li's body gradually relax, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

He held her in his arms, bowed his head and kept calling in her ear, trying to wake her up.

"Tongtong...Tongtong, wake up."

But Tong Li never gave any response. In desperation, his brain was like a short circuit. He didn't know what to do, so he could only pat her on the cheek lightly, but he was afraid of hurting her too much.

"Tongtong, don't scare me."

Tong Li seemed to have sensed Pei Jiuyin's call, and slowly opened his eyes, everything he could see was blank.

There is no focal length in her pupils, she can't feel anything, she can't see anything.

"Tongtong..." Before Pei Jiuyin could be happy, the person in his arms suddenly pushed him away, and hurriedly jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Pei Jiuyin turned over and chased after him, but it was still a step too late, Tong Li locked the door.

He kept knocking on the door panel, panicking inside, he didn't know what happened to Tong Li, but her appearance just now really frightened him.

"Tongtong, what happened, open the door first."

Tong Li was lying on the sink, vomiting sounds from her mouth. This time it was not nausea, but the intracranial pressure caused by the severe headache, which caused her to vomit reflexively.

Her eyes were red, with physiological tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and she looked blankly at herself in the mirror.

Memories from the past flooded into my mind like a flood, and every scene was so clear: from how she got here, how she got involved with Pei Jiuyin, how the two of them got to the present step by step, and finally stopped at a house in Shennongjia. In the tomb.

She remembered that after being struck by lightning, she fell into a bottomless abyss. She didn't know how long she had been floating in it, but the wind inside was like a sharp blade, attacking her one by one.

If it wasn't for Ying Qianzhu's body protection, she probably wouldn't be able to come back this time.

Fortunately, she is back.

Tong Li panted heavily, and kept pouring cold water on her face to calm down her active brain waves.

But the memories that were incorporated again and again seemed to squeeze her head and explode. Although there were not many, the pain could not dissipate for a long time.

She came under the hood, turned on the shower, and the cold water splashed on her body.

Pei Jiuyin didn't get a response after seeing it for so long, he was afraid that something would happen to Tong Li, so he went to find a spare key.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tong Li standing under the shower. He ran over and found that he was drenched in cold water.

Pei Jiuyin anxiously turned off the tap, tore off the bathrobe beside her, and covered her from head to toe.

"Is it cold?"

"It's okay, just spit it out."

Pei Jiuyin thought that Tong Li was vomiting normally, but he didn't notice that the way Tong Li looked at him changed.

Tong Li looked at the man in front of him who was wiping it for her foolishly, and her eyes turned red.

She slowly raised her hand and stroked his cheek. It was such a man who, when she fell, jumped down with her without hesitation.


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