Chapter 449: Are You Going All Out?
Jing Beichen laughed lightly, his black eyes were bright, and he said shamelessly: "I don't have morality."

Tong Li glanced at him lightly: "I said it was in accordance with my moral standards."


"Cut..." Jing Beichen suddenly felt dull. According to her moral standards, what's the point of that, and he doesn't lack anything...


His terrifying white fingers closed slightly, and a ruthlessness burst out from his eyes: "You help me find the person who murdered me."

"That's the first condition."

This person has lived for a long time, and he can meet any bird, but if he doesn't catch the person who dares to use a knife on his head, how can he live up to his reputation of being cruel and merciless.

Tong Li bowed her head and said nothing, even if Jing Beichen didn't say anything, she would definitely find out the person behind him.

"Are you sure you want to make this a condition?"

Jing Beichen met her calm eyes and nodded with a little doubt. What he wants to do by himself does not need other people's help.

On the other hand, he couldn't catch the ghost that had been bouncing around behind him, so he had to rely on Tong Li's hand.

Tong Li said concisely: "Yes."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards Jing Beichen, Jing Beichen shrank back subconsciously, and said defensively, "What are you doing?"

Tong Li index finger nodded his head: "I need to read the memory of your previous contact with those people."

"Read?" Did the woman think he was a card reader?

Tong Li patiently explained to him: "Well, those people are very secretive, if they automatically come to the door, I don't know how long it will be, I want to use the memory of your contact with him at that time to try to extract some useful information .”

Jing Beichen was very skeptical of the authenticity of what she said. Even the most advanced technology can't do this kind of thing, and asked, "How to extract it?"

"Will I become a fool after being extracted by you?"

Tong Li: "If you don't resist, nothing will happen."

She wanted to make him a fool, but she wouldn't do such a wicked thing, at least not now.

Jing Beichen still didn't believe it: "Are you sure?"

"You won't take the opportunity to retaliate against me?"

After all, he had never done anything good to her.

Tong Li put her hands behind her back, with a hint of impatience in her eyes.

"OK, OK, I won't say anything." Jing Beichen raised his hands in surrender, he was suspicious by nature, and would never put his life in the hands of others.

But Tong Li, although he was a bit fierce, was not like a sinister villain. He believed her just once, and she still owed him two favors.

Jing Beichen gave up on himself and lay on his back on the sofa, with his hands resting on the eaves of the sofa, looking like a mermaid: "What do you want me to do."

"Relax, don't resist, relax your vigilance against me"

After Tong Li explained, he placed the index finger and middle finger of his right hand lightly on the center of his eyebrows. Jing Beichen felt the coolness of his fingers, and held his breath involuntarily. He seemed to feel a gust of wind entering his mind, which was refreshing and cool. People seem to be floating in mid-air, passing one after another light clouds.

The breeze blows, a burst of drowsiness hits him, his consciousness becomes weaker and weaker, and an unknown force takes him around in the sky. He doesn't know the end point, but just unconsciously follows the light in front of him.

Until the light stopped at a certain place, the cerebral cortex trembled, and Jing Beichen's fist was clenched instantly. The skin of the originally pale joints was almost transparent, and the capillaries on it could be clearly seen from a close look, even the blood vessels of the arms. The muscles bulge high, and I don't know what's going on inside.

Tong Li came to the storage area of ​​his memory, and wanted to find his memory at that time, but found that there was no such memory in his memory area.

This is clearly unlikely.

He himself remembered this matter, why couldn't he find it here?
Tong Li searched for a few times but still couldn't find it, she didn't give up, she searched again, and suddenly saw a strange green light in a bunch of neurons.

Maybe it was too tightly wrapped by neurons just now, so she didn't notice it, but now it's showing such a corner.

Tong Li quickly waved his consciousness over, and the green light sensed that other forces were approaching, so he immediately and quickly hid himself, as if afraid of being discovered by others.

And Tong Li's speed did not lag behind, he rushed to the front all at once, wandering back and forth around the pile of neurons, and when he tried to find out again, he couldn't feel the strange energy.

Did you run away?
It looks like it is.

Tong Li's face became serious, and he didn't know what it was, but it was definitely not something ordinary in the mind of an ordinary person.

Jing Beichen frowning outside obviously didn't feel well, but he kept in mind Tong Li's words, don't move around, don't forcibly resist, otherwise he might really become a fool.

Chi. This is the first time he's grown up to let someone control him, and it feels so fucking uncomfortable.

Tong Li also found that Jing Beichen had begun to show resistance, and he had to make a quick decision.

It's just that the thing is hiding too hidden. According to the current speed, it is difficult to find it. She simply put all her eggs in one basket and scattered her consciousness into several small lines, surrounded by radiation in all directions. As long as it is still here, it will definitely be able to find it. Get that thing out.

Tong Li was walking faster and faster, Jing Beichen gritted his teeth, but his face gradually became more and more distorted, he only felt that his chest was congested and uncomfortable, he couldn't breathe, and he began to gasp after a while.

Moreover, his head seemed to be rubbed into a hemp ball by someone, rubbing it back and forth, he felt that the brain was no longer his own, and he wanted Tong Li to stop, but at this moment he found that his whole body could not move, and his voice could not even utter a single syllable .

Suddenly his scalp exploded, and he opened his eyes abruptly. The pupils were not in focus, but the black and white eyes were clearly reflected in the two flames.

Tong Li frowned slightly, and just when the two flames were about to hit, she suddenly opened her eyes, pulled the hand on Jing Beichen's forehead away, and waved a wave of spiritual power to block the fireball in front of her eyes.

These two paths were eliminated, followed by 1~2~3 paths. Countless fire balls galloped towards them.

Tong Li grabbed Jing Beichen's shoulders, jumped to the second floor to avoid, then threw him on the ground, Jing Beichen fell limply like a rag, and then passed out as soon as he closed his eyes die past.

The fireballs below passed directly through the house on the first floor, and there was a rumbling sound downstairs, and the combustibles inside instantly ignited a raging fire.

Tong Li took a step forward, with a sharp sword in his right hand, and a cold and stern look in his eyes, which made people's hairs stand on end and their spines shivered.

The other party couldn't come, it was densely packed, and at this moment the house was surrounded.

Does it seem like an all out?
Before she could figure out why these people came out suddenly, there were a few swishes in front of her, and more than a dozen people appeared side by side.

Several of these people were her old acquaintances.

Tong Li narrowed her eyes and looked at Lu Tianxue, who had disappeared for a long time, and the two-headed man who had confronted her... and the ghost who had fought several times before.

Well, it all showed up.

(End of this chapter)

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