The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 453 If you want to live, you can't have a child

Chapter 453 If you want to live, you can't have a child

Tong Li ate something after returning from the pharmacy, and then went back to the room to rest.

Pei Jiuyin was worried, so he moved his work home to be with her. He set an alarm on his phone and went to see Tong Li every half hour.

Looking at the person sleeping on the bed, he looked like a worried old mother, touching her forehead for a while, holding her hand for a while, and after talking to himself, he went back to work.

the next day.

Under the warm sunlight, Tong Li slowly opened her eyes.

After a night's rest, instead of recovering, her spirits got worse.

Tong Li exhaled lightly, touched her slightly hot forehead, and felt that she might have exhausted too much yesterday, so today's energy is a little weak.

She braced herself to get up from the bed, stared blankly at the scenery outside the window, and got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up after a long time.

The cold tap water hit her face, and the collision of low temperature and normal temperature made her wake up a lot.

Looking up at her pale self in the mirror, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Going out with this appearance will definitely not escape Pei Jiuyin's piercing eyes.

She turned and went out, came to the bedside table, opened the bottom drawer, took out a pill and stuffed it into her mouth.

After a while, the medicine had an obvious effect. The pale face just now immediately turned pink, and the sluggish spirit became more energetic. It happened that Pei Jiuyin pushed the door open and came in.

That tall and straight figure, handsome face, although he was only wearing ordinary home clothes, as long as he stood there, his body would naturally emit a dazzling light.

When Pei Jiuyin saw Tong Li waking up, a slight smile appeared on his sullen face.

"Tong Tong, you're awake." He strode up to Tong Li, looked at her face seriously, not noticing anything unusual, then touched the temperature of her forehead with his warm palm, and touched her face again. Touching his own as a comparison, he was relieved to see that there was no difference.

"never mind."

Tong Li smiled slightly: "It's nothing at all."

Pei Jiuyin squeezed her palm lightly: "Yesterday you almost scared me to death like that. Fortunately, you only injured your arm. You can't be so reckless in the future."

"If you have anything to tell me, even if I can't help you, don't leave me alone, okay?"

Tong Li's heart felt hot, knowing that this man had started to think wildly again.

"Well, I'll pay attention to it later."

Pei Jiuyin smiled, patted the top of her hair fondly, and said seriously: "Don't say one thing and do another, I will always keep an eye on you."

Tong Li touched the ring on her hand: "Well, I know you are amazing."

Then Tong Li came downstairs to eat amidst Pei Jiuyin's various inquiries and condolences.

After eating, Pei Jiuyin planned to stay with her at home, but Tong Li didn't want him to delay work because of his own affairs, so she persuaded him to go to the company even with coaxing and threats.

Not long after Pei Jiuyin went to the company, the housekeeper came in and told Tong Li that the errand brother had brought some more potted flowers, a package, and a letter.

Tong Li took the letter, opened it slowly, and there was only one sentence written on it: I will be at a certain coffee shop at 3 p.m.


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Tong Li went to a certain coffee shop on time for the appointment.

This time was during working hours, and there were only a few people chatting in the coffee shop.

As soon as she entered the door, her gaze was locked on a man in the corner. With his noble and cold temperament, and wearing a mask that half-covered his face, it added a bit of mystery to his whole person. It's hard to pay attention.

The man's eyes fell on the road with cars coming and going outside, and he looked very intently.

And the man standing next to him...

Tong Li frowned, as if he had seen this person somewhere before.

The two of them seemed to have sensed Tong Li's arrival, their gazes retracted, and they all fell on her.

The masked man calmly froze for a moment in his eyes, and frowned rarely. His sharp and keen eyes seemed to be able to see through the surface the hidden problems in Tong Li.

So he was very puzzled. He was fine a few days ago, but it's been a long time since I saw her. How could this girl be in such a poor health?
The man remained calm, gave Tong Li a look, and motioned her to come and sit down.

Tong Li didn't hesitate to walk over and sit down.

The two sat facing each other, no one spoke, and looked at each other.

Although the man on the opposite side is wearing a mask, but from his beautiful eyes and perfect outline, one can imagine that the man's appearance is not bad, and he doesn't have the sense of oppression that he gave her last time. Tong Li looked at him It is also much more pleasing to the eye.

The person on the other side was observing Tong Li, using drugs to cover up her complexion, and she was counting.

"Who the hell are you?" Tong Li was the first to speak out, asking out the doubts in his heart.

This man is very strange and very strong. As for how strong he is, she doesn't know, she can't see it.

What's more important is that this man knows her very well, from pregnancy to diet, to the abnormality in her stomach... How did this man know about her.

"Trouble." The man in front spit out two words, and then glared at the subordinate next to him.

Tong Li, who was suddenly dismissed as troublesome: "."

"You don't have to worry about who I am. Anyway, I am a friend rather than an enemy. The suggestion I made before is entirely for your own good."

Tong Li knew the suggestion in his mouth and saw his eyes getting colder.

The man raised his hand to interrupt her threatening output: "Don't worry."

The man suddenly asked with concern like a big brother: "Did something happen to you these few days?"

Tong Li pursed her lips.

"Your body is worse than the previous few days, and I think you can feel it yourself."

Tong Li frowned even tighter, and after being bored in her heart for a long time, she finally choked out a few words: "What does it have to do with you?"

The four words 'what does it have to do with you' seem to have stepped on the tail of the man opposite, his face instantly became ugly, and he let out a cold snort with deep disdain: "Do you think I want to care about you? For a man, even I don't even care about my body, just like you..."

Very disgusted and contemptuously continued: "It's hard to say whether you can last a month."

"Master." As soon as he finished speaking, the subordinate next to him reminded him sharply not to talk too much.

Tong Li was deeply surprised by the man's scolding: "Who the hell are you?"

I don't know if it's her illusion, she always feels that the man in front of her is very familiar with her, but she is sure that she doesn't know the man in front of her.

"You don't care who I am, if you want to pay it back."

"Master." The person next to him interrupted him again.

The masked man looked at him angrily, and quickly said: "If you want to survive, you must kill these two children."

bang bang bang...

When the masked man finished speaking, the coffee cup in front of him and some vases around him suddenly burst as if controlled by some kind of force.

It also seemed to warn the man in front of him to be careful when speaking.

There were exclamations in the coffee shop one after another, and the waiter rushed out to appease him.

Tong Li looked up at the abnormalities around her, and then looked down at her lower abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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