The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 461 Bi Luo Huang Quan, You Don't Want To Get Rid Of Me

Chapter 461 Bi Luo Huang Quan, You Don't Want To Get Rid Of Me

Pei Jiuyin begged for nothing and stayed at home for a few days. He really had no choice but to reluctantly go to the company. He was afraid that if he continued to stay at home, Tong Li would become suspicious. To be on the safe side, he had to do whatever he didn't want to do.

Tong Li also took the opportunity to find some time to investigate over there, but unfortunately, the time dragged on for too long, and all the smells had been cleaned up here, and she couldn't find any clues even though she dug three feet into the ground.

Although Pei Jiuyin came to the company, his mind was not on work at all. He began to secretly investigate the person who provided flowers and rice behind Tong Li's back.

Since that person knows what Tong Li needs and can provide it in time, he must be very familiar with Tong Li, or he wants to support the child in Tong Li's stomach. As for whether his purpose is the two children, everything has to be found Let's talk.

On the other side, in the vast sea, there was an isolated island exuding black flames, and creepy howling ghosts and wolves kept coming out.

This is the ultimate strait for all sailors, and their death zone. No one dares to approach this isolated island. Anyone who dares to approach will surely die.

Hundreds of thousands of years without exception.

So no one knows that there is an ancient and mysterious castle hidden in the deepest part of the isolated island. The castle flickers under the harsh sunlight, making it even more unpredictable.

Inside the castle, the ornate curtains swayed gently with the wind. A gust of wind blew up one side of the bed curtain, and one could clearly see a person lying on the bed.

In the dim environment, the face of the person on the bed was particularly pale and terrifying. The person seemed to have dreamed of something in a dream. His brows were furrowed, his fists tightly clenched the bedding, and he muttered something, but his voice was too low. , nobody heard.

Lu Tianxue, who had been standing by the side all the time, saw him move, and quickly leaned forward to check.

"Master, Master" Lu Tianxue suppressed his beating heart and called his name tirelessly.

In order for Jing Beichen to open his eyes and see her for the first time, she stayed by his bedside for more than half a month, and now he finally waking up?

Suddenly, Jing Beichen opened his eyes, and Lu Tianxue was startled by his eyes.

Jing Beichen's dark pupils seem to be the incarnation of an abyssal demon, full of viciousness, violence, killing, and a kind of destructive hatred. Every emotion makes people shudder.

Lu Tianxue suppressed the fear in her heart, and tried her best to put a smile on her face: "Are you... awake?"

Jing Beichen.
No, he should be called Chi Zhoujun now.

He was originally unknown, but Mr. Chi Zhou was taken by Xiao Li'er who had saved his life.

He was fished out of the pool by her, and she asked his name, but he didn't know what his name was at the time, he was just a cloud of murky air, a filthy air that people hate and hate, because he You don't need to do anything to have an immortal soul, so everyone despises his filthy existence.

It was his little Li'er who did not dislike him, rescued him in the mud, named him Lord Chizhou, and gave him the fiefdom to make him the master of Wushan, so that he would no longer be driven away by others, and would no longer be affected by others. He was beaten severely, no longer disliked by others, and lived a life with rice to eat and a house to sleep in.

It also taught him joy, anger and sorrow.

Chi Zhoujun looked at the irises at the end of the bed, and gradually showed a strange smile on his face: "Little Li'er, I still found you, how could you run away with other men. "

"No way."

"Bi Luo Huang Quan, you can never get rid of me."

Lu Tianxue looked at Chi Zhoujun with a gloomy face, and with a puff, she fell on the ground docilely, then raised her head and stared at him with soft and charming eyes: "Master Jing, are you back?"

Chi Zhoujun looked at Lu Tianxue who was kneeling on the ground, and the sound of Master Jing brought him back to Feiyuan's thoughts.

By the way, his name is now Jing Beichen, a child of a Northern Army family.

This family background is not bad, and the little Ali who matches him is not ugly.

It's just that his eyes darkened, and he waved his arm lightly. The vixen who was crawling under his feet just now was blown away by a powerful force.

With a bang, Lu Tianxue was slammed on the door panel, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Pfft... Lu Tianxue couldn't suppress the tumbling qi and blood, so she could only let the mouthful of blood spurt out of her body. Although she didn't die, she knew that her internal organs were severely injured.

People outside the house happened to come to see Jing Beichen, and when they approached the door, they heard a loud noise. Everyone was startled, they walked forward quickly, opened the door and saw Lu Tianxue who was knocked to the ground.

Then when he saw the person who was leisurely getting off the bed, he lost his eyes. Except for the two-headed man who followed him, no one could care about Lu Tianxue.

"My lord, are you back?" The people couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts, but they were still awake.

Although the person in front of him is awake, he is not sure whether the last soul of the Lord has been completely fused.

In the end, this soul's self-consciousness is too strong. They have tried many methods but still can't fuse it. If they don't fuse it, there is no possibility of their lord waking up.

That's why they set up this situation, using Pei Jiuyin's advantage to fuse the soul of the lord.

But Pei Jiuyin only recovered part of the memory, and they didn't know if their lord had fully recovered.

Lord Chizhou despised these people with the attitude of a king, with a half-curved mouth, and sneered: "A bunch of trash, why don't you wait for Tong Li to ascend before waking me up?"

Everyone knelt down with a puff, and their heads hit the ground tightly. This sound of trash let them know clearly that it was their lord who had returned.


"My lord, the main reason is that the ghost's self-awareness is too strong. We tried many methods but couldn't find it out."

With a bang, a heavy slap sounded in the empty room, and a white grunt with blood-colored teeth rolled a few times on the ground. The person who spoke just now fell to the ground, but no one dared to help him, and no one dared to help him say.

The man's face was immediately swollen to half the height of the mountain, but he didn't dare to rest for a minute. Enduring the severe pain, he got up and knelt down again. Lord forgive me."

Lu Tianxue leaned weakly on the two-headed man, her face was as pale as a dead person, even if she was seriously injured, she didn't have any intention of blaming Chi Zhoujun in her eyes.

The two-headed man frowned, took out a black pill from his body and stuffed it into her mouth, Lu Tianxue's complexion recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The first time she recovered was to crawl in front of Jing Beichen: "Master, I am Xiaoxue, have you forgotten me? I am the little fox who has been with you for a hundred years. Do you still remember me?"

Lu Tianxue firmly believed that it was Chi Zhoujun who forgot himself and hurt himself by accident, otherwise he would not have hit himself for no reason.

Disgust appeared in Chi Zhoujun's eyes, and his expression became even colder. He approached Lu Tianxue step by step, and finally stopped two steps away from her. : "If I knew you would spoil my good deeds, I should have killed you."

(End of this chapter)

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