Chapter 463 You Became Her Executioner Again
There was already warm rice porridge on the table downstairs, she walked to the table and sat down, poured out the porridge inside, and drank it in small sips.

While drinking, she paused the movements of her hands, put down the spoon calmly, rolled her eyes left and right, and looked around vigilantly.

The house can smell needles, and she seems to be the only one alive, but why does she feel that somewhere, there is a pair of eyes watching her?
After cruising back and forth, Tong Li's eyes finally fell on the monitor, and she thought it should be this thing.

She once asked Pei Jiuyin to tear it down, but he insisted that when he missed her, he could turn on the monitor to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

She has never been his opponent for playing lip service, and she can only acquiesce to his approach later.

Tong Li looked away, didn't take the matter to heart, and continued to drink porridge with his head down.


Pei Jiuyin also found some clues, and there was only one person who brought things to Tong Li.

He has already found that person and sent someone to monitor him 24 hours a day. As long as that person goes to get things, he can follow the clues to find him.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, the bodyguard sent a message that the errand brother had received the message and was ready to pick up the goods.

When Pei Jiuyin heard this, he immediately put down his work and rushed over without stopping.

When he arrived, he saw that the bodyguards he had sent were stacked on top of each other like an arhat.

Pei Jiuyin just glanced coldly, then turned his gaze to the man who was drinking tea leisurely not far away.

It was a man wearing a mysterious mask.

When the man saw Pei Jiuyin, his eyes showed disdain. He didn't look straight at him, as if he hated the person in front of him.

Pei Jiuyin felt baffled, but now it's important to ask the business.

He straightened his clothes, walked over without haste, then stood opposite him, looked at him without squinting, and greeted him politely: "Hello."

"Hmph." The masked man didn't seem to agree with him, and sneered at his greeting.

Pei Jiuyin wasn't angry either, and asked politely, "What's your surname, sir."

"Don't play this game with me. Talk if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say." He really didn't like this man very much. If it wasn't for him, his family A Li wouldn't have to suffer this kind of punishment at all. He wanted him to treat him well. With a good face, it will be impossible in the next life and the next life.

Pei Jiuyin frowned, this should be the first time they met, why did this man have such hostility towards him.

Since this is the case, there is no need to say more polite words, and I will go straight to the topic: "This... sir, how did you know that Tongtong needs Dishahua?"

According to his investigation in his previous life, the earth shattering flower is not a good thing, and Tongtong insists on it. It is not difficult to see how sinister the person who gave her to eat this thing has.

When the masked man heard him say Di Shahua's name, he raised his brows, and looked him up a few times.

"How do you know that kind of flower is Earth Sha?"

Pei Jiuyin didn't speak.

The masked man looked at him, narrowed his slender Danfeng eyes, then nodded suddenly, and leaned back gently with his arms folded: "I see."

"No wonder the astrology was in chaos a few days ago. It turned out to be your fault."


An undercurrent flashed in Pei Jiuyin's eyes. He was not the former Pei Jiuyin. Ah Li was gone. He had studied metaphysics like crazy and revived his Ah Li, but ended in failure...

He also knows a little more about Dao Dao inside. The man in front of him can tell the difference in him just by looking at him. This is definitely not an ordinary person.

He read something different in his eyes, but he was not sure, so he asked tentatively: "So the one before was also you?"

The masked man snorted again: "Is it none of your business?"

Pei Jiuyin suppressed the resentment in his heart: "So you know what Tongtong's pregnancy means, why did you give her such a thing?"

When the masked man heard accusations in his words, his face instantly became furious: "Why should I send it?"

"I sent it to save her life, and you are the one who wants her life. What right do you have to question me?"

"Since you can remember, then you should know why she lost her life. This time it was also because she was pregnant."

"You became her executioner again, I really want to ask God why the one who died was not you."

Torturing his girl time and time again, I really think he is just a display, if it's not that he can't do it, hum...

Then he will move his mouth.

The masked man jumped up from his chair and almost pointed his finger at his nose: "You should go up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil, blow you up 800 times, and stab you 800 times."

Only then can he relieve a little hatred in his heart.

"If you have a conscience, you should leave her as far away as you can."

Pei Jiuyin was scolded by him and kept silent. Although what this man said was not pleasant, everything was true.

But letting him go...impossible.

The child can be left, but Tongtong can't. He just wants the two of them to stay together for the rest of their lives.

"Who are you from Tongtong? Why do you know her affairs so well?"

The masked man put his hands on his waist, looking like he was about to swear: "None of your business."

He paced back and forth in the same place, looking up and down at the man, what's so good about this man, apart from being able to see his face a little bit, what's so good about him?Behold what is not pleasing to the eye.

That girl has a problem with her eyes, and she is asking for trouble when she falls in love with such a man.

"Can you save Tongtong?" This is the purpose of his coming here today.

The masked man took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and sat back in his seat: "Of course people must be saved."

He can't directly participate in Tong Li's cause and effect. God has a small notebook to remember what he did during this period, and he will have to return it one by one when the time comes.

I hope God can give him a root hair.

But if this man did it, it would be a good choice.

The mask groaned and said, "I can't protect the child."

He also tried it in his last life, and the two fetuses formed were very powerful, beyond his control.

But now, before he can change form: "If she can kill the child, in the future..."

His voice stopped abruptly, he looked up at the sky, swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit, and it's better not to say anything later.

Pei Jiuyin asked attentively, "What will you do in the future?"


"The child and her can only choose 2 out of 1."

"I choose Tongtong." Pei Jiuyin replied without hesitation.

The masked man looked at this like-minded man, and changed his opinion slightly: "Then let her hit the child."

Pei Jiuyin expressed his worries: "It's not that easy. I've mentioned to Tongtong the suggestion of getting rid of the child."

"The child in her belly will protest, I can't even get close, and she won't agree."

The masked man raised his eyebrows: "Then it won't work, so let's do it in the dark."

(End of this chapter)

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