Chapter 469 Run away from home (I want to leave, you can't be trapped)
Pei Jiuyin's eyes were gloomy, and his words were weak. If it was the former self, he might still believe her, but he saw it with his own eyes... experienced it personally, and the pain like a knife is still vivid in his memory.

"You have no choice. These two children will only kill you if you stay. I can't have them."

In fact, for the father-to-be, why doesn't he want a child with her? Others may be able to, but she is destined to have no children, and going against the sky will only kill her, so he can't afford to bet.

Pei Jiuyin took a deep breath and said after a while, "Tongtong is obedient, we don't want children anymore."

"We'll just live our lives."

Tong Li's eyes were clouded with tears, then she shook her head slightly.

She does not want to give up her child.

And it's just two children, her children are so obedient, how could they kill her.

Her heart is very firm: "I want to."

But Pei Jiuyin disagreed: "Tongtong..."

Tong Li knew that this man had made up his mind not to have her child, and anyone who hurt his child was a dangerous person.

Tong Li blinked her eyes a few times, she had made up her mind, she turned around and walked out the door.

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Pei Jiuyin knew something was wrong.

He strode up, hugged him into his arms, and tied him tightly, his usual calm voice could not stop trembling: "Tongtong, where are you going?"

Tong Li felt this man's trembling arms and beating heart. She also knew how much this man loved her, but this man wanted to kill her child.

Pei Jiuyin: "I was wrong, Tongtong, don't go, don't leave me."

Tong Li was silent.

Pei Jiuyin was even more frightened and kept apologizing to her.

Tong Li didn't let her anger erode her reason, and she also wanted to have a good time with the two of them: "Then let's keep the child, shall we?"

This time it was Pei Jiuyin's turn to stop talking, because he knew clearly what these two children represented, and choosing a child meant giving up Tong Li.


He couldn't bear the pain of losing her again. God had pity on him and gave him a chance to start over again, not to let him walk the painful road again.

Pei Jiuyin's throat throbbed: "Tongtong...we can live well without children."

It's like a game of chess, if you make a wrong move, you will lose everything. They only need to take that one step, and they will win everything.

Tong Li sneered: So he still wants to abort her child.

Tong Li didn't give him another chance, she put her palm on the back of his hand and pushed him apart forcefully.

Pei Jiuyin increased the strength of his arms, but how could he, a man who was a bit stronger than ordinary men, be able to restrain Tong Li who wanted to leave.

Soon his strength was exhausted, Tong Li forcibly broke him apart, and then pushed him away.

Pei Jiuyin staggered a few steps back before standing still, and immediately ran towards Tong Li again.

Tong Li raised her hand to stop him from coming, and told him clearly: "I want to leave, you can't trap me."

"You've been a little out of your mind recently, so calm yourself down first."

"Where are you going? Don't leave me, without you I..."

Tong Li looked at him, with alienation and indifference in his eyes, looking at the person in front of him, as if he was looking at a passerby: "I'm going to a place where no one wants to harm my child."

"No, you can't go."

Pei Jiuyin's eyes went dark, and he felt the world spinning. Although he couldn't see it, he still shouted, "Tongtong, you can't go."

When he fully recovered, there was only an empty hall and a single open door in front of him.

Everyone explained to him that Tong Li had left.

Such a result is absolutely unacceptable to him.

Pei Jiuyin ran out like crazy, calling out Tong Li's name loudly, and the sensor light of the manor swished on in shock from his shout that resounded through the sky.

The bodyguards hiding in the dark jumped out one after another when they saw such a big commotion.

As soon as Pei Jiuyin saw his bodyguards, he yelled at them, "Quick... quickly help me find Tongtong."

Everyone looked at each other blankly, they had been guarding outside the villa all this time, and they didn't see Madam come out at all.

Seeing that they hadn't moved, Pei Jiuyin became even more manic: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and find them."

Everyone came back to their senses in an instant, and immediately dispersed, checking the surveillance cameras, driving the car, and doing what they were familiar with in an orderly manner.

Pei Jiuyin's face suddenly turned pale, and there was a burst of colic in his heart. He bent down to cover his heart, looked at the dark sky outside, and regretted his attitude just now.

He should appease Tong Li first, and then think of a solution, but it's useless to regret now, since he ran away, it would be difficult to find someone to come back.

By the way, that man.

Regardless of his own pain, Pei Jiuyin hurried back to the room and found the contact token left by the man.

He picked up the jade pendant, pressed a red dot inside, and shouted at the jade pendant.

He did say it, but there was no response. He pressed the red dot and repeated it to him, but there was still no response.

Pei Jiuyin was so angry that he smashed the jade pendant to the ground on the spot.

On the other side, the man with the previous mask was sitting cross-legged on the ground, frowning.

After taking off the mask, he has red lips and white teeth, his facial features are extremely handsome, and his eyes are slightly similar to someone else's.

Suddenly realized that his jade pendant was hot, and just about to take it off, the jade pendant shattered into powder with a bang.


what happened?The shattering of the jade pendant is not a good omen.

He stretched out his hand, pinched his fingers and counted, and was shocked: it happened.

"Come here, come here, hurry up." The man kicked the iron pillars that trapped him.

It was only a few strokes before he was shocked and trembling, his eyes stared like gold stars. hurts him to death.

so cruel.

Not long after, a man in red was walking slowly, with an unknown smile on his face.

"Mingsi, I advise you to be quiet. Your elder brother is only punishing you this time, warning you not to make trouble again, otherwise next time it will be as simple as confinement."

When Ming Si saw someone coming, he immediately took a few steps forward and said anxiously: "Wu Jin, you came just in time, hurry up and open the door for me, something happened to that girl."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Wu Jin looked very disgusted. He pulled out a black feather fan from behind and fanned himself. The place is not too cold or hot, but there is a musty smell, which is unbearable.

If he hadn't seen his old friends locked up here, he would have to come and ridicule him, otherwise he wouldn't have come.

"Mingsi, don't you think you're taking too much care of yourself? What Xiaoli will become in the end is her destiny. The last time you interfered in her affairs, did you forget the punishment you received so quickly?"

Ming Si curled his lips, what is there to remember, isn't it just being struck by lightning a few times, the thunder is like scratching an itch, cut... and there is a little less profound art, and it will gradually come back.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, quickly open the door and let me out."

(End of this chapter)

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