Chapter 478
After Pei Jiuyin came here, Jing Beichen seemed to have disappeared. Anyway, as long as he was there, Jing Beichen would never appear.

This is also very good to avoid conflicts between the two.

Pei Jiuyin couldn't wish for less of an eyesore.

But soon he discovered Tong Li's abnormality. Although Tong Li's waking state was the same as usual, she slept for too long.

But when I asked Tong Li, she said she was fine and it was normal.

He didn't feel normal at all.

No matter how a pregnant woman sleeps, she should have a limit. In a 24-hour day, she must sleep at least 18 hours, which is absolutely abnormal.

But he couldn't do anything about Tong Li's situation.

The only man who knew Tong Li's situation hadn't appeared since that day, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he tried, as if he had disappeared in this world.

And the person he has been thinking about all the time is still locked in the three-point place at this moment.

During this time, he yelled out his throat, but no one let him out.

When he was mourning here alone, a worried person walked in.

Wu Jin looked at Ming Si who was squatting on the ground, her face became more worried.

When Ming Si saw that someone finally came, he was so excited that he almost didn't jump up: "Wu Jin, Wu're finally here."

"Did you go to A Li, and did you let her stay away from Jing Beichen?"

"No, it's been so long, how is Ah Li doing?"

Wu Jin frowned, didn't say anything, and Ming Si jumped up and down anxiously.

"What do you mean, you talk."

Wu Jin took a few steps forward slowly, and Ming Si realized that his feet were limping.

He was taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "What happened to your foot? Was it broken?"

Wu Jin groaned and said in a resentful tone, "It's not because of you."

Hades: "..."

He doesn't take the blame, how long has he been locked up here?How could it be because of him.

"I went to see Ah Li, that Jing Beichen. No, it was Mr. Chizhou, who almost killed me."

Ming Si was slightly puzzled: "Mr. Chi Zhou?"

After reacting, Ming Si widened his eyes and said in disbelief, "He's awake?"

"Cao Na Ah Li is going to die, this turtle grandson messed up the two of them when he was not awake, now he wakes up..."

"What about Pei Jiuyin?"

The last time he saw him he was still as stupid as ever.

"Wu Jin, tell me quickly, how are they doing now." The one who kept silent made him anxious to death.

Wu Jin rolled his eyes at him: "You keep talking non-stop, have you ever given me a chance to speak?"

Hades: "."

He moved his lips, and stopped in time to say something.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Wu Jin reluctantly said: "Mr. Chizhou, the eighth grandson of the Turtle King has indeed come back. He didn't hurt Ah Li, but instead helped her protect the child."

"Impossible." Ming Si bluntly said that it was impossible without even thinking about it. This man helped Ah Li?Absolutely impossible, he's done without stabbing him in the back.

It must be the weasel who gave the chicken New Year's greetings, and it has no good intentions.

Wu Jin shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know."

Ming Si bit his finger, his face full of doubts: "Impossible."

"In my last life, I tried my best to keep Ali, how did he survive?"

"Did you see what he did to Ali?"

Wu Jin shook his head: "No."

"Mr. Chizhou takes Ah Li very seriously, and I have no chance to touch her."

Ming Si asked again: "What about that old boy Pei Jiuyin?"

Wu Jin rolled his eyes at him: "I don't care about his affairs, and you don't want me to participate in his affairs."

He wanted to live a few more years.

Ming Si jumped anxiously: "Coward."

"Then let me out."

"Impossible." Wu Jin flatly refused, there was no room for negotiation to let him go out and participate in Pei Jiuyin's affairs.

Ming Siji's face became distorted, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and he yelled loudly: "Now that Chizhou Jun is back, he must have some kind of conspiracy to help Ah Li, I'm going to kill that bastard turtle."

"Wu Jin, it's really not a joke now, Ah Li's future happiness will only depend on this one time."

"You also watched her grow up since you were a child, and you don't want her to live in pain in the future, do you?"

Wu Jin folded her hands and said nonchalantly, "A bowl of Mengpo soup can solve the problem, so there's nothing to worry about."

"And isn't that great? If the two of them can't be together, Ah Li will stay by your side honestly. Don't you dislike Pei Jiuyin? Why are you helping them like this?"

Ming Si really wanted to drown him with his saliva: "You know what, as long as Ah Li likes it, I will help her fight for it."

Ming Si's eyes suddenly dimmed: "I don't want her to leave regrets for the rest of her life."

Wu Jin was stunned for a while, before saying: "This is not an excuse for you to interfere with them, it is the fate of the three of them, what will happen in the end is determined by God, I advise you to worry less. "

"No matter what happens to Ah Li in the end, if they are promoted, we wish them well, and if they really fail, then come back.

"What happens in the end is A Li's fate."

Ming Si squatted down, clasped his head in his hands and didn't speak for a long time, and murmured: "Go to hell."

"What exactly does Mr. Chi Zhou want to do?"


Pei Jiuyin observed for a few more days, and recorded Tong Li's sleeping and waking time in his heart. Later, he gradually discovered a pattern. Tong Li's daily sleeping time seemed to be set by an alarm clock, and it would increase by 5 minutes every day without error.

And her waking time will be reduced by 5 minutes, and it will increase every day.

If it continues like this, will Ah Li sleep forever with this one day.

He panicked.

This time the servant just brought in the medicine, and whenever Tong Li was about to wake up, someone would bring a bowl of medicine on time.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the medicine and asked her to put it aside.

The servant did so, and then quietly retreated to the side to watch.

"Where is Jing Beichen?" Pei Jiuyin asked suddenly.

Why Tong Li became like this, I can only ask who knows best.

"The young master is in Qinyang Villa. The young master told me that if you need to find him, you can move over there, and he will be there for you at any time." The servant replied respectfully, without a word of unnecessary nonsense.

Pei Jiuyin's heart sank, obviously the people over there knew about Tong Li's situation and were waiting for him to come to the door.

He looked at Tong Li who was sleeping soundly, and reached out to touch her rosy cheeks, his starry eyes were full of tenderness: "Tong Tong, I won't let you bother."

Tong Li on the bed seemed to hear Pei Jiuyin's voice, she didn't open her eyes immediately, but rubbed her cheek against his palm.

The man's hand was warm, large, and secure.

Tong Li whispered: "Aren't you bored by being with me all day long?"

Pei Jiuyin scratched the tip of her small nose with another finger, and smiled: "How could it be, I wish for it."

"Get up and drink the medicine when you wake up, and the medicine will be cold after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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