The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 480 This dawdling man thinks she is crazy

Chapter 480 This dawdling man thinks she is crazy
Pei Jiuyin took it steadily, and there was a burst of heat from the things inside. He spread his hands, looked at the things in his hands, and his eyes darkened.

From the time he received this thing, the way to go in the future has been determined.

Jing Beichen looked at the disappearing figure with a triumphant smile on his face.

"I spent so much money to set up the game, Pei Jiuyin I can't touch you, so I will let you end yourself with your own hands."

"It's just one step away, but don't let me down."

However, his unwillingness has no effect on him. If Tong Li can't give birth to this child safely, it will be a dead end, and this catastrophe will undoubtedly fail.

Even if Ping An gave birth to a child, she would not have the strength to cross the catastrophe, and she would help him weaken Pei Jiuyin's strength...

No matter what the calamity was, it had no effect on him.

On the contrary, they have no way to retreat now.

Jing Beichen stood up and patted the non-existing dust on his chest, blew a whistle, turned and went upstairs.

As soon as he left, a fluffy tail appeared in the corner of the living room, and then disappeared into the living room after flashing twice.


Tong Li slept until midnight and was so hungry that she opened her eyes in a daze.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Pei Jiuyin sitting on the stool, looking straight at her.

"Wake up." Pei Jiuyin stood up and put his hands on her shoulders, making her sit up.

Tong Li looked at the sky outside, it was already pitch black: "Why didn't you sleep."

Pei Jiuyin smiled, and reached out to help her straighten her messy hair: "I just want to look at you."

"Are you hungry? Shall I bring the meal?"

Tong Li stared at him for a while, then shook her head: "I want to go down and eat."

Sleeping all day, her bones are about to fall apart, so she naturally wants to move more while she is awake.


Pei Jiuyin helped Tong Li get dressed, and after confirming that she was not too cold, he led her downstairs.

He took Tong Li to the dining table and sat down, then went into the kitchen to bring out the food from the incubator.

It's just that her appetite is not very good, and she can't eat any more after she is [-]% full.

Pei Jiuyin glanced at the food, but said nothing.

Tong Li wiped her mouth with a tissue, and looked at him with piercing eyes: "Why are you acting weird today?"

Normally if she ate less, Pei Jiuyin would definitely persuade her, but today...

Pei Jiuyin smiled, and lightly rubbed the top of her hair: "No, it's just a little tired to deal with the company's affairs."

"Take a break when you're tired. You don't have to watch over me all day, and I don't know how to run."

Pei Jiuyin put away the secret shock in his heart, smiled and did not answer: "Are you full?"


"Go, I'll take you for a walk."

It was windy and snowy outside, and it was not suitable to go out, so the two of them walked leisurely in this huge living room.

"I heard that the plum blossoms are blooming in Meiyuan. I'll take you to see them tomorrow."

"But I..." Tong Li was a little hesitant, she only had enough time to wake up to eat by herself, and if she went out to enjoy the plum blossoms, she was afraid that she would fall asleep halfway through.

Pei Jiuyin held her thin palm tightly, and said after a while, "It's okay, Jing Beichen said that I will change your medicine tomorrow, and your spirit will be better then."

"Really?" Tong Li raised her head and looked at him like a mirror, as if no lie could hide in her eyes.

But she didn't see anything wrong with Pei Jiuyin's face.

Tong Li lowered her eyes: "Then see the situation tomorrow."

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it's not good for a daughter-in-law to be too powerful, even the slightest disturbance by herself can't escape her eyes.

The two walked for about ten minutes, and then sat on the sofa for a while.

Tong Li shrank her feet and shuddered inexplicably: "Pei Jiuyin, I'm a little cold."

Pei Jiuyin looked up and looked around. There was heating in the room, and she was wearing a sweater with good warmth and a thin coat, but she still said it was cold.

He hugged Tong Li tightly, trying to transfer all the heat from his body to her body.

"Is it warm?"

"Warm, but not warm enough." Tong Li nodded with flickering eyes, wondering if it was because of the heat, a blush slowly rose on her face.

Pei Jiuyin didn't mean to get her, and looked a lot nervous: "Then I'll turn up the heat."

Tong Li's face froze, and the atmosphere was inexplicably frozen.

Pei Jiuyin still looked sullen.

She tightened her clothes and came out of Pei Jiuyin's arms with a cold expression: "I'll just go back to the room and cover myself with a quilt."

Pei Jiuyin looked at Tong Li's angry back, froze in place, and gradually frowned: Tong Tong seems to be angry?
He didn't seem to say anything!

What are you angry about?

mad at him?
After returning to the room, Tong Li lay back on the bed, covered the quilt, picked up the parenting book Pei Jiuyin put on the bedside table, and turned the pages back and forth, but her attention was not on the book at all.

Pei Jiuyin couldn't figure out what he had done wrong, and followed up timidly. Seeing Tong Li holding the book upside down, he felt even more uneasy.

The daughter-in-law must be very angry, even holding the book upside down.

He came to the bed with small steps, and clasped his fingers slightly: "Tongtong, are you angry? Did I say something wrong? Or did I do something wrong?"

Tong Li raised her eyes to meet his aggrieved gaze, feeling very depressed in her heart.

I don't know if it's my problem or his problem, a person of her age is here. Why doesn't he think about it at all?

Obviously, she was always pestering her in the past, but now hey, men are really fickle and natural.

Being inexplicably angry, Pei Jiuyin still couldn't figure out what was going on. He thought about everything today, and he definitely didn't say or do anything wrong.

I just don't know why Tongtong is suddenly angry.

Is it pregnancy anxiety?

Pei Jiuyin sat by the bed, straightened the book in her hand, and said solemnly: "Tongtong, is there something unhappy in your heart? It is said in the book that pregnant mothers will have different degrees of anxiety. You If anything happens, don’t worry, just let me know.”

"do you know?"

Tong Li raised her hand and rubbed her forehead. Her hint just now was quite obvious, but others seemed to think she was just crazy.

She is depressed.

"I am fine."

Pei Jiuyin listened to this emotional tone, and then looked at her slightly frowning brows. There was no smile on her face, which was completely due to anxiety during pregnancy.

What is he going to do?He has studied it before.

But suddenly I can't remember anything.

"Tongtong, do you want me to ask a doctor to come and take a look? This is a psychological problem, and a professional doctor should be better."

"Or, what do you want, where do you want to go, you tell me, don't hold things in your heart, it's easy to hold yourself back."

Tong Li frowned deeper, hesitated for a while, and nodded.


She has always been outspoken about what she wants, why should she be so secretive.

"I think."

Pei Jiuyin looked at her seriously.

"want you."

Pei Jiuyin: "."

The two looked at each other in blank dismay, seemingly calm on the surface, but waves were rolling inside.

Pei Jiuyin pressed his lips tightly, took a deep breath, and kept himself from laughing out loud.

Although I was extremely happy in my heart, I still had scruples about "your body..."

Tong Li looked at the dawdling man, stretched out his hand and used his skill to bring the man to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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