The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 486 Should I give up on the deadly situation that makes people bruised and bruised?

Chapter 486 Should I give up on the deadly situation that makes people bruised and bruised?
"I am fine."

She just felt tired all of a sudden.

If a relationship requires him to pay such a huge price...

She's just not worth it for him.

"Your company is so busy, why don't we go back to the capital."

Pei Jiuyin's face froze, and an alarm bell sounded in his heart: "Why do you want to go back all of a sudden?"

"Is it because I don't have time for you?"

"Then I will do less during the day and stay with you, okay?"

Tong Li moved the corner of her mouth, and said tactfully: "No, it's a bit cold here, I can't go anywhere, I want to go back."

Pei Jiuyin nodded clearly. In fact, he didn't want to be here either, just because Tong Li had to rely on Jing Beichen before. In the current situation, it's not impossible to go back.

"But your condition has just stabilized, what if something happens when you leave now?"

Tong Li pretended to be fine: "I know my body well. I chose this place because the aura here is cleaner, but there is still a gap compared to your home."

"I also know Jing Beichen's prescription, so we don't need to rely on him to find all the ingredients."

"Pei Jiuyin, let's go back."

Pei Jiuyin frowned, thought about it seriously, and thought it was okay, but for the sake of prudence, he still had to ask Jing Beichen.

Tong Li saw that he was still hesitating, and her tone was heavy, with a tone that did not allow others to refuse: "I want to go back, and I will go back now."

Pei Jiuyin was slightly startled: "So anxious."

Tong Li nodded: There is no time to wait, plus she has taken five days of medicine today, and there are still four days left, she can't let him hurt herself anymore, she wants to send him back to the capital to end everything.

Let him... live his life well!
Pei Jiuyin frowned tightly, with a complicated expression: "How about tomorrow?"

Tong Li sighed inwardly, put her arms around his waist, and pressed her head lightly on his right chest.

She was already so close, but she still couldn't smell the blood on his body.

Suddenly her head seemed to hit something.

Tong Li put his hand on the slightly raised spot, and Pei Jiuyin grabbed it as soon as he touched it.

Tong Li raised her head and looked at him suspiciously.

Pei Jiuyin forced a smile to cover up the panic in her eyes, and diverted her attention: "Aren't you going back? I'll make arrangements."

Tong Li lowered her eyes and stood up straight, a little further away from him: "Yes."

Then she looked at him and said calmly, "Let's fight."

Pei Jiuyin: "."

"What? Can't contact me in front of me?"

Pei Jiuyin shook his head, puzzled by Tong Li's aggressiveness?Why do you have to leave immediately when you wake up?

"let's hit."

Tong Li is determined to leave today, and will not give him any chance to contact Jing Beichen.

Pei Jiuyin had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and ask them to arrange a special plane back to the capital.

It took only an hour from arrangement to departure, and everyone was at a loss except Tong Li.

No one knew why she was suddenly anxious to go back.

When Jing Beichen found out, Pei Jiuyin and the others had already boarded the plane back to the capital.

Pei Jiuyin sat on the chair, after much deliberation, he still felt that something was wrong: "Tongtong, why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

Could it be that something happened that he didn't know?

Moreover, Tong Li is not the kind of person who can be tempered. This decision was too sudden and abnormal. For some reason, his heart was flustered.

Tong Li stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and the two intertwined their fingers, inseparable. She smiled and said, "I'm a little homesick, I want to go back and have a look."

Pei Jiuyin was startled, this homesickness touched his heart.

Although I still felt a little strange, I didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, let's go home."

Tong Li tilted the back chair a bit, and looked up at the sky outside the window halfway. The atmosphere between the two was quiet and warm, which made people's nerves unknowingly relaxed.

"Pei Jiuyin."

Jing Beichen: "Huh?"

Tong Li asked softly: "What do you like about me?"

Pei Jiuyin looked at her sideways, and a few rays of the setting sun radiated on her through the window, making her pretty face even more dazzling, and the light emanating from her was enough to ignite the silent heart in his heart. heart.

No matter at any time, she is his fire, the fire that can ignite him, without her, he will be trapped in that dark corner for the rest of his life.

She asked him what he liked about her.

"Tongtong, do you like day or night?"

Tong Li thought for a while: "Daytime."

Daytime represents a new life, it allows people to do a lot of things, people can act without restriction, and they can do whatever they want. At night, she will inexplicably fall into anxiety. If there is a choice between day and night, she will naturally choose daytime.

Pei Jiuyin smiled and held her hand even tighter: "I like the dark night, I can hide myself in the dark night, no one can see the real me, the quiet environment will relax my body and mind, and make me very comfortable. "

"But I know that my heart is longing for the day and sunshine. I have grown up so much that no ray of sunshine can shine into my heart."

"Until you show up."

"It's you who make you feel the warmth of the day and feel its beauty."

"Like, it's an indescribable feeling, I only know that you are my day, you can radiate my vitality, you can tear my night apart, and let me live under the sun."

"Without you, I'm like a walking dead. To me, living is just living, and it doesn't make any sense."

"Tongtong, as long as it's you, I like everything, it's a kind of liking engraved in my soul."

"Do you understand?"

Tong Li turned her head and met his smiling eyes, a surge of emotion rose in her heart, this man... .

Perseverance made her feel bad.

But what to do?
She can't solve this deadlock, and she has no ability to solve it.

As Jing Beichen said before, the two of them are not suitable.

The hurdle ahead is too big for them to cross, forcibly crossing it will only make everyone bruised and bruised. She can't hurt him for her own feelings.

I'm sorry, Pei Jiuyin, let's...forget it.

A soreness welled up in Tong Li's eyes, she quickly turned her head away, pursed her lips tightly, and closed her eyes to hide the real emotion in her eyes.

This was the first time she couldn't restrain her emotions. He was the only one who could hurt him in this world, but he was also hurting her.


"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin called Tongli a few times and ignored her, feeling very puzzled.

But watching her eyes tightly closed, forget it.

"Sleep when you're tired, and you'll be there when you wake up."

Pei Jiuyin flattened her chair so that she could sleep more comfortably, and beckoned someone to bring a quilt to cover her.

Then he lay down and squinted for a while, maybe he was really sleepy, and not long after he lay down, his breathing became even.

Tong Li next to her opened her eyes, turned over and looked at his sleeping face, a teardrop slipped from the corner of her eye, and her heart felt aching.


"Pei Jiuyin..."

"In this life, I have betrayed you. You have to be good in the future, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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