The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 488 Forget about the past and live a safe life

After hearing the bodyguard's words, Pei Jiuyin returned to the room in a daze, and walked to the table in a daze. When he lowered his eyes, he saw a few pieces of paper being pressed under the cup.

There was a dried-up water stain on the front piece of paper, and he seemed to be able to see Tong Li writing something on it, but he didn't want to read what she wrote, but he had to.

Pei Jiuyin struggled a few times in his heart, and finally picked up the few pieces of paper. When he saw the words on them, his blood seemed to be frozen, his body consciousness was slowly taken away, his feet were soft, a little He slumped down on the chair in embarrassment, his recovered heart throbbed with pain, which made him suffocate.

He covered his heart and closed his eyes, and silently recited to himself in his heart, this is not real, he must be dreaming.

But Tong Li's voice could not be restrained in his ear, and all he could think of was the scene where she wrote these words.

Pei Jiuyin, I'm leaving, don't look for me, the meeting must be destined, and the fate must be separated.

God has been very kind to us, so that people from our two worlds can come together!
The few months of getting to know you and falling in love with you are the most fulfilling days for me.

I am ashamed to say that in this relationship, I am stupid, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say.

Thinking about the days we used to get along, I always hurt you unintentionally and pushed you away, but you are arrogant and tolerate me time and time again, forgive me.

I am very glad that I met you, and you gave me a fulfilling life.

I am not good at expressing the love in my heart with words. I know what you have done for me, but this love is too heavy for me, and I cannot bear it.

We all want to open up a bit, the fog will eventually clear after a long time, and life will return to its original state when the fog clears, just like us now, we have tried our best in this relationship, but in the end we found that it was not suitable at all.

Although this relationship will make us feel uncomfortable, we should not cling to things that have no results...  

He just skimmed over the rest of the words in a hurry, but the last sentence made his head rush with blood, as if his head was about to explode.

'The beauty has already gone and will not be returned. I hope you don't worry about it, forget the past, and live a good life. ,
In just a few hundred words, every word expressed her determination to leave, and she attributed this relationship to inappropriateness.

What a ridiculous reason.

No wonder she came back as soon as she woke up. Did she want to take him out of the wolf den and leave with peace of mind?
But how did she know that not only did they get along for a few months, God sent her back to her side again, how could it be that they missed each other.

God sent him here to make up for the mistakes he made before.

He already knew he was wrong, he corrected it, and he did everything he had to do in order to change the ending.

But she still left, she didn't want him anymore.



Pei Jiuyin couldn't catch his breath, and with a puff, blood spurted out, and the paper in his hand was stained with bits and pieces of blood.

With a plop, the person who was sitting well just now fell to the ground weakly like a kite with a broken string, and the palms were still tightly clutching the few pieces of paper.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and his consciousness became weaker and weaker. He didn't want to faint, and he still wanted to find someone, but the eyelids were like a thousand pounds, and the light in his eyes gradually disappeared... ....
After hearing the voice inside, the bodyguards with extraordinary hearing rushed in. Seeing the man lying on the ground, they rushed towards him at the fastest speed.



When Qu Rui received the call, he was stunned. He hadn't asked Pei Jiuyin for a long time.

He sent his sister away and stayed abroad for a while, and it wasn't long before he came back. They thought that if they sent their sister away, they would live together in peace and happiness.

I never expected that when I got news from them again, something happened.

Qu Rui immediately put down his work, picked up his medical bag, and hurried to Pei's house.

It took two hours to drive from Qu's house to Pei's house, but it took him only one hour to get there in an emergency.

He also saw Pei Jiuyin lying lifeless on the bed.

"What's the matter with Jiuyin?" Qu Rui panted slightly, and asked the bodyguard beside him anxiously.

He lifted the quilt and took out Pei Jiuyin's hand. He wanted to feel his pulse, but found that he was tightly clutching a few pieces of paper.

He was startled, and cast a questioning look at the bodyguard.

Only then did the bodyguard say: "Miss Tong left a letter and left. The master couldn't stand the stimulation after reading it. He vomited a mouthful of blood and then passed out."

"Leaving?" Qu Rui gasped.

"Why go?" Aren't they both fine all the time?His younger sister, who has been acting strangely, was also sent to a nursing home abroad by him.

"Did Qu Shao just come back from abroad?" Otherwise, as long as he is in China, it is impossible for him not to know about the matter of the master looking for someone before.

Qu Rui rested his fingers on Pei Jiuyin's wrist while replying to the bodyguard.

"I've been abroad for a while." He wanted to keep himself quiet and didn't deliberately try to understand domestic affairs.

"The madam and the master had a conflict before because of some things. The madam ran away once, and the master took half his life to find the madam."

"The two also reconciled. This time, I don't know why. Before she left, let's get rid of the master and let him stop being attached to her."

Although she said these words calmly at the time, he knew that she was determined to leave and never come back.

Qu Rui frowned: "What happened last time?"

The bodyguard looked at him blankly, thinking whether to tell him this time.

"It seems that because the master didn't want the fetus in the wife's womb, he did something. After the lady found out, the lady left."

"We don't know why this time. It's just that we suddenly received a message that we were coming back. When we got off the plane, we noticed that something was wrong, but Madam didn't let us ask."

"Not long after she came back, she left."

Qu Rui frowned deeper: "Then why don't you stop her?"

The bodyguard gave him a sideways look, as if he was calling him an idiot, could they stop it with Madam's ability?

Qu Rui withdrew his hand and put his hand under the quilt.

Bodyguard: "How is it?"

Qu Rui shook his head: "Judging from the pulse, he's just out of breath, nothing happened."

"You just came back? Where did you come back from?"


Jing Beichen was also shocked to hear the news of Tong Li's departure, and what Tong Li was most nervous about was the fetus in her womb. Before she gave birth safely, she could not leave regardless.

Even if she wanted to leave, Pei Jiuyin still had some unspeakable things with him, so it was impossible for him to leave without saying a word.

He immediately sent someone to investigate, but before the results of the investigation were found, he heard that Tong Li had sent Pei Jiuyin back, and she left immediately, and no one knew where she had gone. .
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